The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1575: Red Police Corps Show

Since the establishment of the Syrian Federation and the construction of the garrison, Cai Ruichen has never put the garrison aside.

The first batch of garrisons began in the founding of Iraq. So far, three new recruits have been recruited and three batches of retired veterans have been sent away.

In terms of age, they are getting younger and younger. In terms of military allowances and welfare, they all follow economic development, so that soldiers can reduce their economic worries as much as possible.

Those retired garrison soldiers and officers have also made work arrangements as much as possible and prioritized arrangements in the police force.

And the Federation has always been implementing a conscript system. If you want to be a soldier, you can come, but it will not force every young person to be a soldier.

After all, the Federation has a large population, and if everyone were to serve as soldiers, the country would be messed up.

And the modern military construction of the garrison has never stopped.

Originally a large number of weapons and equipment have been eliminated. These equipment, no matter how advanced or imported from any country, will be eliminated from the army without exception and replaced with the equipment system of the Red Police Corps.

This equipment system is helpful for coordinated command operations. In the study and use of equipment, the entire system can be unified, not different from the Red Police Corps, and it also reduces logistics pressure.

At present, this rule will continue to every member of the Middle East Federation, even the Saudi forces, will completely phase out all the equipment previously used.

No matter how advanced the German Leopard 2A6 is, and no matter how useful the American Abrams is, even the missiles will all be eliminated and all replaced with their own weapons and equipment systems.

In actual battles, the weapon system of the Red Police Corps has proven its value and practicality to the world, and the member states have absolutely no opinions.

Of course, these eliminated weapons and equipment will not be sold in the snow or sold, but will all be used as training tools.

The Million Guards Corps will also carry out unified military formulation and division after the comprehensive infrastructure construction is completed.

Because in the future, regardless of the number of member states, the size of the Million Guard Corps will not increase too much.

In Cai Ruichen's plan, the number of garrison regiments is almost controlled at 1.2 million, and it cannot exceed 1.5 million.

Therefore, the number of garrisons in each member state will also be adjusted according to the situation.

The reason for controlling the number of garrison regiments is that the size of the Red Police Corps will increase. The Red Police Corps is a guarantee of combat effectiveness. Cai Ruichen will not retire too many soldiers from the Red Police Corps.

In seven years, the current size of the Red Police Corps combat troops has reached 500,000, and this number will be even more in the future. Once the replication center comes out, the number of soldiers recruited each year can reach 200,000.

Therefore, it is very necessary to control the garrison, not to mention that the Federation does not need so many garrisons.

However, the building of the combat effectiveness of the garrison is also one of the key tasks of the Supreme Command.

Cai Ruichen even plans to let Tan Ya serve as the commander-in-chief of the garrison, who is fully responsible for the combat effectiveness of the entire garrison.

In fact, Cai Ruichen is also worried that if he only relies on the Red Police Corps in the future, his strength may be stretched.

Moreover, once the land area continues to expand, the demand for troops will also increase.

This is the same in any country. The United States has a National Guard and an armed police in my hometown. The nature of the garrison is similar.

It's just that those in power pay more attention than the United States National Guard.

Cai Ruichen has always been a person who strives for perfection. In the face of the upcoming high-level authority, a large number of main combat equipment of the Red Police Corps will usher in performance and combat effectiveness upgrades, and the second-level equipment will be fully launched.

Cai Ruichen also plans to fully upgrade the upgraded weapons and equipment in the Red Police Corps. This is the only person in the world who has such a mastery.

The cost of base production of weapons is much cheaper than the cost of weapons production in various countries, and it has nothing to do with the economy or the price of raw materials. Cai Ruichen also has the capital to make such a decision.

After the Red Police Corps was refitted, all the weapons and equipment that were replaced would also be given to the Digit Corps for use.

This will greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the garrison and enable it to truly possess the armed potential of a world-class army.

Even Cai Ruichen plans to hand over the three aircraft carrier battle groups of the current three major fleets to the garrison forces as aircraft carrier training ships for the garrison navy.

The Red Police Corps naval force will be equipped with more advanced naval equipment, enabling it to truly become the world's strongest navy.

Of course, these news are completely unclear to the outside world, and even within the Federation, only a few people know such a huge armament plan.

If this is the news, let all the heads of state watching the military parade know, I am afraid that no one will sit still now.

The weapons and equipment that Cai Ruichen doesn't like are all treasures for all countries, and they are going to be eliminated. How good should the new equipment be?

However, once such news comes out in advance, I am afraid that there will be more panic. After all, after receiving too many such news at once, not everyone can accept it immediately.

It's just that even if the heads of state do not know the news, everyone's mood is not very calm at this moment.

After the cadet team passed by, the team appeared as the fighting elite of the various units of the Red Police Corps.

The two infantry squadrons come from the Marin Division, which will soon become the Guards and Guards Army. Each soldier in the squadron is fully armed, exoskeleton armor, full metal helmet system, information tactical vest, and personal terminal system. They are all available, so that many heads of state present have a sense of seeing science fiction movies.

In fact, all countries have already known that the Islamic and Syrian Federation has begun to equip this advanced individual equipment, but it is one thing to hear it, and it is another to see it with your own eyes.

The team has just passed, and the next appearance is a company that has just been drawn from the Iranian battlefield. Although the soldiers of the company do not have the most advanced individual suits, everyone’s face is filled with The evil spirit brought back from the battlefield is not much worse than the front team.

In the subsequent squadrons, whether it is the air force or the navy, or the special forces of the sea, land, and air forces, whether it is weapons, equipment or mental outlook, they are no less than any squadron.

These ordinary soldiers have already brought a bit of dignity to the upper floors of Guanli City.

(To be continued.)

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