The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1557: Double blade gunship

On the edge of the training base's apron, Cai Ruichen watched everyone staring at the apron on the side, and the corners of his mouth rose slowly.

In fact, the aircraft on the apron are all one-to-one models. They only have the exterior but nothing inside.

Because these aircraft are air force units that require more advanced permissions to be opened.

"Everyone, if you are interested, when you leave later, I will give everyone a set of these equipment models." Cai Ruichen coughed, drawing everyone's attention to himself, and then said.

When everyone heard it, they all showed a smile. This thing is not precious, but it is more meaningful.

Everyone nodded happily. Cai Ruichen saw that everyone was so interested, and he simply introduced: "You guys are seeing this dual-angle propeller gunship. It is a stealth high-speed helicopter currently under development and testing. The biggest feature of armed helicopters is that they are much faster than normal armed helicopters and can carry more types of weapons and weapon loads."

The double-edged armed helicopter is the next-generation new armed helicopter of the Red Police Corps. Cai Ruichen doesn't know the detailed data, but the base has revealed some general technical performance.

However, Cai Ruichen didn't elaborate, it was enough for the people present to understand the meaning of this equipment.

When everyone heard the words, they all couldn’t help but nod. This strangely shaped helicopter has two propellers on the sides close to the top of the fuselage. The ends of the long propellers are crossed together. Such a helicopter has never been before. Talked about.

In terms of technical performance, such a design result will inevitably be more expensive than conventional armed helicopters, and it will be more difficult to drive, but the benefits...just hear Cai Ruichen's side words.

However, based on all the excellent performances of the Iraq-Syria Federal Guard's weapons and equipment on the battlefield, even those who don't understand the scene are a little eager to try.

Especially King Abdullah II of Jordan, he was originally an ace pilot, he can fly various aircraft, and he loves the passion for speed. After becoming the king, he is also a high-level high-speed racer.

It's just that Cai Ruichen completely ignored the eager expression of Abdullah II. It was not that he was worried, but that there was no double-edged gunship that could go to the sky.

Otherwise, relying on the relationship with almost a family in Jordan, Cai Ruichen can send him a few at once. The problem is that there is no one now.

"My friend, don't think about it now. These aircraft are still being tested. If your hands are really itchy, find some time later and use the Black Hawk fighter to fly with you for a few laps." Cai Ruichen came to Ah Abdullah II patted him on the shoulder and said.

"I can't fly you even if the plane is a plane, but I have long liked the super racing track in the future technology concept park." Abdullah II shook his head directly, Cai Ruichen piloted the performance of the fighter on the live broadcast. After reading it all, I was very wise not to find abuse.

"Okay, why don't we two run a lap?" Cai Ruichen also came interested and suggested.

As soon as the people around heard that Cai Ruichen and Abdullah II, the two countries are mainly racing, the heads of the Middle East countries all showed great interest and surrounded them one by one.

"I bet 50 million dollars and beat Abdullah II to win."

"I bet 100 million U.S. dollars and also beat Abdullah II."


All the kings present, except Naif, will be heavily injected into Abdullah II. After all, Abdullah II's ability is enough to convince them.

At this point, they are generally not optimistic about Cai Ruichen.

But Saudi King Naif, who spoke last, shook his head and said: "I am pressing one billion dollars and Mr. Cai wins."

Naif suddenly said one billion dollars, making the kings who just spoke a little hesitant.

With Naif's performance like this, do you know any inside story that you don't know? Does Cai Ruichen know how to race?

The atmosphere here is lively, and Anders at the side is very depressed when he sees such a harmonious group of people.

From the time he got off the car, the heads of these Middle Eastern countries almost completely treated him as if he did not exist.

On this occasion of representing the United States, he could not intervene.

But these are secondary. Compared to the face of the United States, he is more concerned about the attitude of the heads of state of the Middle East towards Cai Ruichen, and he feels like brothers.

These people stand together like friends who have not seen them for many years. The topics are very relaxed and the emotions are very pleasant. They are naturally not artificial and do not have the demeanor of those heads of state.

This gave Anders a very bad premonition. In fact, he had always suspected in his heart that he had come to the Iraqi-Syrian Federation for peace talks, but Cai Ruichen directly invited himself to come here. What does it mean?

At this moment, he still can't understand, because this is definitely not a pure force of deterrence, otherwise there is no need to invite the capital of every country in the Middle East to show him personally, even more directly and simply.

If you don't understand, Anders doesn't bother to think about it. He is just one of a large number of lieutenants in the United States. Such negotiations should not be qualified for people of his level.

What's more, he was a lieutenant general who was only temporarily promoted before coming to the Syrian Federation. A few days ago, he was only a major general, an idle general who had already been transferred to an office in the Pentagon.

And the US government launched itself Anders understands why it is himself.

It is because Anders was once Cai Ruichen's old governor, the Pentagon believes that allowing Anders, who has the best relationship with Cai Ruichen, to conduct this negotiation will increase the interests of the United States.

Originally Anders was transferred from the commander of the Middle East Air Force to Washington because of the change in the attitude of the United States towards Cai Ruichen, but this time he came to compromise.

Anders does not think that people with a political height of Cai Ruichen will start so-called peace negotiations with themselves based on their personal feelings.

There is no father and son on the battlefield. This kind of peace negotiation is war, and the affection between father and son can be put aside, let alone the watery friendship between the two.

At this moment, seeing Cai Ruichen's closeness with the heads of states in the Middle East, Anders also understands more that the difficulty of this negotiation will definitely exceed expectations.

The mood and thoughts of everyone on the negotiation team who came with Anders at this moment are similar to those of Anders.

(To be continued.)

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