The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1577: The apocalypse that made the U.S. military helpless

After reloading infantry and magnetic storm infantry, there is a neatly equipped team.

Among the units that appeared in the parade this time, there was no archer girl, nor any biological units. These will never be announced.

At least in Cai Ruichen's current plan, it will not be announced to the public.

The chariot squadron closely followed the magnetic storm infantry’s squadron. The tank squadron appeared for the first time. The Rhino tank that had appeared in the parade before did not appear in the parade. The apocalyptic tank appeared directly on the stage.

Regarding this dual-barreled fourth-generation main battle tank, since the beginning of the depreciation by the media of various countries, no one has said that this dual-barreled tank is a chicken ribbed tank, and no one can hear that the Apocalypse tank is a failure. the design of.

Whether a weapon is easy to use or not is not counted in any language. After being tested on the battlefield, the answer will naturally appear whether the equipment is valuable.

The U.S. Army has had enough of the suffering of the Apocalypse tank. Abrams, who was either ranked first or second in the world, is like a child who is not growing up in front of the Apocalypse tank. He is always in a position of abuse. .

In the entire war, none of the Apocalypse tanks have been destroyed by US tanks. Only a few have lost their combat effectiveness because of anti-tank mines. They can still be put on the battlefield after repairs.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen did not specifically carry out any publicity, because he currently has no intention of completely selling the Apocalypse Tank.

At most, it was sold to a part of his hometown. In other countries, Cai Ruichen could not sell the apocalypse tank.

Because it is absolutely necessary for the United States to continue to publicize the arrogant record of Abrams, like the United States in the past, the Apocalypse tank appears very low-key and restrained.

It's just that the light of pearls can't be concealed. Although countries rarely see the future media promoting the Apocalypse tank, the United States also has many comments on this tank.

These evaluations almost rated this tank as the world’s most powerful main combat weapon on the ground. It has a built-in phased array radar antenna array and carries short-range air defense missiles. It can quickly spot armed helicopters, launch missiles directly, and destroy nearby weapons. Helicopter.

On the Iranian battlefield, a part of the Apache gunships in the United States were destroyed in this way. The Pentagon also disclosed this to the outside world.

According to the information released by the U.S. military, the outside world also learned to some extent that on the Iranian battlefield, a longbow Apache squadron of the U.S. Eighth Army received an order from the command headquarters to secretly attacked and rushed to the battlefield to prepare to attack an armored battalion. Launch a blow.

As we all know, in normal air-to-ground operations, once an armored force is spotted by a gunship without the protection of an air defense force, the result will be quite tragic, and it is almost equivalent to a complete death.

The powerful firepower of armed helicopters can easily destroy main battle tanks.

The Pentagon document also stated that the Eighth Army Command, when the Apache Squadron was about to arrive near the target armored battalion, also directly determined that the armored battalion was destroyed.

The actual results, however, shocked the entire Eighth Army. It was confirmed that there was no nearby armored battalion without anti-aircraft firepower. There were more than 30 Apocalypse tanks resting on the side of the road. Behind the unmanned turret, there was actually a similar Aegis warship. The kind of vertical launcher.

This kind of device is very small, and it can only launch a short-range air defense missile propelled by a single-stage rocket, but this kind of missile is completely sufficient for attacking helicopters.

An entire squadron of Apache gunships had not had time to lock onto the target, they were already locked by intensive air defense fire, and eventually they even fled back with a wounded Apache.

This allowed the U.S. military to once again truly see an unknown part of this main battle tank, and before that, no one had any information on this main battle tank.

It was also from this time that the US military realized for the first time that armed helicopters would no longer be natural enemies of tanks in the future.

Even gunships must start to be careful about tanks on the ground that can be camouflaged at any time. The relationship seems to be out of place.

In fact, the world’s first fourth-generation main battle tank, the Russian Armata main battle tank, the United States believed from the beginning that this tank has the technology to launch anti-aircraft missiles and phased array radar.

It's just that the United States did not expect that the twin-turret Apocalypse tank actually still has a place to place the anti-aircraft missile launcher.

Earlier, the United States inferred that the huge tonnage of the Apocalypse tank was due to the twin turrets, but since then, the United States once again found that it was very wrong.

If it hadn't been for the dual turrets to confuse the field of vision, and the analysis based on normal equipment performance and indicators, the United States would not have overlooked this.

There is no doubt that this lesson from the United States has also strengthened the global reputation of the Apocalypse tank.

As one of the world's two fourth-generation main battle tanks, this dual-barreled main battle tank has also begun to become a household name.

However, until now, no one is optimistic about the twin turrets of this tank.

The reason is very simple. There are only two rivers in the Middle East, and there is no dense water network. The land is hard and hard soil, which is fully capable of withstanding this 80-ton main battle tank.

This is a bit similar to the American Abrams, which can grow to more than 70 tons, but also because there are not many restrictions on weight.

But other countries cannot, especially Southeast Asian countries. It is very difficult for this tank to even move to Southeast, and various bridges cannot withstand such a huge pressure.

However, the development needs of any country's weapons and equipment are firstly based on its own national environment. The Apocalypse tank is suitable for the Middle East, and it is indeed the strongest here. This cannot be denied.

Only this tank has natural limitations in its use.

Of course, all countries are well aware that the future science and technology group has the ability to develop a dual-barrel Apocalypse tank, and it will naturally have a way to reduce the tonnage to control a single-barrel Apocalypse tank at about 55 tons.

It's just that the Middle East Federation does not need such a suitable tonnage main battle tank. What's more, the Middle East Federation's own global transport aircraft can also be transported with Apocalypse tanks, so there will be no transportation difficulties.

A strategic tactical transport aircraft capable of taking off and landing on complex terrain, coupled with a powerful and unparalleled main battle tank, looks a bit like a sharp blade hanging on the neck of various countries.

At this moment, the appearance of the Tianqi tank formation made the entire military parade more exciting.

(To be continued.)

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