The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1562: Lao Ao's Evaluation of Xiao Cai

The world-renowned peace negotiations began immediately after Austria and Bama arrived in Marin.

In this negotiation, both the United States and the Syrian-Israel Federation want to end this war as soon as possible.

However, the United States does not know that Cai Ruichen is eager to end the war, because the United States itself is more anxious, and from the United States' view, the current Iran-Syrian Federation is taking the initiative, and the idea of ​​peace should be light.

In order to avoid being seen by the opponent, neither Cai Ruichen nor the Yixu Federation showed any anxiety.

However, regarding Obama and Bama’s proposal for a peaceful settlement of the war within the scheduled armistice time, Cai Ruichen also said that it is best to do so.

At this moment, half a month has passed since the half-month peace talks. In other words, in the next week, the peace talks hope that there will be a satisfactory result that both parties can accept.

On the morning of the arrival of Austria and Bama, the peace talks have officially started. The negotiation is divided into two parts. One is the negotiation team of the two sides to negotiate on details, and the other is between Cai Ruichen and Austria and Bama. Negotiated specific conditions.

The negotiation held that morning was naturally a formal meeting between Cai Ruichen and Austria and Bama. The meeting was not made public, and all the media were blocked from the imperial court.

In the foreign guest reception hall of the imperial court, Cai Ruichen brought Ling Liang and Natasha, who had always served as his secretary, to attend. In addition to his secretary, Ao and Bama only brought his confidant chief of staff Robert.

In the magnificent reception hall, six people were seated face to face. There were no other people, making the whole hall very empty.

At the negotiating table, there are no written records, no computers, no communicators or any electronic devices on everyone.

Only the teacup on the table makes the whole style not protruding too monotonous.

This time the negotiation, no matter what you say, will not count as soon as you get out of here, unless you can immediately reach conditions acceptable to both parties.

The two parties were seated, Cai Ruichen didn't have any courtesy, took a sip of the tea in front of him, and directly said to Obama and Bama: "As soon as last month, how has Mr. President considered the conditions I put forward before?"

When he was in Hangzhou last time, Cai Ruichen had already stated his conditions, and Austria and Bama remembered clearly, but he did not expect that Cai Ruichen still insisted on those conditions, which made Austria and Bama a little confused.

"Mr. Cai, do you still insist on those conditions at this moment?"

"There has been a lot of discussion about this war. In fact, we are also very clear that the war has never involved the fourth-dimensional military battlefield, nor has it involved economic and cyber warfare. It is that both you and me are very clear about yourself. Restraint.

This war is just a three-dimensional confrontation between the two armies of the sea, land and air. We have not taken any action on the real commanding heights of the earth battlefield-the space battlefield. Economic wars are also hurting both sides. This kind of loss is unbearable for our two countries. There are countless ambitions in the world. "Cai Ruichen said.

The Red Police Corps' battle with the United States is indeed restrained in many aspects, especially the space battlefield and economic battlefield.

If it is an all-out war, the final result of these two battlefields is to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

Cai Ruichen knows this very well, and the United States naturally knows this very well.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the United States has exercised restraint, and the Red Police Corps will do so at any time.

It’s not that the Red Police Corps really can’t afford to lose as much as the United States. The facts are quite the opposite. If Cai Ruichen is willing, he can now completely abandon the interests of the entire space in this war, because after the war Cai Ruichen would Can recover quickly.

But the United States has no way. Once the battlefield spreads to the space battlefield, all US military satellites will be devastated by the Red Police Corps' mid-range interceptor missiles.

As long as U.S. satellites dare to pass over the top of the Middle East or the Indian Ocean, it is hard to escape the attack of land-based and sea-based anti-satellite missiles.

You should know that the difficulty of striking satellites is much easier than intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles. After all, the orbits of satellites are relatively fixed and have been recorded for a long time. Various strike coordinates and parameters have been entered.

Of course, the satellites of the Red Police Corps cannot escape the American anti-satellite weapon attack. This point is both relative.

The same is true for economic wars. Killing a thousand enemies hurts 800. It's just that the future technology group can use Russia and the home market to quickly recover, but the United States is very difficult.

This is the biggest difference between the two sides. Cai Ruichen has the ability to quickly recover from the war losses, but the United States has nothing to do.

Once the United States suffers such a loss, it is extremely desperate. At the same time, this is not in line with Cai Ruichen's future global strategy.

In fact, Cai Ruichen also needs to have a United States that must at least guarantee basic combat power, and how to maintain a relatively peaceful world as much as possible, and this model only takes a few years.

Cai Ruichen is confident that if he can beat the United States now, it will be even more unlikely that the United States will be the opponent of the Red Police Corps in the future.

And now, he still needs the United States to be the world's policeman, so that the distribution of global interests will not experience much change in a short time.

Otherwise, once the United States falls, a sudden change in the global situation may also trigger a full-scale war by the United States against the Islamic and Syrian Federation, which is not in line with Cai Ruichen's future strategic interests.

Therefore, the war is relatively restrained. This is also the result that both sides need. Otherwise, the war can't be like this at all. Cyber ​​warfare, the battle for the commanding heights of space, and economic war have already erupted as early as the moment the war started. .

Since both sides are only positioned as local wars and conflicts, and both are quite restrained, it will be much easier to end the war.

It's just that, now that the United States is actually sitting at the negotiating table as a defeated warrior, no matter what tougher challenges the United States encounters, this is simply unacceptable emotionally for the world hegemon.

It’s just now that I’m not willing to accept it anymore. Since I have chosen to negotiate with the Yi-Syrian Federation, I can only accept it.

Obama and Bama adjusted their mentality once again, facing Cai Ruichen’s young and confident face, saying: “Mr. Cai really doesn’t look like a politician, but whoever underestimates Mr. Cai will definitely be unlucky. Although you are young, you are definitely a master of international political games, and you will definitely have a place in the future world."

(To be continued.)

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