The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1570: Cai Ruichen talks about future strategy

The entire hall is arranged with two hundred independent positions, as well as two semi-circular second- and third-floor front-convex seats, just like a stadium.

When all the heads of state came in and took their seats, only about one-third of the people were seated in the independent seats in the middle.

Behind, a wave of people began to walk in through the other small doors in the hall, found their place very quietly, and took their seats in an orderly manner.

When Cai Ruichen and the big boss walked in, the whole hall was basically full of people.

In the independent position in the middle, almost half of the space is still empty, because it is specially prepared for the head of state.

All international media and even future media companies’ media are forbidden to enter, and their media equipment is also brought into it by special personnel in advance.

The security personnel of the heads of state can only wait outside the Congress Center.

In the entire venue, all the waiters are stewards of bionic machines specially developed by Future Technology Group, responsible for guiding and arranging.

Right in front of the central hall is a large high platform. In the center of the main platform is a single-person platform. Behind the platform is a huge display integrated with the entire wall of the central hall.

When all the people were seated and the machine butler delivered all the drinks and snacks to each of the exclusive seats, Cai Ruichen also walked to the podium.

This grand event will be officially established under the witness of all elites from all walks of life in the world, countless media, heads of state, and global entrepreneurs.

From then on, the Middle East world will completely become a complete country, and most of the Arab world will be reunified.

This is one of the most important moments in human history. It is also a landmark for the Arab world. It means the most important union since the history of Arab civilization.

At this time, within the entire Federation, there will no longer be any barriers of faith, and there will no longer be tribal existence. No matter how big the differences between clans and beliefs are, in the future, the entire Federation will be like a family.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen took firm steps and walked to the podium. On the huge screen, his tall figure appeared in the picture.

With the huge screen height, Cai Ruichen almost has to be flush with the wall, which makes countless people on the scene as if they really saw the giant all at once.

Stopping at the podium, Cai Ruichen said in full aura in front of thousands of people and dozens of heads of state at the scene:

"To be able to stand in front of you today makes me feel extremely proud and extremely honored. Today, it is of great significance to the entire Middle East and the Arab world. I am a Chinese who can be honored by this, and I am deeply moved. many.

Today's world is a world full of challenges and opportunities. Mankind is in the preliminary stage of exploring the endless galaxy. This is the common goal of mankind and the most meaningful moment of human development.

The fate of mankind in the future lies in the hands of everyone present. In the future, this future will be like this. No one can tell now, but as a member of everyone, I sincerely hope that all mankind should put aside all prejudices and stop worrying about it. The gains and losses on earth, because we are just a drop in the universe..."

Cai Ruichen's words completely exceeded the expectations of everyone present. On such occasions, Cai Ruichen did not say those scenes, nor did he say anything about the Middle East Federation, but talked about the universe. This makes people extremely curious and wondering what Cai Ruichen meant?

After eloquently talking about a long period of things, all about the exploration of the universe, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "Perhaps everyone is wondering why I would talk about this seemingly irrelevant topic on such an occasion."

Having said this, Cai Ruichen paused. After looking at the vast majority of people on the scene, they couldn't help nodding, and then he continued:

"The establishment of the Middle East Federation is a very meaningful moment. I don't want to say more. It is because everyone is clear that the reason for talking about space exploration is only because the Federation will focus its energy and time on space exploration.

Over the past few years, a lot of preparations have been made for future aerospace science and technology. Although the future space station has stopped the combination of other space capsules in the previous year due to the war, from the next stage, all the plans, Will catch up with the slowdown caused by the war.

The space station in the future will be the most important first step for the Federation to explore the universe, and it is also the most determined step to take. The ten thousand-foot tall buildings rise on the ground, and the most important thing is the foundation. Only a stable foundation can support the ten thousand-foot tall buildings, and space exploration is also far away. Don’t open a stable support platform..."

"The global interests are complex and involve a lot. The Federation is unwilling to waste energy fighting for local interests on the earth, so it focuses on the solar system and the universe.

And the reason why I invited so many heads of state to come today is that I want to expound the federal future policy positively, explore space with all my strength, and explore this mysterious world.

Today, I also take this opportunity to officially announce to everyone that the first phase of the future space station will be completed in the next six months. Once the plan is successfully completed, the second phase of the plan will be officially opened at the same time. The Mars Immigration Plan is to build the first livable comprehensive experimental base on Mars and the Moon..."

What Cai Ruichen said is indeed beyond the expectations of the world. The main strategic national policy of the Federation is actually outside the earth. Is this too anxious?

This idea appeared in the minds of all heads of state almost at the same Because with the current human technology, if we want to explore the universe well, there are still a lot of technical difficulties. With the progress of the times, humans want It is not that simple to really realize the first step of interstellar immigration.

But even if you have completed the first step of interstellar migration, but you want to realize the real space migration plan, you have not waited for forty-five years, and don't even think about it.

All countries are well aware of this. Almost all powerful countries have a space development strategy, but it is clear that everyone sees it very clearly, so it is better to focus more on the earth.

This is the general trend. Even before the Islamic Federation, the United States, which has the most advanced space exploration technology, did not dare to devote too much energy to the space field.

Therefore, even if Cai Ruichen said it very clearly, the heads of state of various countries did not believe it very much.

However, as recent opponents, Obama and Bama have somewhat believed it, perhaps because the one who knows himself is always his opponent. (To be continued.)

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