The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1587: Phantom Apocalypse Main Battle Tank

Aerospace Technology Center, this is the first time that a professional aerospace unit has appeared in the construction unit of the Red Police Base.

In the mid-level jurisdiction, when the base opened the satellite launch center, it opened a space station and a series of launch vehicles, as well as a thousand-ton space shuttle.

But at that time, this unit did not appear.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen's ambition to expand the universe is being activated by the hyperspace mining vehicle. He also took a look at the instructions of the Aerospace Technology Center with interest.

In fact, this aerospace technology center does not come with any space exploration equipment, but it is a complete universe database.

In addition, a large amount of aerospace technology is attached to it, which has perfected many gaps in the aerospace technology field of Future Technology Group.

The appearance of this unit gave Cai Ruichen the feeling that it was a base, helping him to lay a solid foundation for science and technology in the field of aerospace technology.

Although most of the technologies and materials in the respective aerospace fields are basic technologies, under the huge database, the various materials are complete and complete, which is more rare than any wealth.

Cai Ruichen is very satisfied with this, because as long as this foundation is established, a large number of future aerospace experts can be quickly developed, and even if the future base technology reaches the bottleneck, it can start to make progress.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen also understands a characteristic of the base, that is, the base's technology, many of which have been gradually improved during development.

Although the base's technological starting point is very high, the base's technological level is fixed, that is to say, there will be a day when the talents of Jiang Lang will be exhausted in the future.

If you completely rely on the base of the base and do not cultivate the next generation of scientific and technological talents yourself, you will only have to eat your own money in the future.

In addition, the technological advantages that are ultimately maintained will be caught up by other countries.

Cai Ruichen absolutely does not allow such things to happen, and the base is good at learning and summarizing functions, combined with the weapons and equipment produced by the base, and occasionally minor changes occur, all of which show that the base can absorb technology and continue to improve its own technology.

And in the base, there is another function, that is, evaluation technology. This function is currently rarely used by Cai Ruichen, because the technology of the base is very comprehensive, and all research results have always been used for learning.

The evaluation function of the base is to pass the complete technology of a certain product, every detail to the drawing, to the base for evaluation. As long as the base passes the evaluation, the base can directly produce this product.

In other words, if Cai Ruichen can obtain the complete blueprint of the American Ford-class aircraft carrier and hand it to the base, then the base will be able to build the Ford-class aircraft carrier at the base's shipyard.

In addition, in this evaluation process, the base will make certain modifications to the evaluated data based on the base's scientific and technological database to make it more perfect.

For example, the combat laboratory is developing an unmanned aerial vehicle. This unmanned aerial vehicle has been thoroughly researched and formed and has undergone various test flights. There is no problem at all. It also has its own role and value. After the base evaluation, as long as the base passes the evaluation, all adjustments will be made when the base can be produced.

Because what the base produces are all modular, the structure of some parts needs to be redesigned to facilitate the process of assembly and plastic molding and printing.

For now, Cai Ruichen is still in the stage of taking the base of science and technology. He has really started the process of weapon and technological research. Only in the past few years, there is no real equipment that can be obtained. Therefore, he This function of the base is rarely used.

It can also be seen from this that the process of technological research and development is really a very long process.

It seems that no countries in the world can understand how Cai Ruichen can build all of this in just a few years.

Now everyone thinks that Cai Ruichen must have mastered some advanced research methods, or that he can complete most of the research and testing on the computer, and he has such an achievement today.

However, if his family knows their own affairs, Cai Ruichen believes that even if he is given the best resources and environment in the world, he will not be able to achieve such an achievement. I am afraid that it is even less than 1%.

In the field of self-research, the base also clearly supports the attitude, and the combat laboratory is a comprehensive military research center.

Every scientist in the military units of the base is also a scientific and technological talent, covering every field of human technology.

And this time, the scientific and technological research center unit with high-level authority has once again made this point clear.

The base obviously understands its own situation and the fact that future technology needs to continue. Therefore, the base will provide support in terms of self-technology research.

The combat laboratory is one place, and another scientific and technological research center that has emerged now.

Maybe we still don't see much now, but more than ten or two decades later, it will surely be able to gradually replace the technological commanding heights of the base and create more advanced advanced technology.

Aside from distracting thoughts, Cai Ruichen casually clicked on the Phantom Apocalypse in the armored unit.

As the absolute main battle equipment of the Red Police Corps Army, the Apocalypse Tank's status in the Red Police Corps is self-evident.

The excellent performance on the battlefield can also be described as stunning. The title of the world's strongest tank is almost never run.

Cai Ruichen also attaches great importance to this tank. The current Apocalypse tank, both in defense and firepower, has reached the peak of the history of tank development.

Wanting to make another breakthrough in this area is actually not easy, even for the base.

With this high level of authority, a large number of original units have begun to appear the elite version, the elite Black Hawk fighter, the elite Invader fighter, and all kinds of equipment and performance are completely upgraded.

Ground equipment is no exception. Elite Rhino tanks also appear at advanced levels, and the enhanced version of Apocalypse tanks are also on time.

However, unlike all previous units, this time the upgrade of the Apocalypse Tank is a brand new unit that appears directly.

Instead of keeping the same icon after the upgrade, you can choose which level to choose when you choose production.

The enhanced version of the Apocalypse tank, the Phantom Apocalypse’s defense and firepower are no different from ordinary Apocalypse. The only upgrade is the camouflage effect of the appearance, all-round stealth ability, and even deceive human eyes. This simple upgrade shows directly And violence.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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