The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1561: The future that frightens America

PS: I heard that a typhoon is coming again. It is windy and rainy outside at the moment, everyone pray for the gorgeous! Maybe it will be lost someday.


US Secretary of Defense Carter took over the top-secret intelligence documents in the hands of Austria and Bama, opened it and took a look, his face immediately became heavy.

This information was submitted only recently and belongs to top-secret information of the CIA.

The source of intelligence is a senior spy deployed by the CIA in Saudi Arabia, under the single-line leadership of Yang Ruidu from the CIA's Strategic Intelligence Division.

This intelligence pointed out that King Naif of Saudi Arabia intends to lead Saudi Arabia to join the Islamic Federation, uniting the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, and formally form a true Middle Eastern Federation with the Islamic Federation.

Before this information, Austria and Bama didn't believe it very much, so they didn't file the information, but kept it in a confidential box in their office.

But there are some thoughts, like ants gnawing on a bank, and nothing can be seen once or twice in a short time, but over time, various problems will appear one after another.

This piece of information is just an opening, and similar to the same piece of information, Austria and Bama have received almost eight copies. Each piece of information cannot be determined to give an answer, but they all pointed out that countries on the Arabian Peninsula will have May join the Iraq-Syria Federation.

A federation that unites most countries in the Arab world is very likely to be established soon. This federation will master the world's largest natural gas and oil reserves. Together with the powerful technology and military technology of the future technology group, the United States cannot compete with it.

Whether this is a fact or a guess, Austria and Bama could not be sure before.

But the situation reported by Anders made Austria and Bama calmly jump out of their subjective emotions and think about the whole incident with an objective attitude of others.

And for this consideration, Iran must be added.

"Mr. President, it seems that something is really wrong. Once the Middle East becomes a monolith, plus the technology and military power in Cai Ruichen's hands, then..." Carter said very worried.

Politics is not about keeping everything in line with the good. Whenever you encounter anything, you must prepare for the worst.

Carter is no exception. He is the Secretary of Defense, but the Secretary of Defense of the United States is not a traditional soldier, but a politician.

Carter also knows very well that if this thing really comes true, it will be the most difficult challenge for the United States.

The Iraq-Syria Federation is now a monolithic one. It belongs to the kind of close relationship where the needles cannot be inserted and the water cannot be splashed. Once it expands into the Middle East Federation, and Cai Ruichen can still integrate the entire Middle East, it will be very terrifying.

Cai Ruichen is rich now, has technology, and has a gun. When the time comes, the United States will not be able to stop it.

What worries the United States the most is that even Mozabi, who has always been under the control of the United States, tends to Cai Ruichen overnight. What else is impossible?

Maybe, Turkey will join Cai Ruichen's camp, when Cai Ruichen's tentacles can also directly touch Europe.

"You go down first!" Obama and Bama did not answer Carter's words, but let him go out first.

Just as Carter shook his head and left, Chief of Staff Robert walked in.

After understanding the whole situation, Robert also supported the judgments of Obama and Bama and expressed his own views:

"Cai Ruichen's move is obviously to tell us on purpose that the overall situation in the Middle East has become a foregone conclusion, and this is Cai Ruichen's brightest point."

Obama and Bama also agreed with Robert's view, and he was already aware of this when Anders reported the matter.

"Then what do you think Cai Ruichen wants to do?" Ao and Bama thought about it and asked.

"Cai Ruichen did not choose to start negotiations with Anders and others in the first place, but took them to watch the so-called exercise together. I am afraid that I really don't want to talk with Anders and others. It is estimated that the negotiation still requires you to take the initiative. "Robert said.

"What I am worried about is that in the future, I will be charged with letting my opponent become bigger." Austria and Bama said hesitantly.

"Mr. President, now is not the time for you to consider this kind of thing. Even if the Islamic Federation is really going to be fully enlarged, it is also a matter for the next president. Since this war cannot be escalated to a full-scale war, it must be ended as soon as possible. "

Having said this, Robert paused and continued: "You should now find a way to get the most benefit. Didn’t Cai Ruichen talk to you about the terms of peace last time? Then you start from the side and try to ensure the United States. The interests in the Middle East, and it is absolutely necessary to ensure that all oil exports in the Middle East continue to be pegged to the U.S. dollar. This is the core interest of the United States, and the rest are secondary."

Seeing Obama and Bama nodded, Robert immediately went on to say: "The rise of Cai Ruichen can no longer be properly resolved by any president. From the beginning of this war, both sides have exercised restraint. Outside of military warfare, this is the greatest benefit from your personal interests.

The future American interests will worry future presidents. Once you go to negotiate with the Islamic Federation in person, you need to proceed from your personal interests to implement the antidote to the Washington incident. If you try your best to facilitate this, your personal Political interests will also be fundamentally guaranteed..."

Upon hearing this, Obama and Bama deeply pondered. Robert's words were very pertinent, and they were all based on his personal interests.

Indeed, just as Robert said, Cai Ruichen's affairs are no longer what he can handle.

Now his term of office is coming to an end, and future affairs will worry the president behind.

The only thing that makes it difficult for Obama and Bama to accept is that this is the result of all these years of diligence as a president.

The black hair becomes white, but in the end, it is personal, and part of the national interest is sacrificed.

"Let the secretary arrange to leave for the Iraq-Syria Federation as soon as possible." Austria and Bama were silent for a long time before they spoke.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen, who is far away in the Middle East, did not think about any negotiations with the old officer, Anders, from the beginning. In his opinion, Anders and his party are only suitable for microphones.

What only made Cai Ruichen a little surprised was that he originally prepared some other related programs, but he did not expect that it was just the first program that summoned Austria and Bama from the United States.

In the evening, Cai Ruichen also really had a two-person race with Abdullah II.

The heads of state of the Middle East all came to watch it in person, and some people really opened the market.

At the same time, the news that Austria and Bama are about to go to the Syrian Federation also spread like wildfire, and the real peace talks between the two sides will officially begin.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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