The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1583: Black technology: wireless power transmission technology

The high-level main base has obvious improvements in many functions. When Cai Ruichen saw that the last one was, the whole person was taken aback.

Advanced base vehicles will open wireless power transmission technology to commanders.

Just a few words, but Cai Ruichen's mood suddenly became extremely excited. This kind of excitement was absent even when he was just determined to be promoted to a high level of authority.

Because of this technology, in Cai Ruichen's opinion, it is too powerful. He did not expect that the base would open up this kind of sky-defying technology to himself, and it is not a dark technology.

This is an advanced technology that can be used on a fair scale around the world. Wireless power transmission technology is a technology that uses radio technology to transmit electrical energy and was invented by electrical engineer Nikola Tesla.

And Tesla is indeed an unparalleled master of science and technology, he is the inventor of alternating current. Not only his achievements in magnetism and engineering, Tesla is also considered to have contributed to various fields such as robotics, ballistics, information science, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics. Including the Internet is also one of its contributions.

Unfortunately, so far, due to the loss of information, it is still in the experimental stage.

Technically speaking, there is no essential difference between wireless power transmission technology and the transmitting and receiving technology used in radio communications.

But the former is used exclusively to transmit energy, not to attach information on energy. The biggest difficulty of wireless power transmission technology is that anyone can use the receiving device to obtain electrical energy from the atmosphere.

In order to facilitate the collection of charges, wireless transmission uses microwave or even laser transmission with good directivity. In theory, the shorter the radio wave wavelength, the better the directivity and the smaller the dispersion.

Twenty years ago, a special experiment was carried out in the Grand Canyon of Grand Basang in the southwestern part of Reunion Island in Africa: a 200-watt light bulb was lit.

Around the bulb, there are no wires, no plugs and sockets. Experimenter Guy Pignole is an engineer engaged in space research.

Guy Pignole’s experiment is to use microwaves for long-distance wireless transmission. The electric energy generated by a generator is first transformed into electromagnetic microwaves through a magnetron, and then a microwave beam is sent out by a microwave transmitter. A receiver 40 meters away receives the microwave beam and converts the microwave beam into electric current by a converter, and then turns the light bulb Light up. The success of this test is only the first step in wireless power transmission.

In fact, this technology is not perfect at present. Although there have been certain breakthroughs in wireless power transmission technology, it is impossible to truly apply this breakthrough distance to all mankind without a few decades. Things.

This is what Cai Ruichen is most excited about. With this technology, it is equivalent to the power transmission in the future. There will be no need for any cables or lines to transmit power from the power station.

The most important thing is that this technology can also realize the power transmission in the collapse of the space. Of course, this space does not mean the two completely different worlds of the earth and the wasteland, but the power transmission from the earth outside the earth.

And this technology is also being researched in various countries, and there are also scientists studying this technology in the combat laboratory of the base.

Cai Ruichen didn't know that at that time, it turned out that the base would give this technology to himself when it had a high level of authority.

Cai Ruichen tried to calm her excitement and asked the base: "What level can wireless transmission technology achieve?"

Cai Ruichen, who calmed down, is also eager to figure out what level the base technology has reached. After all, if it is ordinary wireless power transmission technology, he does not need it at all.

Future Technology Group has already begun to prepare to open up wireless charging equipment, which can allow personal mobile electronic devices to automatically connect and charge when they are close to wireless charging equipment. No wires are required, and no charging sockets are required.

If it's just such a technology, then Future Technology Group has already mastered it.

"The base wireless power transmission technology will cancel all wired power connections, and be able to directly transmit power to every unit. At the same time, all power from power stations will also be transmitted to the base and then transited. The transmission distance can cover the world. It can also be transmitted to other planets other than the earth." The base replied.

"Will this technology cause any harm to the human body or the environment?" The function is very powerful, but Cai Ruichen also has to consider the hazards behind this technology.

"The commander has been worrying too much. The hazard is just the opposite. When wireless power is transmitted on land, the transmitter and receiver are integrated with nature without damaging the environment.

On the other hand, high-voltage power transmission or solar panels will damage the environment. Moreover, the cost of wireless transmission is much lower than the cost of underground cable transmission, and even lower than the cost of generating electricity with diesel generator sets.

The intensity of the microwave beam used for wireless power transmission is only 5 milliwatts per square centimeter, which is much lower than the 100 milliwatts per square centimeter of sunlight. Therefore, microwave wireless power transmission is very safe, it will not ionize, and will not mutate the genes of surrounding organisms. Vegetables can even be grown under the microwave receiver. "The base explained.

Hearing this, Cai Ruichen was relieved, and continued to ask with curiosity: "This means that our warships will not need to build their own power systems in the future, which can save the space and weight of the power system~www.wuxiaspot. com~ to arrange a more spacious space?"

Cai Ruichen’s idea is not unbelievable. All warships of the Red Police Corps Navy use all-electric propulsion. The power system generates electricity, and then the electric power drives the propeller forward. Therefore, there is no drive shaft laid on the bottom of the ship.

If electricity can be directly transmitted wirelessly to any corner of the earth, there is no need for warships to install engines on warships, just install batteries and thruster systems.

"In theory, this kind of technology is completely achievable. The warship can save a lot of space to improve the overall combat level of the warship. But there is a problem. Once the receiver on the warship fails or is hit, then Doesn't the warship lose its power source?" the base said.

When Cai Ruichen heard it, he also understood that the all-electric propulsion system with global wireless power transmission technology looks very good, but there are still many problems. After all, he still has his own power system, and he feels more reliable.

But in any case, this is a very good idea. The ocean-going navy may not be suitable, but the offshore defense warship is very suitable. It is active in the coastal waters, and it is not afraid that it will not come back from the drifting sea. (To be continued.)

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