The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1560: Worried America

The exercise in the training base lasted for nearly four hours, and a large amount of advanced war equipment was also displayed on the spot.

Not to mention the function, in terms of technical performance, every piece of equipment makes everyone feel shocked. Many seemingly simple things are actually hidden in the universe.

Through this demonstration, the heads of state of the Middle East countries also truly realized that it was definitely not accidental or luck that Cai Ruichen was able to achieve such a victory in this war.

In terms of science and technology, the Future Technology Group has led the world. There is no doubt about this whether it is military equipment or civilian technology.

At the end of the exercise, Cai Ruichen accompanied everyone to leave the training base and return to Marin City. The journey was a bit long, but none of them felt boring.

All felt that it was a worthwhile trip.

But for the heads of state of the Middle East, this time is really a long time.

But for Anders and other Americans, this trip brought back endless pressure.

And until the end of the exercise, Cai Ruichen did not say when to start peace talks with them, but directly talked to Abdullah II about racing, making Anders both anxious and speechless.

However, this kind of thing cannot be urged, it can only be based on the meaning of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

After returning to Marin City, Cai Ruichen did not intend to entertain the US delegation immediately. Anders could only bring the team back to the hotel where he stayed.

The US embassy in Marin is still under the blockade of the Islamic Federation, so they can only live in the hotel, and they still pay for it themselves.

Cai Ruichen did not make any relevant arrangements at all, and the Iraq-Syrian Federal Foreign Headquarters seemed to have forgotten them all.

The US delegation didn't feel in the mood to consider such a small matter. As soon as he returned to the hotel, Anders immediately contacted the Pentagon by using a satellite phone.

Watching this exercise, Anders has too much to talk about with China. This negotiation is definitely not what he imagined when he came over.

Although Cai Ruichen has also demonstrated extremely high global political skills, his performance outside of strategy is not a politician at all, and many things cannot be dealt with with the politician's methods.

Just like this time of negotiation, before any country will conduct peace talks with another belligerent country, it will take the negotiating team of the enemy country to watch its own country’s military exercises with a certain degree of confidentiality?

I am afraid that only Cai Ruichen can do such a thing.

As soon as Anders contacted the Pentagon, he saw everything he had learned today and reported them in detail.

In the Pentagon, Carter, who had just put down his phone, walked towards the bottom secret command in the Pentagon.

Austria and Bama have always worked here, and it is also the safest place.

Of course, it was also because Austria and Bama were unable to return to the White House where the virus was spreading. Apart from this place, there is no place to go temporarily.

As soon as he pushed open the doors of the Obama and Bama offices, Carter explained what Anders had seen and heard in detail.

As long as they are politically sensitive and sensitive, they will feel abnormal when they hear it, and political masters like Austria and Bama will have a more profound experience.

"The relationship between Cai Ruichen and the heads of states in the Middle East has really reached such an intimate level?" This is where Austria and Bama care most.

Why does the United States fight Iran?

One of the main reasons is to ease the relationship with Saudi Arabia. As a result, whether the relationship has eased, Austria and Bama did not feel it at all.

Saudi Arabia is still in a state of detachment from the United States. This state makes Austria and Bama very depressed.

And the intimate behavior shown by Naif and Cai Ruichen made Austria and Bama very worried.

There is no doubt that US interests in the Middle East need to be maintained by Saudi Arabia.

Even without the relationship of the Islamic Federation, as long as Saudi Arabia is still willing to stand on the side of the United States, most of the interests of the United States can be guaranteed.

This is also the reason why the United States will act on the Islamic Federation, and even for peace negotiations, the United States has also assumed that it does not have much interest conditions and is in the hands of the Islamic Federation.

The United States can accept the sacrifice of part of its interests in Iraq, but it absolutely cannot accept the loss of its interests in the Arabian Peninsula.

The interests of the Arabian Peninsula are at the core of the US global dollar strategic interests.

"Mr. President, I understand your worries, but this does not explain anything! Although Naif has a cold attitude towards the United States, he does not completely fall into the arms of the Islamic Federation." Carter analyzed.

Saudi Arabia is also a country that wants to be the leader of the Middle East. How could it be succumbed to others? Carter does not think that Saudi Arabia will be willing to rely on the Islamic Federation, at most between the United States and the Islamic Federation.

Austria and Bama shook their heads altogether when they heard this, and said: "Things are not so simple. In the past year, although the relations between the Islamic Federation and the Arabian Peninsula countries have not been seen on the surface, it is hard to tell in secret. ."

Hearing this, Carter felt that Austria and Bama were completely unfounded. The ambition of the Syrian-Israel Federation should be to make the Middle East countries vigilant. The United States has always been interested in propaganda in this regard.

Although these countries have all fought Israel with the Islamic Federation, this does not mean that they will truly come together.

Carter is still firm in his judgment at this point, especially for the countries on the Arabian Peninsula. They are all rich and oily. They are not poor countries such as Palestine and Lebanon. They really need the help of the Islamic Federation to be able to quickly. To improve their country’s economy and people’s livelihood.

In terms of economy and people's livelihood, countries such as, Saudi Arabia, do not need any help from any country, and they are already very rich.

In terms of interest, only when Saudi Arabia and other countries keep their distance from the Syrian Federation will they gain greater benefits.

Carter firmly believes in his own judgment, and such worries are completely unnecessary.

But when it comes to political sensitivity, Carter is still a lot worse as Secretary of Defense.

At least Obama and Bama think so. He didn’t say anything. He got up and walked to the office’s confidential safe, entered various verifications, opened the safe, and found out the piles of high-confidential documents inside. A top-secret information submitted by the CIA.

"You can see from this information. I made the same judgment as you before, but I always feel that things are not that simple." Obama and Bama said with a serious face.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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