The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1573: The capital of youth

In the eyes of the heads of state at this moment, Cai Ruichen is a veritable dictator. There is no doubt about this.

This impression comes from the system of the Islamic Federation. Cai Ruichen, like an emperor, completely controls the entire federation. Before him, all the leaders of the member states only obey orders.

In the future Middle East Federation, this situation will probably not change in any way.

The reason is very simple. Cai Ruichen has all the conditions that a dictator has.

Complete control of the army, complete control of the economy, and control of the people's hearts. Based on these three points, the entire Federation cannot shake Cai Ruichen's supreme status.

Cai Ruichen is only twenty-five years old. He is very likely to rule the Middle East Federation for more than fifty to sixty years. During this time, the heads of state can't help but worry if Cai Ruichen's ambitions develop further with his strength. And the outbreak?

This is a terrible guess and a very likely fact.

Fortunately, the whole world was relieved somewhat. Cai Ruichen seemed to put his greatest ambitions outside the universe.

But while rest assured, the heads of state are also quite anxious.

Cai Ruichen's move seems to have given up global interests, but the heads of state are very clear that Cai Ruichen is not really giving up the interests on the earth, but to quickly seize the commanding heights of global strategic interests.

This commanding height is space, and the benefits of space are limitless. Whoever can take the lead in mastering space is equal to the supreme commanding height of future global strategic interests.

But for such a commanding height of strategic interests, it doesn't mean that you can go if you want to. At least you don't have certain technology and capital, so don't even think about it.

Does Cai Ruichen have such ability?

No one knows now, but there is one thing that people have to worry about. Cai Ruichen has never made any mistakes along the way, and every time he takes action after he is thoughtful but well prepared.

If Cai Ruichen really masters the technology for mankind to go out of the earth, and it is a mature technology, then everyone understands that no one can compete with Cai Ruichen in this area, maybe the United States and Russia can.

But is there enough time?

With all kinds of complex emotions, the heads of state looked at this flag that has been completely raised, as if seeing the moment when the Middle East Federation would reach the summit in the future.

The people upstairs in the Royal Court could not help but think: Maybe the future global hegemon is not China, nor India, let alone Russia, but this young man...

Military parades are often held by various countries, and there is nothing new.

Cai Ruichen is not a person who pursues formality. In his view, the military parade, in addition to motivating people's hearts, is more to show strong strength to the outside world.

Compared with the first point, Cai Ruichen pays more attention to the second effect. Today, it is rare that most of the countries in the world are concentrated here, and naturally they need to perform well.

The military parade does not have a link to review the troops, and some are just splits, which is similar to Russia.

However, the square where the troops are concentrated can just be seen from the imperial court's observation tower. The neat and uniform square team, all kinds of advanced weapons and equipment, are all displayed without reservation.

With the raising of the national flag and the end of the majestic national anthem, Cai Ruichen also stood on the podium, facing the whole country and facing the massive live broadcasts from all over the world, he said softly:

"Remember that there is a passage in Ostrovsky's "How Steel Is Made": Life gives us a huge and infinite noble gift, this is youth. Full of power and full of Expected volunteers, full of ambitions of seeking knowledge and struggle, full of hope and confidence in youth.

Indeed, youth is the best season of life, the most sonorous chapter in life, the destructive pride, and the rising power of the rising sun. Youthful we are full of spirits, youthful we dare to be first, youthful we are high-spirited.

Youth is our footprint, sweat is our hope for struggle, and the smile of every federal citizen is the result of our labor and the driving force of our work.

As a member of the youngest country, I am very proud, very proud, but I am not arrogant or arrogant. I know my insignificance and ordinaryness. I will continue to dedicate my youth, sweat and wisdom to my position, sway and innovate... At least let others know that I have sweated here, worked hard, as For young people in the new century, we must turn this short youth into eternal memory.

With youthful struggle, one should have the longing for spring, the flourishing of summer, the romance of autumn, and the profoundness of winter. Because we are young, we are rich, because we are young, so we are not afraid of failure, because we are young, so we use hard work to describe tomorrow.

I am not a poet, and I cannot sing about myself in gorgeous verses;

I am not a scholar and cannot think about my value in deep thinking;

I'm not a singer, so I can't praise my identity with a beautiful singing voice.

However, as the supreme leader of the Middle East Federation, I can use my own words and deeds and the knowledge in my mind to build a beautiful future. I can use the most sincere feelings and infinite enthusiasm to build the most beautiful poem in my heart. Like candles, burn your youth in dedication!"

The gentle sunlight in the morning spills onto the earth through the green leaves, and the once-green time in the annual rings tells beautiful legends to the future.

On the upper floor of the viewing platform, all the capitals of Yuan Dynasty did not expect that Cai Ruichen, who did not have a speech, would say something like this, something that seems to be completely irrelevant to today's theme.

But when Cai Ruichen's voice fell everyone also tasted it, isn't youth the best interpretation of the Middle East Federation at this moment?

Cai Ruichen's youth, the youth of the Middle East Federation, is full of vigor and vitality.

Young is hope, young is capital, which is unmatched by anyone.

It's like two people fighting every day, the young one is eighteen years old, the elder is fifty years old, the older one grows grass early on the grave, and the young one celebrates with the grave that grows last year every day. Is it the older one? Can you still crawl out of the grave?

Although very vulgar, but the truth is very real.

Just like Cai Ruichen’s statement on the value of youth, this is also his biggest capital in the world. I have time and some capital. Even if I make a mistake, I have time to correct it.

And these years, in the eyes of various countries, it is not like speaking to the citizens of the Middle East Federation, but more like speaking specifically to them.

At the same time, they could also hear that Cai Ruichen might really become a leader who has been in power for more than half a century. (To be continued.)

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