The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1572: Dictator Cai Ruichen

The establishment of the Middle East Federation heralded a drastic change in the world structure.

The territory of the Federation of the Middle East suddenly surpassed India, becoming the seventh largest country in the world, and also the thirteenth country in the world with a population of over 100 million, and suddenly surpassing Brazil’s 200 million people, becoming the fifth most populous country in the world. Big country.

In terms of economics, it is not yet visible, but the rich natural gas and oil resources in the Middle East, coupled with the existence of the future technology group, a global super business empire, will inevitably achieve rapid development in the economy in the next few years.

Therefore, in the media of various countries in the world, the current Middle East Federation is almost described as a rising power.

And unlike India's gradually rising home after World War II, the Middle East Federation, a rising power, was created by strength.

The war with NATO directly established the status of the Middle East Federation as a world power. A world power that has all the conditions to become a major power has an unlimited future.

Before this, some people thought it was too exaggerated for the heads of state to gather in Marin, but now, almost no one thinks that way. Instead, they think that there seems to be not enough.

Because the Middle East has just been established, there is a huge gap in diplomacy, coupled with the identity of Cai Ruichen, a super local tyrant, the powerful technology of the future technology group, and the military strength, as well as the future oil and gas relationship in the Middle East. Any country that can see clearly, We should not miss the opportunity to have a good relationship with the Middle East Federation now.

In fact, there are also many heads of state who regret it very much. Why don't the latter have the shame to join in the fun.

But it is too late to regret now, and I can only hope that the current relationship can be improved in the future.

Of course, not all countries can come if they want to come. At least some countries have been blacklisted by the Middle East Federation from the beginning. If you want to get together cheeky, there is no chance.

While the world is discussing the future of the Middle East Federation, a flag was hoisted high on the central avenue of the Congress Center and the Royal Plaza. The entire Marin city was in a short period of one hour. Large balloons are floating.

Today is not only the founding day of the Middle East Federation, but also the National Day of the previous Islamic Federation. The two overlapping days have become the most memorable day of the Middle East Federation.

Therefore, the entire Middle East Federation has a seven-day holiday to celebrate this great day.

This is similar to the National Day in my hometown and the Independence Day in the United States. Both are the most memorable days in a country.

At the beginning of the event, the celebration of the founding day was also being arranged in full swing.

The troops preparing to participate in the military parade also drove into the city on time, and entered the parade ground along the newly constructed Huangting Avenue that runs through Marin from north to south.

In Marin, there are two huge squares and two 16-lane avenues that meet together.

One of them is the Future Avenue that passes by the Future Technology Building Plaza, which runs through the entire city from east to west, and the other is the newly built Royal Court Avenue, which passes through all the core government areas of the Middle East Federation, and also passes through the Royal Court and Congress Center.

The two avenues meet in the city center, forming the largest crossroads in the world.

The width of the two avenues is nearly 100 meters, and the intersection of Huangting Avenue directly passes through the viaduct above the future avenue, so there is no need to wait for traffic lights. Marin City has never set up traffic lights as always.

All road junctions are either viaducts or underground passages, and sidewalks are also elevator viaducts or underground passages.

This design without traffic lights makes the city look faster. As long as there is no traffic jam, there is no need to wait.

When the troops entered the city in long convoys, there were still a large number of vehicles passing through the road.

The one-way eight-lane Huangting Avenue is very spacious, and the huge traffic volume on it does not appear to be crowded.

Today's Huangting Avenue is under traffic control in the central part, and the road has already been closed, except for media vehicles and parade troops, no vehicles can enter.

The huge military parade slowly drove into the edge of the Imperial Court Square, which made the hundreds of thousands of people gathered here couldn't help cheering.

Except for some residents who originally lived in Marin City, all the people present were citizens from various member states of the Middle East Federation, specially to witness today's great moment with their own eyes.

Nearly 9:30 in the morning, the inaugural meeting of the Middle East Federation at the Congress Center has ended. The heads of state and invited global elites have begun to move in an orderly manner to the VIP viewing platform at the gate of the imperial court under the leadership of the ceremonial robot.

At ten o'clock exactly, the receiving troops assembled on Huangting Avenue, and thousands of seats on the guest stage were filled with people.

And the heads of state were all invited to go upstairs in the Imperial Court to appreciate the upcoming military parade with Cai Ruichen.

This is the second time the military parade was held on the founding day. The last time was when the Islamic Federation was established, and this time it was the day the Middle East Federation was established.

At ten o'clock, the Red Police Corps banned the guards and began to carry out the flag-raising ceremony, and Cai Ruichen also walked to the observatory tower on time and watched the whole process of the rising of the new flag of the Middle East Federation with hundreds of thousands of people on the scene.

In the loud national anthem, all the heads of state all stood up quietly, and their eyes all focused on the high flag in the center of the square.

It's just that each person's face looks different, with little joy, and more complex expressions with uncertain emotions.

The establishment of the Middle East Federation has left the heads of states uncertain whether it is a bad thing or a good thing for their country.

No one can tell now, Cai Ruichen, the youngest leader in the world, is very courageous, courageous, and extremely charismatic, and his reputation is unmatched in the Federation.

Cai Ruichen almost represents the will of the entire federation, and the future direction of the federation will all be within Cai Ruichen's thoughts.

In the eyes of heads of state, such a country is a terrifying existence.

The entire country is completely obedient in front of him, and there is no interest group or political group in the Federation that can check and balance Cai Ruichen's existence, and his words and deeds will be fully implemented.

This alone makes the heads of state extremely vigilant while admiring them. If such a young man tries to conquer the world, it will be a disaster for all mankind.

At least for now, that's exactly the case.

(To be continued.)

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