The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1558: Airdrop fence module

ps: Thanks for the red envelope of the fairy tale beauty from the fan group, this chapter adds more for her.

The monthly ticket will be doubled in the early morning, and there will be three more in the evening.


While having a pleasant conversation with the heads of states of the Middle East, while riding the tram in the training city, they headed towards the city center.

Along the way, everyone knew that this city was not emotional, it was completely an empty city, and it was used purely for military training.

This surprised everyone. After all, building such a city can't be done at a cost of billions of dollars. Just the empty streets along the road, many things are expensive.

"It is said that we are rich. Compared with Mr. Cai, we people are beggars. How can this city cost tens of billions of dollars to build!" Akadura said with emotion.

Cai Ruichen only smiled when he heard this.

This city has no practical cost. The engineering troops built all the materials and equipment from the wasteland. In fact, there is no cost at all.

In the wasteland world, the materials used in construction have no value at all. Furniture and other items are also available everywhere and are not worth at all.

The place where Cai Ruichen really spent the money to build this city is actually cement, because the cement in the waste soil, even if it can be found, is all squeezed and solidified and cannot be used at all.

It's still about the same as stone, and the cost of producing cement from waste soil is not as convenient and affordable as direct purchase in this world.

Cai Ruichen doesn't even need to pay for the construction of this city. The profit generated by the Red Police Corps' own operations is completely sufficient to improve these constructions in reality.

Most of the money comes from the Red Police Corps' engineering units, and the profits from the construction of foreign projects. These revenues are not recorded in the finances of the Future Technology Group, but are directly allocated to the Red Police Corps.

So far, Cai Ruichen has only fixed monthly payments to the Red Police Corps. He does not need to worry about the rest.

Everyone was chatting and came to the training city as the center. All the way, everyone looked at this deserted city and they were all very interested, but everyone's interest was quickly replaced by the next topical program.

The tram stops on the tallest building in the city center, which is also the headquarters of the entire city training center.

However, Cai Ruichen did not take them into the headquarters of the building. Instead, he took the elevator directly to the roof of the 60th floor of the building. This roof overlooks every street in the entire training city.

The roof is also specially designed to be a layout similar to an observation deck. There are high-magnification full-angle telescopes on it, which can zoom in and clearly see a fallen leaf on the farthest street.

The entire roof is protected by heavy bullet-proof glass, and there is a small bar inside, which Cai Ruichen specially prepared for these Middle Eastern friends.

These Middle Eastern heads of state are all pampered, and Cai Ruichen also needs to take care of the living habits of these people, but there are no beauties in such a place.

But being able to taste wine and snacks while also being able to watch the next military exercises, is there any dissatisfaction?

Only on such occasions, military exercises are the focus, and fine wine is only a purely communicative aid.

It's like Cai Ruichen doesn't like to drink in such occasions. When everyone picks up the glass, the waiter naturally brings him a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Everyone seemed to be accustomed to Cai Ruichen's non-drinking character, and they didn't care much.

Cai Ruichen didn't stop drinking, it's just that he couldn't enjoy himself. It's better not to drink.

At the same time, the exercise of the following first mechanized infantry brigade also began.

The location of the exercise was on the edge of the city, and everyone's eyes focused on the past.

The three armored battalions rushed into the streets of the city in full armor, but did not set up resistance firepower, just marked the target of the attack.

These ordinary residential buildings could not resist the powerful firepower of the armored forces at all. The targets of various houses were quickly destroyed one by one.

It's just this kind of exercise subject that makes everyone watching it a bit strange.

Such exercises are more like fooling people.

The only thing worth paying attention to is that live ammunition was used in this exercise, but this does not explain much.

Everyone watched patiently, and did not ask Cai Ruichen.

And the answer soon appeared. Eight famous global transport planes of the Islamic Federation appeared in the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, these transport planes dropped something by air.

These things are very strange, like a wall, painted in camouflage colors, and descending quickly with a parachute.

Each such wall is almost three meters long and two meters high, with a thickness of almost one meter, and looks very huge.

When the eight transport planes returned, the entire city seemed to be covered with this strange wall.

Everyone was extremely puzzled as to what this was.

It's not enough to be sure, this thing is probably the main drama of this exercise.

Everyone's doubts were quickly answered, and the falling walls actually had small propellers to adjust the direction.

These walls that fell from a height of 10,000 meters have gathered together in the sky before they have completely landed.

The next picture shocked everyone.

The walls that fell one by one fell precisely in front of the attacking armored units.

The most important thing is These walls can be assembled very flexibly. Each wall has a built-in concave-convex combination device, and each excuse seems to be magnetically attracted to each other. When connecting, it is very precise and close.

One side of the fallen walls were quickly assembled together on the street. When approaching the buildings on both sides of the street, you can clearly see that the huge rivets deep in the walls plunge directly into the walls on both sides of the street. Even the hard and hard roads were pierced in.

A nine-meter-high fence was quickly assembled in front of the armored forces' attack.

Each wall is tightly connected to the buildings on both sides of the street on the ground. The flexible wall modules can also intelligently adjust the combination of modules according to the width of the street.

This combination is like a pile of wood, but the whole process is that the module system scans the terrain itself and then makes adjustments in an instant.

And this combination from top to bottom, the whole process is like a classic game-Tetris.

(To be continued.)

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