The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1578: Battle fortress, the nightmare of the US military

If it is said that the entire Middle East Federal Guard Army’s weapons and equipment system, which weapon is most concerned by the outside world, it is definitely not the apocalypse tank.

Since the Apocalypse tank appeared in the Israeli war, it has attracted a lot of global attention. Now, the outside world has a full understanding of the actual combat performance, and naturally it will not be too interested.

But when the behemoth that appeared behind the Apocalypse tank team slowly came to the military parade to watch the salute, many heads of state could not help but stand up.

This equipment that appeared in front of everyone had an extremely large body, and the wide track made the originally extremely wide avenue seem to be much smaller.

A avenue of eight main battle tanks that can walk side by side, behind a row of six apocalyptic tanks, is a battle fortress in a row.

This is a new equipment that has recently appeared on the Iranian battlefield.

Today's huge goals, huge movements between actions, in this era of informationized aerospace battlefields, such a weapon is simply a moving coffin.

But in fact, when this battle fortress appeared on the battlefield, the US military felt hopeless for a while.

The United States has discovered that its current weapons and equipment cannot destroy such a large man.

Anti-tank missiles, air-to-ground tactical missiles, tank main guns, and various anti-armor mines and traps did not stop this terrifying mobile fortress for a moment.

On the top of the car body, the two powerful main guns on the left and right, I don’t know how many American armored vehicles and tanks have been ruined. Moreover, once the weapon system on it is fully exploded, its firepower is simply irresistible.

The most frightening thing is that such a big man has a moving speed no less than that of a main battle tank. Compared with its bloated figure, it is simply a flexible fat man.

This is also the code name given by the US military to this battle fortress, and it is also the term most spoken by every US soldier who has encountered it.

At the beginning, when American soldiers encountered a battle fortress, they just thought it was a mobile fortress of firepower, but when they were fighting.

The American soldiers really realized why the battle fortress looks so fat because it is full of combat troops.

In the battle fortress, you can hold the next platoon of combat soldiers, and all of them are covered with shooting holes. In the battle fortress, there is a weapon that makes American soldiers afraid, that is, a high-precision sniper artillery.

This 30mm gun has the same shooting principle and aiming as a sniper rifle. The barrel is very long and it has strong detection and sensing equipment. It can find life forms hidden behind several floors of building walls.

In front of this sniper gun, the wall bunkers of urban buildings do not exist at all.

It can easily lock soldiers separated by several walls more than a thousand meters away, and can also lock armored vehicles and tanks hidden around.

On the urban battlefield on the Iranian battlefield, the appearance of this weapon is simply a slaughter, and it has directly caused a large number of US soldiers to have nightmares almost every day.

The 127mm Barrett heavy sniper rifle is cruel enough in urban street fighting, no less than massacre.

If it were replaced by a 30mm sniper artillery, the degree of cruelty would rise geometrically.

Fortunately, the American soldiers locked in the attack were able to leave half of their corpses. They were dismembered directly after bad luck, and even a complete body was not found.

This also makes many American soldiers willing to be separated on the battlefield, and firmly will not ride any armored personnel carrier on the battlefield.

Because the front armor of the armored personnel carrier will also be directly penetrated by this sniper gun, a single bullet can kill half of the vehicle.

But what really worries American soldiers is the powerful suppression of firepower and the large amount of combat equipment loaded on the battle fortress.

On the Iranian battlefield, American soldiers circulated this sentence: pray that God will let you meet the real enemy.

In fact, on the Iranian battlefield, American soldiers rarely have the opportunity to meet with Union soldiers. On the frontal battlefield, almost all they encounter are cold combat equipment.

The step-tank coordination is the housekeeping skill of the US military, but when they use the step-tank coordination to face this new opponent, the coordinated operations they encounter are unmanned combat robots and cold killing equipment.

Terrorist robots, heavy infantry, combined with battle fortresses, and long-distance heavy delivery of bullfrog vehicles, all made American soldiers almost invisible to their flesh and blood enemies.

The heavy armor protects the soldiers of the Red Police Corps at all times, and the heavy infantry is also protected by armor. The cold terrorist robots and the ultra-fast moving speed are challenging the nerves of every American soldier.

And these materials, the Pentagon did not announce the same as the Apocalypse Tank, these are all lessons learned in blood.

The development of the military equipment of the future science and technology group seems to be useless at all, but it can often produce miraculous effects on the battlefield.

This is what makes the U.S. Pentagon the most depressing. It obviously looks good to bully and destroy, but it can’t be done.

However, the Pentagon of the United States is also very willing to believe that this kind of weaponry is so perfect because the user can perform perfectly. If another army uses these equipment, it will definitely not have such an effect.

The United States is indeed right about this. Many weapons and equipment of the Red Police Corps are indeed purely suitable for use by the Red Police Corps.

As for the individual armor of heavy, where do we find so many high-ranking soldiers who are all up to the standard of two meters.

In the informationized battlefield, no advanced weapons and equipment can truly dominate the battlefield. It is the entire war system that can dominate the battlefield, not relying on one or two pieces of equipment.

The battle fortress needs the cooperation of terrorist robots, as well as the cooperation of heavy infantry and magnetic storm infantry. Similarly, heavy infantry and magnetic storm infantry also need the cooperation of bullfrog vehicles.

But in the final analysis, all this is also a cooperation between people. As long as one link fails to keep up, the real weakness will be exposed immediately.

In this age of over-attack war, the powerful armor of the battle fortress is not invincible, and the armor of the Apocalypse tank is not invincible.

The sides, directly above, and behind are weaknesses, as are the tracks.

The same is true for heavy infantry. If there is no matching of firepower, the firepower of American soldiers is enough to make the armor of heavy infantry instantly turn into scrap. (To be continued.)


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