The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1574: 0 million garrison

The prelude to a new era officially kicked off.

It's just that everyone hasn't realized that in the new era, standards are facing new challenges, and new standards are about to be formulated.

At this moment, everyone has begun to immerse themselves in the military parade that has already begun.

Cai Ruichen finished his speech, and the military parade began immediately.

The whole team was separated from the parade square and stepped onto the parade avenue in front of the imperial court.

Each team is like a neatly cut module, with sharp edges and corners. The chess players in front of each team hold the number of their own unit.

The Red Police Corps has been in war for many years, and a large number of troops have been given numbers in turn by Cai Ruichen himself. These numbers will continue to accompany the troops until the end of the era.

For the first time, the three-service honor guard has been changed to the regular army three-service honor guard of the Middle East Federal Guard. They are all composed of elites of the Red Police Corps. In addition to the traditional honor guard tasks, they are also a member of the ban.

Although the ranks of the soldiers in each guard of honor are different, their mental outlook is completely the same.

The military uniforms of the troops that are unveiled this time have also been significantly changed, using the latest soldier uniforms and courtesy uniforms.

Because the height and hand-to-foot ratio of the Middle Easterners belong to Asians, the military uniforms are all similar to the new Chinese uniforms, but the color is darker after all, and the styles look similar.

After the honor guards of the three services have passed through, the next are the squads of the military academies. These squads have one characteristic, that is, they are not members of the Red Police Corps, but real Arabs. Each is a military academy. Of students in school.

Cai Ruichen set up the first military academy four years ago. Up to now, the first batch of military academies graduates. The military cadets under review during this military parade are all military school graduates who have just held a graduation ceremony. , And each was awarded the rank of lieutenant or second lieutenant.

Cai Ruichen did not favor one another because they were not members of the Red Police Corps. Although from the heart, he still loves the soldiers of the Red Police Corps more, but he also sincerely likes every enthusiastic youth who is willing to join the military.

Starting from the construction of the military academy, the federation has not taken a peaceful path. It clearly knew that it was really going to battle, but it could not stop the enthusiasm of the people as soldiers.

And every patriot is worthy of respect, which Cai Ruichen quite recognizes.

But precisely because of this, the military academy has always adopted the strictest elimination system, which will last for at least two years.

The military academies are all high-level military academies, and each student is required to have at least the cultural foundation for graduation from high school. After being admitted to the military academy, they will also face the cruelest elimination education model.

During the two years of studying in the military academy, not only have to face extremely rigorous military training, but also various professional knowledge studies. Every year, all those who fail to meet the standards will be ruthlessly eliminated.

No one is immune, regardless of their status, they are treated equally in the military academy.

Even Cai Ruichen could not open the back door to any cadet. Tan Ya was responsible for the entire military academy system. After establishing this elimination system, Cai Ruichen had made it clear that he had no right to interfere with the military academy's normal elimination system.

The qualification standards for cadets are strictly required to be comparable to the regular army of the Red Police Corps elite, and in terms of professional knowledge, they must also be able to match the regular army officers of the Red Police Corps in order to successfully graduate.

Under such a cruel elimination system, all those who can stay are true elites. Even in the fourth year of studying in the military academy, they will participate in actual combat at any time and may go directly to the battlefield.

Under this rigorous education, the military academy has gone through four years and has welcomed its first batch of graduates.

In terms of loyalty, Cai Ruichen does not worry about anything. There is a mind controller. He believes that the loyalty of the students of these military academies will not be less than that of the soldiers of the Red Police Corps.

And this group of young grassroots officers who graduated from the military academy will soon begin to welcome their future military careers.

After this military parade, they will be dispersed to the various member states of the Federation and join the garrisons of each member state. Only Xiaochu among them is eligible to join the big family of the Federal Guard.

For the first time, the Red Police Corps will also welcome a group of excellent grassroots officers with almost hundreds of people, who are not officers from the Red Police Corps system.

The Federation is established, and the troops of each member state will also be streamlined in accordance with the usual practice. This streamlining will be extremely cruel. Through a month of inhuman training, all members of the member states will not be able to endure hardship, perseverance, and determination. All of the soldiers were eliminated from the troops.

At the same time, the big test for all officers is about to start. Those who are completely unqualified will be eliminated and retired. Basically qualified will also be retrained at the military academy. Only those who are truly qualified are eligible to remain in the army.

This system is very cruel. In Iraq and Syria, more than two-thirds of the total number of ordinary soldiers were eliminated, and less than five percent of officers were left behind.

Of course, this is also because Cai Ruichen does not need each member state to maintain too many troops.

According to the planned scale of the garrison forces of each member state, the garrison forces of Iran and Saudi Arabia will be controlled at about 200,000.

Like Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, and Syria are all controlled at a scale of 100,000, and Yemen 50,000. The remaining member states retain garrisons of 5,000 to 10,000.

The garrison forces are directly under the command and management of the garrison headquarters of each member, and the garrison headquarters is the former Ministry of National Defense.

According to Cai Ruichen's plan from the beginning, the size of the garrison force will be controlled within one million, and modern military construction will also be fully realized. Although it is designated as a second-line force, its combat effectiveness will also follow the footsteps of global forces.

In the next stage of the garrison construction plan, the third-generation fighters and the third-and-a-half-generation fighters to be phased out by the Red Police Corps will also be delivered to the garrison.

The navy, air force, and army of the garrison forces of each member state will also establish a unified command structure that is the highest during war.

In other words, after Cai Ruichen was promoted to high-level authority, he would deliver most of the weapons and equipment under the high-level authority of the Red Police Corps to the garrison.

The Red Police Corps will continue to be at the forefront of the world, equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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