The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1571: Middle East Federation established

In the face of global live broadcasts and live global elites in various fields, after Cai Ruichen elaborated on the next national strategy of the Middle East Federation, he did not care whether the people present believed it or not, but changed the topic and continued:

"The formulation of the federal future strategy does not mean that I will no longer pay attention to the international situation. I am not a politician, but I hope that all mankind can live in peace forever, and that all countries can eliminate all barriers and work together for mankind. Give everything for the future.

This is my lifelong pursuit as a member of mankind. The earth is already overwhelmed and there are too many insecurities in this world. As a responsible person, I am willing to make my own efforts for the peace process of all mankind.

Therefore, I very much hope that there will be no more wars and estrangements in this world. "

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen laughed at himself, a bit of loneliness appeared on his face, facing the camera, facing everyone, he shook his head helplessly, and said: "Unfortunately, my naive thoughts, in the critics In his eyes, he will always be an idealist."

As soon as this sentence fell, Cai Ruichen's face immediately became extremely serious, and even a bit of murderous air, so that the venue and even the global audience watching the live broadcast could not help but feel a little chill in their hearts.

Cai Ruichen’s unreserved killing intent made the venue quiet again, as if no one dared to gasp loudly. Then he changed his voice and said: "I can be an idealist, but I am definitely also a positive. Actor.

In the coming time, I will not only improve the infrastructure of the Federation, but also be prepared to intervene in any war. This preparation is more political intervention, and of course military intervention will not be ruled out.

At the same time, I also call on the entire Arab world and even every country in the world. The embrace of the Federation will always be open to everyone, and all countries that are willing to be the Federation will be accepted..."

In the last sentence, many countries present changed their faces, almost no joy, all of them were awe-inspiring.

Cai Ruichen's last paragraph reveals his ambitions almost unreservedly. At the same time, the threats in the words reach the heart of every head of state.

Countries that felt a little relaxed before, but at this moment are already a little restless.

Any ambitious country would not want to hear Cai Ruichen say such a thing, but now, the rise of the Middle East Federation and the powerful military technology have given most countries around the world a kind of oppression that they cannot breathe. sense.

If it really faces the frontiers of the Middle East Federation, no country can remain indifferent.

Cai Ruichen concluded his personal speech very briefly. In the end, he just announced that the Islamic Federation will be officially renamed the Middle East Federation, and the heads of all member states of the Federation will also come to power and confirm their status in the Federation.

At the same time, a longer flagpole was erected on the flagpoles of all the member states of the Federation in the Middle East and on the side of their own flags, and the flag of the Middle East Federation was slowly raised.

All the propaganda agencies of the member states, various media channels and networks, are all news of the establishment of the Federation.

None of this has much to do with the Congress Center. At the moment when the Middle East Federation was established, a plan was also announced to the entire Federation.

The first plan ahead of all plans is to eliminate all black sheep in the Federation, which is already expected by many people.

Since Cai Ruichen came to power, corruption and inaction have been the most severely arrested. Corruption and dereliction of duty are undoubtedly mortal. Even if he is in his position and does not seek his job, no matter how clean he is, he is still being dealt with.

The Middle East Federation will also continue the high salary policy of the Islamic and Syrian federation. Government officials can enjoy generous benefits. Not only can they have no worries about food and clothing, but also have no worries at all. The average income will be higher than the average of all occupations.

After such generous benefits, it will be an extremely harsh anti-corruption policy. According to the Federal Constitution, officials who embezzle and accept bribes exceeding 1,000 Federal Dinars will be sentenced to at least five years of labor reform.

Officials who have embezzled more than 10,000 dinars, no matter how high their position, are either death sentence or lifeless.

Such strict anti-corruption laws and countless detailed rules are the most stringent and perfect in all countries.

And the most important thing is that all regional chief executives of all federal member states will be elected by local citizens, and each country can formulate independent laws in line with the regional situation according to the people's conditions.

All the policies successfully implemented during the period of the Syrian-Israel Federation will be implemented in the Middle East Federation.

In terms of infrastructure construction, it will also be carried out as soon as possible, and it will start immediately everywhere in the entire federal territory.

The guarantee of basic social public services is the policy that truly adheres to the people's livelihood. As soon as the news came out, countless citizens cheered and inspired.

After all, the success of the Iraq-Syria Federation is really enviable, and in the Middle East countries, the most basic water and electricity supply is often not enough.

In the new government report just established by the Middle East Federation, it was pointed out that in the next year, all electricity and drinking water problems in the entire Federation will be solved, and therefore ten large-scale desalination plants will be built.

In the infrastructure construction plan, high-speed rail and first-class highways will fully connect every city in the federal territory.

In terms of re-education construction, a nine-year free education policy will be implemented throughout the Federation, and religious subjects will be opened, and foreign language learning subjects will also be freely opened.

Regarding adult education, the Federation will also open one hundred senior technical staff education colleges across the specifically for adults, training-level industries and skilled workers in various fields...

Projects have been announced one by one, starting from the root to solve all the basic livelihood problems in the Middle East.

At the same time, a new map of the Middle East Federation has also begun to be released. Starting tomorrow, a comprehensive population registration census will be conducted, and a unified identity certificate and various family certificates and property certificates will be issued.

The Future Technology Bank will also fully data link the banking systems of all member states and initiate unified personal credit information.


After the establishment of the Middle East Federation at this time, it will be an official country with an area of ​​nearly 6 million square kilometers and a population of close to 200 million.

The resources under control are the largest in the world in natural gas reserves and the largest in oil reserves in the world, with a variety of rich mineral resources.

All these have given the Middle East Federation the innate conditions to become a superpower.

(To be continued.)

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