The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1581: South Korean base car arrives

The next two days were also the busiest two days for Cai Ruichen. During these two days, he has been meeting with important heads of states of various countries.

Of course, Cai Ruichen does not always meet with the capital of every country that arrives. Instead, he chooses the more important countries and meets with him. The remaining heads of state will all be given to the heads of member states to receive.

Even if the number of people meeting in person has been controlled to a very small number, Cai Ruichen has almost always kept pace in these two days.

On the second day of the founding day, many countries also left the Middle East Federation one after another, but most of the countries stayed, because the third day of the founding day was also the day of Cai Ruichen's wedding.

The day before the wedding was approaching, Cai Ruichen came to the base console on time. Two days have passed, and it is time to receive the reward.

There were no accidents during the evaluation process. When Cai Ruichen stepped into the console at the time point, he heard the voice of the base: "Congratulations, Commander, in just seven years, he has been promoted to the high level. For ten minutes of privilege escalation, please wait for the commander."

Cai Ruichen heard that, his heart was completely let go, and the Middle East Federation has been established. If the assessment did not pass, it would be too tragic.

Fortunately, it did not appear accidentally. High-level authority means that a more powerful unit system will appear. At the same time, the task reward for promotion authority is extremely rich.

After Cai Ruichen waited quietly for ten minutes, the base's voice sounded again: "The high-level privilege promotion task is completed, and the commander's privilege is officially upgraded to high-level privilege. Please check the description of the high-level privilege by himself."

"Congratulations to the commander for completing the high-level promotion mission. The commander is awarded a chance to randomly obtain a super unit. The commander can receive the reward at any time."

"The South Korean sub-base vehicle rewarded by the advanced level promotion mission has been generated. Please select a place to deploy the sub-base vehicle.

South Korean sub-base vehicle: The special sub-base vehicle can only be deployed within the sovereignty of the base. After the expansion, the air force equipment production list of the main base is increased by one, and two different air force equipment can be constructed and produced at the same time.

Special base vehicle description: South Korean base vehicle development to the end, will produce an exclusive unit-Sky Black Hawk fighter.


After taking a look at the South Korean base vehicle that had been generated, Cai Ruichen's mouth slowly turned up. This was already the fifth sub-base vehicle he had obtained.

Iraqi Base Vehicle: Overtime Yiwen-Add one to the list of construction units

Libyan base vehicle: super-temporal explosion truck-the list of defense units plus one

Cuban Base Vehicle: Hyperspace Terrorist-the list of arms units plus one

French base car: Shenwu Giant Cannon-add one to the list of tank units

In addition to the current South Korean base vehicle, the current production list of all red police units except naval units can simultaneously produce two different weapons, which means that the production capacity can be doubled at once.

As for the naval construction list, this is completely unnecessary. Each shipyard can build warships separately. The construction list is equivalent to as many shipyards as there are.

And now, Cai Ruichen also recognizes the point that the base has always emphasized before, that is, the importance of sub-base vehicles.

The base had made it very clear that if Cai Ruichen could not obtain the sub-base vehicle as much as possible, he would not be able to face the real enemy in the future.

As for the exclusive units of the sub-base vehicle, Cai Ruichen does not know how good it is now, but in his opinion, the functions of the main base vehicle given by the sub-base vehicle are already superb.

The biggest reason for the rapid development of the Red Police Corps army is that there are always two construction lists.

And now the base vehicle production time for the Apocalypse tank is one a day, and under the two construction lists, it is two Apocalypse tanks a day, and the development speed has doubled.

The same is true for the speed of recruiting soldiers. When there are no two military recruiting lists, the development of the Red Police Corps has always been slow. After all, it is necessary to allocate troops and other types of troops. In many cases, there is a shortage of talents.

Since the two lists, one of the military recruiting lists of the base has never stopped recruiting regular soldiers, and the other list is constantly recruiting other troops. What is missing is directly what is called.

The development of the entire base began to enter an era of balanced development.

Now, the last air force unit is about to add another list, and the future development of the air force will also be promoted to the fast lane.

There is one thing that Cai Ruichen has to admit that such results in just seven years are mainly dependent on the powerful assistance brought by the sub-base vehicles.

Otherwise, even the Red Police Corps is not eligible to participate in this war in Iran. It is conceivable that the weapons and equipment are insufficient, the force is insufficient, and the armed system is not sound.

In seven years, it was not easy to complete all of this, and it was closely linked to change another link.

And now Cai Ruichen can also understand why the tasks before the high-level promotion task are punitive in nature.

That's because once the development goal cannot be successfully completed and the sub-base vehicle cannot be obtained, even if it is promoted to the advanced level, it will be difficult to develop its strength quickly.

It can be seen that the base itself is also very anxious, hoping to make the commander more difficult, of course, the reward is also very good, trials and opportunities coexist.

Fortunately, Cai Ruichen has never complained about his tasks. He has always regarded the tasks given by the base as his necessary development goals to complete and execute.

Facts have proved that the base of is trying to help him pave the way and help him formulate a complete development plan. He also does not bear the mission assigned by the base and has gone smoothly to today.

Cai Ruichen had already felt the emotion of the base from the first sentence he had just walked into. For him to be promoted to the senior level so quickly, the base is like a child encountering the New Year, and his joy is beyond words.

It's just that Cai Ruichen has never been satisfied with this kind of thing. In his opinion, there are even more powerful permissions above the high-level permissions. If you give them to yourself from the beginning, then you can go to heaven.

Cai Ruichen actually doesn't have any good feelings for this guy who has designed the various permissions of the base, but has always used existence to be reasonable to comfort himself.

But in the final analysis, the authority is getting higher and higher, which is a very gratifying thing, but the growth over the years has made Cai Ruichen not directly express this joy.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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