The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1576: Magnetic Storm Infantry Team

The grand military parade immediately ushered in the climax of the entire military parade after the infantry teams passed by.

Especially for the heads of state upstairs in Guanli City, they come here more to see their weapons and equipment.

After all, the weapons and equipment that can beat the U.S. military horribly on the frontal battlefield are worth seeing.

After all, there are not many such opportunities, and the Middle East Federation has stated that it is impossible to hold a military parade every year and make arrangements based on the situation.

The feeling of watching it in person on TV is completely different.

It's like the reloaded squadron appearing after the infantry squadron, giving people the most direct shock.

The heavy armored infantry lined up after the infantry squadron, and the heavy armor was assembled on the soldier's body. This kind of heavy armor with a height of more than three meters has been hotly discussed all over the world for almost a year.

From the Israeli battlefield to the Iranian battlefield, there is a figure that has always existed. The armor weighs a ton, the pace is neatly formed, and the momentum is like a thousand horses.

If not for every heavy infantryman’s feet, there is a rubber boot sole to prevent slippage and reduce the frontal pressure on the ground. Otherwise, the concrete floor of the Parade Avenue would not be able to withstand this sonorous step. .

This is also the first time that heavy infantry has lined up neatly in the public eye, attracting countless eyes at once.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen also told the world that the war will once again usher in this huge change.

Because actual combat has proven time and time again that this kind of individual equipment that seems to be unable to withstand the heavy firepower of the battlefield can indeed still exert a very important firepower on the battlefield.

And can also be competent for all heavy handling tasks and individual fire support tasks in the army.

Earlier, the US Pentagon had released a detailed report on this heavy infantry. On the Iranian battlefield, American soldiers need at least three times the strength to suppress a combat squad with heavy infantry.

Moreover, the heavy infantry has various anti-detection technologies, which can completely ignore infrared detection. In a complex ground environment, it does not worry about radar detection at all. It also has an anti-infrared elevation angle design.

This makes it difficult for tanks and gunships to target lurking or camouflaged heavy infantry, and the detection methods possessed by heavy infantry are also very clever. Almost all can be the first to find tanks and gunships and carry anti-armor. Firepower can also easily destroy tanks and armed helicopters.

Moreover, the heavy infantry can carry a large amount of supplies at one time to follow the combat squad to fight, which can ensure the long-lasting combat effectiveness of the class combat unit.

These characteristics are summed up after the US military encounters heavy infantry again and again, and they have all been announced to the outside world.

However, the US military has not announced that the opponent has arranged a very close logistical support system for this equipment, and it can sneak and parachute, and the scope and breadth of use is very flexible.

At this point, even if the United States is reluctant to admit, this equipment that has already determined its value on the battlefield is indeed a very successful weapon.

And any weaponry is to serve the war, as long as the weapon can play its role on the battlefield, it is worthy of recognition.

In the follow-up magnetic storm infantry, this is not distinguished by the outside world, because the individual armor of the magnetic storm infantry is almost the same as the heavy infantry.

Therefore, in the eyes of the outside world, these are two heavy infantry squadrons, and the doorway inside is just not enough for outsiders.

Cai Ruichen is also very concerned about the confidentiality of weapons and equipment. Some things can be made public and can be seen by people at will, but some things that should be kept secret must continue to be kept secret.

The magnetic storm infantry is different from the heavy infantry. It is an invisible killer on the battlefield. Each magnetic storm infantry not only has a strong current attack ability, but also each magnetic storm infantry is a mobile wireless interference source on the battlefield, which can interfere with all radio waves. , Paralyze the enemy's communications.

In other words, the magnetic storm infantry can not only kill the enemy on the battlefield, but also take on the task of electronic warfare, and each magnetic storm infantry is a separate electronic warfare unit.

And this is what Cai Ruichen wants to keep secret.

In modern warfare, no matter how weapons and equipment are changed, intelligence and battlefield information are the foundation of war victory. Informationized warfare is information.

The magnetic explosive infantry is fully capable of paralyzing the enemy's information and communication on the battlefield, leaving the frontline troops completely out of touch with the headquarters, making it impossible for local command agencies to understand the situation on the battlefield in the first place.

The US military has already tasted this kind of pain, and often the soldiers in the rear have just arrived at the front line and all communications will lose contact.

However, no matter how the U.S. Information Forces searches, they can only find large areas of interference networks, and cannot locate one of them.

This has allowed the US military to use counter-detection methods by the other side. These interference source networks are all false targets, and the real interference source is hidden.

This makes the US military's electronic warfare units all very helpless, unable to find a point, it is difficult to destroy the other side's electronic jamming system in one fell swoop.

However, it is very difficult to destroy one by one. After all, the other party has interception means. Even if it launches a missile, it is unclear whether the missile can kill all the interference sources of the other party at once. The exposed missile positions will be immediately by the other party. Anti-destroy.

Even when the war came to an end, the US military still could not solve this most difficult problem.

However, no one thought that in this era when electronic warfare is concentrated, the Red Police Corps is beginning to turn electronic warfare units into individual soldiers.

This kind of change, the outside world does not know, and how can they formulate targeted tactics, the final result can only be led by the nose, as strong as the US military is no exception.

In the world’s impression, electronic warfare equipment requires a complete set of large-scale equipment. How can such equipment be carried by individual soldiers, usually in vehicles, and it is impossible to hide the most basic antenna.

This kind of preconceivedness has kept the U.S. military unable to find the key point of the problem.

It is also necessary for the magnetic storm infantry to continue to hide. As for various speculations from the outside world, Cai Ruichen has never cared.

Where there is transparency, he will naturally be transparent. After all, transparency is also a form of establishing international relations, and nothing can be left to the outside world to guess.

Of course, when it comes to important secrets, strict secrecy measures cannot be relaxed. (To be continued.)

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