The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1554: Turkey to the Islamic Federation

Russia sent troops to Ukraine and caught the United States by surprise.

Although there are many secret cooperation between the United States and Russia, this secret cooperation does not mean that the United States completely ignores Ukraine's problems.

Now the whole of Europe is rioting, and the most worried thing in the United States still appears.

Once this matter fails to give Europe an explanation, the global status of the United States will face the most serious threat.

After all, it is not a day or two for Europe to get rid of the influence of the United States. Once the United States is unable to take control of Europe, is there still a need for NATO as an organization?

Europeans are in charge of European affairs. The emergence of the European Union and the Eurozone is a rebellious attitude towards the United States.

If this incident cannot give Europe an explanation, I am afraid that Europe will really be determined to completely break away from the control of the United States.

Just when the United States was scratching its head for this, another unexpected incident made the United States worse for a while.

Mozabi, who has just taken office as President of Turkey only a few days ago, after completely controlling the situation in Turkey, suddenly announced that Turkey will improve relations with the Islamic Federation and cease all military assistance and support to the United States and NATO allies.

At the same time, Turkey also requires that all NATO troops in Turkey must withdraw from Turkey within one week.

The two air bases borrowed by the US military from Turkey must also be withdrawn.

Turkey will completely leave NATO.

The news was like a blow, so that the United States could not find the East, the West, the North and the South.

However, this is not a joke. At the time of the day, the Turkish government had begun to control the NATO offices in Turkey and demanded that NATO offices be withdrawn from Turkey within 24 hours.

At the same time, Turkey also officially announced that the country has entered a state of emergency and ceased all assistance to NATO members.

As soon as this news came out, the entire NATO was in an uproar.

Prior to this, the United States, Britain, France, and Italy were all negotiating with Turkey to open up a new battlefield against the Syrian Federation.

Turkey's withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is like slashing the mouth of the United States in front of the world.

Although the outside world does not know it, all countries know that the success of the Mozabi coup was supported by the United States.

No one would have thought that the first time Mozabi took the top spot in Turkey, he turned around and stabbed the United States.

No one can easily accept this change, let alone the United States.

Not to mention that the Americans can’t accept this matter. There is also a cloud in the Russian Kremlin.

The moment when Putong and Jing heard the news, the whole person was stunned. Cai Ruichen's young and confident face appeared in his mind.

At this moment, Putin and Beijing have come to understand that Turkey is definitely a barb released by Cai Ruichen, seduce the United States and Russia, and then the Islamic Federation fully benefits.

But what's the use if you want to understand?

Putong and Jing knew very well that the arrow of Li Xuan and the fact that it could not be recovered, sending troops to Ukraine was very likely to be a wrong decision, but now they can only bite the bullet and go on.

Cai Ruichen never said a word about Russia’s military dispatch to Ukraine from beginning to end. Everything was attributable to his own ambitions.

Putting the reaction, Putin and Jing also understood that they had voluntarily jumped into the trap created by Cai Ruichen.

Perhaps it cannot be said to be a sinking, after all, if the war in Ukraine can end quickly, then it will also be Russia's great opportunity.

The second reaction is the United States, but the United States does not understand why Mozabi, who has always been under American control, betrayed the United States so suddenly?

The United States, who does not understand this problem, has no time to think about why.

When Turkey turned back, the Turkish army intentionally or unintentionally began to surround NATO's troops in Turkey.

This makes the French, Italian and British troops in Turkey suddenly extremely dangerous.

The two air bases borrowed by the United States in Turkey, whether they are personnel or aircraft, are also very dangerous.

This is the problem that needs to be solved at present.

The same very crucial question is also placed before the United States. Is it necessary for this war to continue?

Austria and Bama specially convened a meeting at the highest level to discuss the possibility of the continuation of this war. In fact, Austria and Bama have already understood very well that this war has not continued at all after Turkey’s backwaters. It is necessary to continue, and it can even be said that there is no chance to continue.

But he needs to have an explanation to the interest groups in the United States, and he needs to have an explanation to the European allies.

The war in Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, two wars, the United States can only abandon one.

The Middle East involves the fundamental interests of the United States.

Ukraine’s problem is related to the overall security situation in Europe.

One is myself and the other is an ally.

At this time, the United States cannot choose a choice that is more in line with its own interests, because the United States has no choice.

The most important thing is that now France and Britain have shifted their focus to the Ukrainian war.

Even if the French want to seek revenge from the Islamic Federation, unfortunately, France has no chance.

The security situation in Europe is imminent, and the French have no choice but to make a choice.

The British also followed the interests of Europe. At this time, the British did not have much energy to focus on the Middle East.

Because of this war in the Middle East, Britain and France have lost sight of the benefits that the United States had promised.

Without Turkey, the end of the war going on is just an endless death and consumption.

Just when Austria and Bama held the highest-level, an unexpected good news also spread in the United States.

Future biomedical technology companies have developed specific drugs that can completely save 8 million people in Washington, and the specific drugs are about to start clinical trials.

As soon as this news came out, the anti-war voices of American citizens became louder.

A large number of members of the US Congress have also called for an immediate end to this war that has become meaningless.

As for revenge, this is not the time for the United States at all. Such a war will eventually only suffer more losses and even lead to a complete collapse of the US global interests.

A large number of American media have also begun to take advantage of the anti-war public opinion and expand their anti-war speech.

And these are masterpieces of Obama and Bama, because he really didn't want the war to go on, even if it made him bear the reputation of defeat, he would not hesitate.

(To be continued.)

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