The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1582: Perfect base map function

With a move of his finger, Cai Ruichen gently opened the explanation of the advanced authority.

This time the promotion of high-level authority is of very important significance, but fundamentally speaking, from the intermediate level to the high-level authority, Cai Ruichen has waited long enough for more than two years.

At this moment, he did not choose to receive the rewards of the super unit, but couldn't wait to see how the base vehicle changes after the high-level authority, which is particularly important.

Advanced main base upgrade instructions:

When the commander's authority is upgraded to advanced level, the main base will also be upgraded to advanced level. The advanced main base will open all high-level authority units, and the capabilities of the base will be comprehensively improved.

The primary main base is only the basis for the growth of the commander, and it is used for the commander to build a solid foundation for development.

The mid-level main base is the beginning of all-round development. Only commanders who have reached the mid-level authority can truly compete with powerful opponents. The road to dominance has just begun.

The high-level main base, the commander has already embarked on the road of the king, and the high-level base vehicle will help the commander establish the glory of the king.


When I first saw the overall explanation, Cai Ruichen was still very excited. Now it seems that he has no troubles. He has achieved his achievements today and already knows his future well.

The glory of the king, the victor is qualified to be the king.

Cai Ruichen shook his head and pulled up the following upgrade instructions.

The first explanation is the daily transmission quality of the base’s built-in hyperspace transfer array. After this promotion to the advanced level, the hyperspace transfer array that connects the world with the wasteland can transmit 10,000 tons of material quality per day. The number of personnel that can be transmitted has reached 10,000.

When comparing the primary authority, the huge leap from one hundred tons to five thousand tons, this time only doubled, which made Cai Ruichen somewhat disappointed.

Fortunately, he doesn't really need how powerful this function is at present, let alone the transmission quality of 10,000 tons, even 5,000 tons is completely enough.

The limit on the number of personnel to be transmitted was also opened to 10,000, which is also a good improvement, allowing the Red Police Corps to move freely between the two worlds.

During the previous war against Israel, some of the troops were mobilized from the wasteland world, and they played a significant role in promoting the victory of the war.

With such a function, Cai Ruichen would be more willing to see all the restrictions removed if he hoped. Unfortunately, the function of the base is not what he wants.

Open it down again, the base did not re-open the extraction function, the extraction function is still closed.

This made Cai Ruichen a sigh of relief. He didn't like extraction. After all, if there is no extraction, once the authority is granted, any unit with this authority can build.

However, he also has the idea of ​​looking forward to the reopening of the extraction. After all, many super units were extracted during the initial extraction.

It's just that Cai Ruichen couldn't ask a question about why the base closed the extraction. Since the answer is still perfunctory, more than two years is enough to make him almost forget this question.

Now, seeing that the closed draw in the description was still there, it made him think again.

Cai Ruichen did not stay here, and continued to scroll down.

I immediately came to the base map function that Cai Ruichen cared about most. The Middle East Federation was established, but the radiation radius of the base was only in Iraq. This has always made Cai Ruichen very entangled.

In order to be able to develop quickly, he has to keep producing technology expansion stations. A technology expansion station has a capital of 5 million, which is not cheap.

The entire Syria, Palestine region and Lebanon are all relying on the function of technological expansion stations to support development.

The construction radius of the base is still in Iraq, even outside.

In more than two years, the power has expanded a lot, but development is difficult to follow. This makes Cai Ruichen often entangled with this.

With advanced permissions, the map function of the base has been significantly improved.

There is no king in the world. This upgraded map function will fully cover the entire sphere of influence. This coverage includes all the territories currently owned and all new territories that will be owned in the future.

In other words, from now on, the map function of the base vehicle will cover the entire Middle East Federation, and no matter which country joins the federation, the map function can be actively extended.

Seeing this function, Cai Ruichen once again felt more relaxed, and this function was what he wanted most.

The base map function does not mean simple coverage, which can freely construct units within the coverage area.

In Cai Ruichen's view, in fact, this function has become unimportant after the expansion of the technology station, and it will cost a little more money.

What really makes Cai Ruichen pay attention to is that other functions in the base map, the main base vehicle has a mind detector, which can insight into the hearts of everyone in the map.

This is the ability that Cai Ruichen wants most. It is more meaningful than anti-espionage to find out all the black sheep.

In the entire confederation, Cai Ruichen has only drastically eliminated corrupt officials and corpse members in Iraq. This comprehensive policy has not been thoroughly implemented in other member states.

Just because there are too many officials, it is impossible to really eliminate every problematic guy by normal means.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen did not completely implement this measure. He was waiting, waiting for the improvement of the base map function, and then clearing all the cancers of the entire Federation in one fell swoop.

As for the candidates to replace these officials, Cai Ruichen is already ready. After so many years of training, the reserve team has long been huge.

Cai Ruichen cannot be said to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, but he just can't see the existence of any corruption. There is no room for negotiation on this point.

How many people fell to the ground in Iraq that year has already explained the problem.

He cannot tolerate the existence of harmful horses and national **** under his own rule. At the same time, he will also monitor the spies lurking in various fields. Official or military spies are the focus of monitoring.

Under the mind controller, Cai Ruichen is not at all worried about the bad consequences of such a move. Only the economy, military dogs and people's livelihood are in his own hands, and no one can cause any trouble in the Middle East Federation.

Perhaps this storm that is about to sweep across the entire Middle East Federation will soon take shape. This time, there are probably tens of thousands of people who have fallen to the ground.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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