The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1556: Show trump card

The field training base in the southwest of the Iraqi Principality of the Iraq-Syria Federation is a super-large actual combat training center built by Cai Ruichen for the Red Police Corps.

The entire training center is located in the center of the endless prairie. Construction of this actual combat training base has begun before the desert becomes a prairie.

It has been constructed for nearly three years, and it is basically close to completion.

The entire training base is based on urban combat simulations. In the training center, an empty city capable of accommodating at least 100,000 people was built.

There are no residents in this city, but everything the city has can be seen here, and all kinds of social public security services are also readily available.

Even the furnishings and decorations of each household are completely the same as those of normal households. They have everything and they can move in directly with their bags.

Moreover, the building structure here is strictly in accordance with the standards of the building structure strength of densely populated cities.

But in this city, from the completion of the construction to the completion of the renovation, the completion of urban greening and road lighting, no one has ever lived in it.

It also immediately became a huge field training ground, where it was specially used to test the actual effects of all urban combat equipment.

Although the virtual reality technology of the base can simulate the scene 100%, the weapons and equipment inside are also simulated. Soldiers can train tactics and use the equipment inside, but the war is conducted in reality. The training of soldiers can be done with simulated reality technology, but the reliability of equipment and the performance in the face of high-intensity combat require field testing.

Since the completion of this training base, the daily training here has not been interrupted, and the most used is the inspection of weapons and military equipment.

The performance data of all weapons and equipment suitable for urban combat in this city is not too different from actual combat.

After all, the training base is a training base. Although it is exactly the same as a normal city, it also has a lot of necessary equipment.

Strength inspection equipment, automatic damage assessment system for building structure, and real-time monitoring of every blind spot and panoramic view all over the city.

This time Cai Ruichen came, it was also his first time to come to this training base.

It's just that in Cai Ruichen's motorcade, there are more than a dozen special cars dedicated to receiving foreign guests.

The convoy passed through the fence and immediately entered the training base.

The first mechanized infantry brigade of the Marin Division is undergoing rotation training in the training base, neatly lined up, like a military parade to welcome the arrival of Cai Ruichen.

The first complete mechanized infantry brigade is also the most elite basic army combat unit of the Red Police Corps. It is also the first fully established mechanized infantry brigade since the development of the Red Police Corps.

The brigade has more than 8,000 people, twelve battalions of combat units, and various units directly under it. The combat effectiveness is no less than that of the armored divisions of foreign armies.

Moreover, all actions of the brigade will be supported by the entire system of the Red Police Corps, and it is a fast-reaction force that can be deployed globally in the first time.

At present, this unit is undergoing brand-new equipment innovation, and every soldier is basically equipped with the latest individual combat system.

The weapons and equipment used by the army are also the most advanced of the Red Police Corps. In short, all new equipment suitable for mechanized infantry operations will be given priority to satisfy the first mechanized infantry brigade.

Any brigade-level unit of the Marin Division is similarly the most elite organization, and the Marin Division will also be directly under the command of the Supreme Command of the Red Police Corps. It is also the backbone of Cai Ruichen's plan to form the Forbidden and Guard Group Army in the future.

At this moment, in the training base, the first mechanized infantry brigade with solemn military capacity is lined up on the side of the road.

Each soldier is equipped with a complete individual combat suit and a holographic communication helmet. Although the soldier's face is not visible, the powerful style it exudes is undiminished.

But at this moment, all the foreign guests who were invited in the very slow-moving special car, all looked at the neatly lined soldiers on the side in shock.

Full-metal helmet, exoskeleton armor, personal terminal on the wrist, individual panoramic camera...

These things are only the new generation of individual equipment being developed or imagined by various countries, and the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard has already begun to carry out large-scale equipment.

In particular, Lieutenant General Anders, the US peace talk representative in the convoy, looked at the troops close at hand outside, and he seemed to have a feeling of crossing into the future.

What makes him feel this way the most is that the heavy infantry and magnetic storm infantry that quickly appeared in his eyes, the individual armor covering the whole body, and the supporting professional mecha weapons, should be decades after human development. It should be a product.

But Anders was very clear that he did not transcend time and space, but that the technology of the times suddenly took too much stride, so that he had such a ridiculous illusion.

Fortunately, not all the so-called troops of the Iraq-Syrian Federation are like this. The troops in front of us are just like pilot troops. There are similar specialized troops in the United States, but they are not as large as others.

However, at this moment, Anders' mood is extremely complicated. Seeing these equipment is second, but he was invited over from the moment he got off the plane, and Cai Ruichen naturally showed himself the army ace.

Cai Ruichen's complete self-confidence display made Anders naturally unable to calm down.

However, as a lieutenant general of the air force, Anders still pays more attention to the air force equipment of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation. Originally thought, when only the Iraqi-Syria Federal Guard Army could be seen here, behind the first mechanized infantry brigade lined up, a Long tarmac.

The tarmac is full of various military aircraft ~ ~ like a small air show.

The parking lot was right next to the apron, and the convoy stopped in the parking lot. When everyone got out of the car, they saw the apron which was only 50 meters apart.

All kinds of aircraft are unreservedly displayed in front of everyone.

Apart from Anders, all the people invited here are the heads of the Middle East countries.

There are Iran’s current supreme spiritual leader Akadullah, Saudi Arabia’s new King Naif, Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Qatar’s King... etc.

The air force equipment displayed in front of them was not the air force equipment currently in service in the Iraq-Syria Federation, but aircraft that had never been seen before.

On the side of these aircraft, there is a brief introduction sign, but only the name of the aircraft is on it, and there is no data description.

At this moment, if it were not for the prohibition of taking pictures, I am afraid that everyone present could not help but take out their equipment and take photos of all these seemingly fresh equipment. (To be continued.)

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