The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1569: Welcome to the event

In the center of Marin, the Congress Center next to the imperial court is the home venue for the heads of state.

In the early morning of the second day when the heads of state arrived, Cai Ruichen cooperated with President Idris of the Principality of Iraq, President Bashar of Syria... King Naif of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah II of Jordan, and Supreme Leader of Iran Akadullah …The leaders of the member states of the Middle East, in front of the red carpet in the central hall of the Congress Center, personally greeted the heads of state and international representatives who came to participate in this grand event.

At the forefront of the red carpet, Cai Ruichen, in order to embody the highest courtesy of the Federation, naturally did not allow Hua Meixue, who is about to become the first lady of the Middle East Federation, also attended this welcome ceremony.

Therefore, almost all heads of state came here with their wives. Although Hua Meixue was not the official first lady of the Federation, she was polite and wanted to come here to welcome her.

There has never been such an example before, and this is a precedent.

The heavyweight guests are always placed last. The countries that are greeted at the beginning are small countries, and the order is strictly arranged.

After welcoming the heads of states from more than 70 countries with a smile, the next countries that entered the arena began to become more advanced.

The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo who came in first, Cai Ruichen smiled slowly and shook hands with him.

Hua Meixue did not step forward, and all the media cameras in the entire hall consciously moved to other places.

With a simple handshake, Cai Ruichen sent Jinsan to the leaders of the member states behind.

This made Shinzo's face a bit unsustainable. Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, and he quickly averted any unpleasant emotions, and shook hands with the federal member states one after another before entering the venue.

Next came the Indian President Modi and the President's wife. The smile returned to Cai Ruichen's face again, returning to the previous rhythm. Hua Meixue also shook hands with the Indian President's wife very politely.

Everything was back on track, and then the heads of European countries began to appear one after another, Cai Ruichen continued to smile.

This is true even when facing the French President or the British Prime Minister.

The last to appear was the Secretary-General of the United Nations. This was the first time the Secretary-General of the United Nations came to the Federation and was also invited by Cai Ruichen.

Prior to this, the Federation had never joined the United Nations in the name of the Federation. This time, Pan’s purpose of coming here was also based on this.

Once the Federation joins the United Nations, the United Nations will also temporarily freeze the seats of the Federal Member States in the United Nations, and all the positions of the Federal Member States in the United Nations will also be transferred to the Federation.

Of course, the United Nations also hopes that the Middle East Federation, a powerful country that is about to rise, can be integrated into the United Nations family within a certain range.

Cai Ruichen naturally wouldn't refuse. He didn't want to join for a long time because of insufficient strength and status. Now the situation is completely different.

Some people have already called the Middle East Federation the fourth largest rogue in the world, which shows the influence of the Federation at this time.

Regardless of whether Cai Ruichen likes this title or not, his title as a rogue leader is set.

As for the next goal, Cai Ruichen is about to win the seat of the sixth permanent member of the United Nations. This is his true goal of joining the United Nations.

And this time joining the United Nations, the Federation will also be one of the members of the council, but Cai Ruichen really looks down on the position of the council. This kind of council does not have a veto power, it is tasteless, and it is not a pity to give up.

Lao Pan is still very enthusiastic about Cai Ruichen. Cai Ruichen also admires him for whatever purpose. At least the Secretary-General of the United Nations is a thankless and thankless role. Now the next Secretary-General of the United Nations, no country wants to be an official in its own country. Took office.

Cai Ruichen is also not interested in this, nor will he send anyone to run for it. This kind of position is completely useless and has no rights at all.

What's more, if permanent members are the target, then they can only give up people to run for the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations, because the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations cannot be held by permanent members.

As for the candidate for the next secretary-general, Cai Ruichen doesn't have any ideas, and it doesn't matter to him.

Because no matter which country comes from, or which United Nations organization is elected as secretary-general, there will be no change in nature.

Next to appear at the entrance of the Central Hall of the Congress Center are U.S. Presidents Obama, Bama, and the First Lady of the United States.

This is the fourth time Austria and Bama have come to Marin this year. It is also the seven times the two have met this year. At this moment, when they meet, many things seem like a lifetime.

At this moment, the cameras of the media reporters were all focused on the people of Austria and Bama who walked in. The two sides shook hands with a friendly smile and greeted the people of Austria and Bama into the central hall.

Russian Presidents Putin and Beijing appeared next, but Putin and Emperor Jing did not bring his girlfriend. After all, the rumored girlfriend is not a prospective wife such as Hua Meixue, and is not suitable for the receptionist.

When Putting and Jing shook hands with Cai Ruichen, a faint resentment flashed in their eyes, which made Cai Ruichen unconsciously hairy. This kind of gaze made him, a normal man, a bit unnatural, no matter how he thought of it.

However, Cai Ruichen is not incapable of understanding the deep meaning of Putin and Jing's eyes. It is nothing but the result of Cai Ruichen's peace talks with the United States that put Russia in a huge passive state, and Putin and Jing have this look.

The last one who came in was that the big boss was already the big boss When I saw the big boss, Cai Ruichen, who had never moved, took a few steps forward.

The big boss was the last one, and the two did not simply shake hands, but embraced each other kindly. All the media cameras also captured this image.

The future media company, which is broadcasting live to the whole world, also spread this picture to the world for the first time.

The closeness of the two people also tells the world that the two countries are like brothers.

When facing the camera, the two clenched hands did not release. After a flash of flash, they released their hands and walked side by side toward the central hall.

In the skill of the two, Hua Meixue also walked intimately with the big boss, seeming to be still whispering to each other.

At this moment, this formal welcoming ceremony has also come to an end, and all the shots of the global media have been transferred to the central hall.

At this moment, the heads of states of all countries have all sat down on their own decks. (To be continued.)

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