The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1584: Niu booming wireless power transmission

The sudden appearance of wireless power transmission technology made Cai Ruichen's brains open, as if he couldn't stop all of a sudden.

In just a few minutes, he associates this technology with all aspects.

In fact, Cai Ruichen and plans to open a technology called 10 Gigabit wireless optical fiber in the Middle East Federation, this technology will be able to fully use the Middle East Federation, and the ability to access the Internet nationwide in advance.

All citizens of the Middle East Federation can connect all Internet devices to wireless optical fiber devices to achieve fast Internet access.

Because it takes too much time and cost to lay the fiber optics to every place in the Middle East Federation.

The wireless technology using microwave transmission allows every device to enjoy the lowest 5G Internet speed, which can definitely fly.

At present, the world has not really realized the speed of 5G Internet access, and even the specific form of 5G Internet access is still unclear, but the Middle East Federation can already implement this technology, and plans to cover all corners of the entire Federation within one year.

High-tech benefits the people, and Cai Ruichen has never been stingy in applying the latest technology to issues of people's livelihood.

Originally, this plan is about to be implemented, and this kind of wireless Internet access device is very simple to install. A device can radiate a radius of more than three kilometers, even in the deep mountains, there will be complete signal coverage.

The entire Middle East Federation will truly be able to achieve ultra-fast online life anytime, anywhere.

The 10G fiber optic wireless equipment only needs to be fixed in a place with electricity to support the operation of the equipment, which is very simple and fast.

But in order to achieve such a goal, electrical equipment must be thoroughly improved.

When seeing wireless transmission technology, Cai Ruichen also quickly thought of this aspect. Can the two technologies be combined?

Not only can all citizens of the Middle East Federation be able to connect to the Internet anytime and anywhere, but also all electronic devices can be charged when they are connected to the Internet.

The most important thing is that with this technology, the grid plan originally planned to be laid can be completely stopped. The future Middle East Federation will inevitably adopt wireless transmission technology for national power transmission.

This kind of transmission does not require any high-voltage wires or underground cables. From then on, the power transmission will be traceless, invisible and intangible.

This kind of technology is also very beneficial to war. There is no worry about the other party destroying wires or destroying power transfer stations.

It's just that charging for this kind of power transmission and network services is a very important issue, but this is not what Cai Ruichen should think about. He thinks this kind of method is OK, and naturally someone will help him improve it.

In fact, if Cai Ruichen's bold idea can be realized, it will be a huge help to the infrastructure construction of the Middle East Federation.

The original two-year construction plan will most likely be completed much ahead of schedule. After all, laying high-voltage lines is a very heavy work.

In most parts of the Middle East Federation, high-voltage power lines need to be re-installed, and old lines need to be replaced. This is a plan for the next few years.

Now this plan is no longer necessary. Once wireless transmission technology is implemented nationwide, all lines can be completely cancelled.

This will leave Cai Ruichen with at least hundreds of billions of dollars in infrastructure investment costs, and at the same time, it will be able to quickly transmit electricity to all households across the country.

However, what Cai Ruichen is really interested in is the military revolution brought about by this technology, which is enough to make a lot of changes in the combat mode of the Red Police Corps.

Electromagnetic guns, laser weapons, and even the on-board system do not need to provide power. They only need to be able to receive power to achieve an attack.

At the same time, heavy infantry and magnetic storm infantry, such as individual suits that require a large amount of power to support the operation of equipment, do not need to carry batteries when necessary, which can make combat more flexible.

The troops are stationed outside, and they are not worried about the lack of electricity. The electricity supply can be guaranteed to keep up anywhere.

Once all these ideas become reality, the combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps will be greatly improved.

In the civilian field, this wireless power transmission technology can also fully solve the energy problem of electric vehicles.

And this can also be applied to the field of space exploration. The future development of space will also accelerate the development speed due to the emergence of this technology.

This is a technology that can cause tremendous changes in human survival, enough to allow the Middle East Federation to completely lead the world in the future.

"Base, do you say wireless transmission technology will be interfered?" Cai Ruichen asked the base after calming down again.

If wireless transmission technology can be interfered by wireless means, the value of this technology will be greatly reduced.

"Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to interfere with this technology, unless it is a super thunderstorm or super strong electromagnetic pulse generated by a super nuclear explosion, it may affect the wireless transmission technology." The base replied.

"That is to say, using similar electronic warfare means can't cause interference to wireless transmission technology?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Yes, the commander can rest assured that the power transmission is all done by the base vehicle, and ordinary interference methods are ineffective." The base replied confidently.

"Then I can rest assured, it seems that the times are really going to change."

Cai Ruichen nodded with confidence He has anticipated that when this technology is promoted, it will bring about great changes to human life.

This change will bring mankind into a brand new life mode ahead of time, and this change is no less than the change and meaning brought to human life by the emergence of the Internet.

However, Cai Ruichen did not consider promoting this technology. This technology is very likely to completely change the combat mode of war and military equipment. It will also be used as a key protection technology and will be reserved for his own use.

This is also quite a pity. Otherwise, relying on this technology is enough to make a lot of money in a short time.

As for other countries to increase research and investment in this area, Cai Ruichen is not worried. He has also done research in this area. With the current technology of various countries, it has not been 30 or 40 years. Don't think about using this technology smoothly.

Even if there are already successful technologies that can be used for reference, it can shorten a certain time, but the shortened time is relatively limited.

When all countries can realize wireless power transmission technology, the Middle East Federation has been ahead of the world for ten or twenty years, which is enough for Cai Ruichen. (To be continued.)

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