The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1555: Truce with the United States

Turkey's betrayal caused a global uproar. Le Wen.

As the core protagonist of the whole incident, Mozabi also formally issued a statement that the reason for withdrawing from NATO and rejecting this war is for Turkey's future security strategy considerations.

Turkey originally had a lot of economic cooperation with the Islamic Federation. Since the establishment of the Islamic Federation, it has established good relations with Turkey.

As a neighboring country, there is too much in common in the interests of the Middle East.

Moreover, once Turkey participates in this war, it is also very likely to push Turkey into a situation of total turmoil.

The most important thing is that Turkey's strategy has been completely adjusted. Before Erdogan came to power, he had begun to change from a westward strategy to an eastward strategy.

The Middle East and Asia are the core directions of Turkey's future strategic interests.

To this end, Mozabi personally published a paragraph on his Weibo, explaining the most direct reason why he did not want war.

"War is not cool at all, if it is cool, it is also cruel!"

This passage of Mozabi has won the support of countless people in Turkey. War has never been beautiful. If there is peace, it is still more peaceful.

The Turks have experienced too much cruelty from the wars in Iraq and Syria.

Mozabi's words came to the heart of every Turk.

And on Turkey’s national television and a large number of online social platforms, the outcome of the war once Turkey participates in this war is also analyzed.

The powerful military power displayed by the Islamic Federation cannot be resisted by the hundreds of thousands of Turkish armies.

Even if it can be confronted and resisted, the Turkish army will inevitably suffer great casualties.

Moreover, Turkey, which is on the side of the Islamic Federation, will inevitably become the key target of the Islamic Federation's long-range weapons, and the whole Turkey will be caught in the flames of war.

Even if this war can be won, what Turkey loses will far exceed the benefits gained from victory in the war.

Soon, various powerful military propaganda of the Islamic Federation began in various Turkish media.

The Turkish channel of the US cable television network also broadcasted the current national situation in Turkey.

The vast majority of Turks are unwilling to go to war with the Syrian Federation, which leaves the United States with nothing to say about the next time.

In fact, since two or three years ago, Turkey was a super peaceful country, and the whole country was at peace. This peace has been maintained for decades.

Although there are occasional military coups, they have no effect on ordinary Turkish people.

The war, for the Turkish people, is too far away but also very close.

Mozabi's decision completely allowed him to consolidate his position in Turkey.

At the same time, many countries around the world began to understand Mozambi's approach.

Comparing heart to heart, there are not a few countries that place Turkey in the position of daring to wage war against the Islamic Federation.

After all, the powerful United States has suffered such a big defeat, and it is completely impossible for Turkey to contend.

However, the Japanese couldn't sit still anymore. Seeing that this war was about to end in a hurry, the Asahi Shimbun sharply criticized Turkey.

But the voice of the Japanese family was quickly drowned in the public opinion of the whole world.

A large number of international humanitarian organizations and peace organizations have praised Turkey, and even the Nobel Peace, Peace, and Prizes have stated that the spirit of Mozabi is worthy of study by heads of state.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also bluntly said in an interview with Western media reporters: "President Mozabi has made the most wise choice. I am looking forward to meeting with President Mozabi in the near future."

Mozabi also announced immediately that he would make an official state visit to the Islamic Federation in one month.

When the news came out, the Turkish Foreign Minister was already on the plane to the Islamic Federation.

Soon this news also appeared in major media. The Turkish Foreign Minister, who had just stepped down from Marin International Airport, was immediately surrounded by reporters.

During the interview, the Turkish Foreign Minister also officially announced that his trip was to repair diplomatic relations with the Islamic and Syrian Federation and to lift some of the small-scale military conflicts on the border that had been caused by misunderstandings.

The Islamic Federation also gave a high-level reception to the visiting foreign minister of Turkey. Although Cai Ruichen did not personally meet the Turkish Foreign Minister, Idris, who is also the prime minister of the highest authority of the Islamic Federation, received him. It also redefined the friendly bilateral relationship between the two sides.

After this meeting, commercial cooperation that had been suspended began to resume, and the suspended high-speed rail construction work also resumed.

The Syrian-Israel Federation also once again opened up its export restrictions to Turkey, and the relationship between the two sides immediately returned to normal.

This kind of complete acceptance by the Islamic Federation has also relieved a large number of high-level Turkish government officials.

Betraying the United States is enough to make many high-level members of the Turkish government worry about it. If the Islamic Federation does not buy it, then Turkey will be inhumane inside and outside.

Fortunately, such a situation did not appear, and the attitude of the Islamic Federation made Turkey completely relieved.

For the United States, the situation is irreversible.

Although the interest groups in the United States are not reconciled, in the face of such a situation, there is already a nationwide voice against the war, and in the end they can only adopt an attitude that depends on the situation.

This attitude depends on whether the interests of interest groups in the Middle East can be guaranteed.

Moreover, even if this war is about to end, it cannot be the end of the United States with the reputation of being But anyway, once this war is stopped, the United States will be like a frustrated balloon. No Few people all at once relaxed a lot.

Since it is going to have peace talks with the Yi-Syrian Federation, it can only be done sooner rather than later.

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry also set off for the Syrian Federation at the first time. Before the talks officially begin, there must be a truce first!

The Islamic Federation also welcomed Kerry's arrival and agreed to the United States. Both sides announced a truce for 15 days.

Real peace negotiations will also begin within these fifteen days.

As soon as this news spread, it also made the whole world more or less relieved. At least both sides of the war know how to restrain.

It’s just that it’s still too early to say peace. After all, if the terms of the two parties cannot agree, the war will continue. The truce is only a short period, and there is no armistice agreement. It is just that the two sides verbally say that they will not fight for the time being.

(To be continued.)

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