The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1586: Ultra-ambitious universe mining plan

With every newly added unit that pulled down the high-level authority, Cai Ruichen's gaze immediately stayed on the body of the hyperspace mining.

Under the intermediate level, an underwater mining vehicle appeared, but Cai Ruichen did not produce it.

Because the base has not yet developed to the point where it can mine underwater, not to mention that it is not necessary to such an extent in the current world resources.

But the hyperspace mining vehicle, the name seems to be very tall.

Clicking on the explanation of the super-temporal mining truck, Cai Ruichen does have a sense of loftyness.

The hyperspace mining vehicle cannot traverse the wasteland world and the present world, but it can carry out hyperspace teleportation within the known coordinates.

This coordinate can be any first place on the earth, or other solar system planets outside the earth, but there must be a prerequisite when transmitting, that is, an ore refinery or an ore extraction well must be established first.

Because the teleportation can only be transmitted to the place where the ore refinery is used as the coordinate, the hyperspace mining vehicle cannot carry any personnel for the teleportation. It must be in an unmanned state to be able to conduct the teleportation.

Otherwise, when the teleportation is carried out, the personnel inside will be completely annihilated in the process of teleportation when the teleportation comes back because there is no relevant atomic reorganization plan.

The most important thing is that the hyperspace mining vehicle cannot carry any non-mineral materials. The transfer principle of the hyperspace mining vehicle is atomic transmission and reorganization, because the transmission capacity of the hyperspace mining vehicle is limited, so it can only reorganize a fixed atomic combination.

All the types on the periodic table of minerals can be reorganized, except that other substances cannot be transmitted. The result of forced transmission is annihilation.

Seeing the entire explanation, Cai Ruichen is not disappointed. If the hyperspace mining vehicle can really carry out hyperspace transmission at will, then what needs the Red Police Corps to do.

A mining vehicle is loaded into the compartment of a self-detonating truck and transmitted directly to the enemy. There is no need to waste a single shot to win a war.

After all, the hyperspace mining vehicle is not the result of a real hyperspace teleporter, but an instinctive ability.

In Cai Ruichen's view, this ability is already going against the sky.

Prior to this, he had been thinking about how to better start the plan of mining the universe. The whole plan has only one requirement, and that is to save costs as much as possible.

If the cost is too high, then the universe mining plan will have no value in implementation, or in a short period of time, there is no such need.

The resources on the earth are limited, and many of them are the interests of various countries. It is already very difficult for Cai Ruichen to secretly control a part.

The earth is so big and not very safe at the same time, so Cai Ruichen has set his sights on the alien planet from the beginning.

The moon has one million tons of helium-3, while the total reserves of helium-3 on the earth are only 500 tons. Helium-3 is an essential raw material for nuclear fusion reactors. Without helium-3, nuclear fusion reactors cannot operate.

Moon mining is only a part of universe mining, and Cai Ruichen also focuses more on the large number of small cosmic meteorites orbiting the earth around the earth.

Even with the current technology of mankind, it is impossible to completely detect all the meteorites surrounding the earth, because the number is too large.

These meteorites generally have extremely rich mineral resources. Cai Ruichen not only sets his sights on the moon, even the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter and Mars, but also sets his sights on the solar system, which are always active. On meteorites of different sizes in the universe.

The ambition of cosmic mining is to put the source of resources in a safer universe, so that no one can organize the base to continuously obtain development funds.

The first step of the whole plan will start from the moon. Two closely connected space bases will be established between the moon and the future space station. The base on the moon focuses on the extraction of helium-3, while the future space station will gradually be built into a super large Cosmic industrial city.

Throughout the plan, Cai Ruichen will also plan to build construction units on the future space station, especially the ore refinery, and then start mining minerals from meteorites, and then transport them to the future space station for recovery.

This plan is extremely large, and the ambitious Cai Ruichen plans to complete it within two to three years at the latest.

This is also the craziest part of the plan. If such a huge plan is placed on other countries, even the United States, it will be impossible to complete without a decade or two.

But Cai Ruichen is different. He does not need to consider the cost or technical issues. The base aerospace technology is enough to complete such a plan. He only needs to produce all the components of the space station in sequence, and then use the launch vehicle to transport it. Go to space for assembly.

It's just that there are still two problems with the whole plan. One of them is the cost of mining in the universe. This is not a lunar mining plan. It is not a technology expansion station to be transported to the moon.

The emergence of the over-time mining vehicle just made up for this most critical cost issue, and of course the issue of efficiency.

At that time, there will be no need to build an ore refinery in the space station, just let the hyperspace mining vehicle transport back and forth from the earth to the meteorite.

However, for the entire plan to be implemented, Cai Ruichen also needs to build a spacecraft that can carry technology expansion stations to the moon and meteorites.

As for this spacecraft, Cai Ruichen has nothing to look forward to, because nuclear fusion reactors do not have Helium as the power of the spacecraft. There is still a problem.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen's next stage of work also plans to obtain a part of helium III from his hometown. The country with the largest reserves of helium III in the world is his hometown.

Moreover, my hometown has already mined and preserved all the proven helium III. There is no helium III here in the Middle East and most places in the world.

For helium III on earth, his hometown is also Cai Ruichen's only channel.

Otherwise, the nuclear fusion-powered spacecraft is just a piece of scrap iron at home and cannot be launched at all.

As long as there are fifty kilograms of helium-3, it is enough to support the spacecraft to travel between the moon and the earth several times.

Now, for Cai Ruichen's super ambitious plan, the various technical steps have been completed, and the time has come to owe nothing but Dongfeng.

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen also clicked on the aerospace technology center, a construction unit with high-level authority.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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