The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1589: New Super Unit: Floating Island Fortress

Cai Ruichen looked through all the newly added units under the advanced authority, but he did not go through the instructions for each one.

After watching the Phantom Apocalypse, he directly focused on the super weapon.

As expected, two of the three super weapons opened by high-level authority were already in his possession, and the third super weapon was a floating island fortress he did not currently possess.

The Floating Island Fortress is also a super weapon. For this unit, Cai Ruichen is also impressed. In Red Alert III, the Floating Island Fortress of the Sun Empire is also one of the mission backgrounds.

Just putting this thing here as a super weapon, Cai Ruichen really couldn't understand it.

Is this thing worth the super weapon level?

When he opened the golden icon of Floating Island Fortress, Cai Ruichen's idea was instantly subverted.

Floating Island Fortress: A super weapon unit, an unsinkable military fortress floating on the sea, with super defensive power like an island, comparable to land, and capable of resisting various devastating blows. A fortress is a territory that can sail freely on the sea, and has a huge space on it, which can be built into a floating military base on the sea for various needs according to needs. The Floating Island Fortress itself has twenty-four large electromagnetic guns, which are used as super strike weapons to prevent enemy ships from approaching, but other defense units need to be built separately.

The construction price is 5 billion yuan, and the construction time is half a year.

Super weapon construction instructions: Each base vehicle can only build one floating island fortress. (Sub-base vehicles also count)

Description: When the Floating Island Fortress was built, it was equipped with 24 large electromagnetic railguns, four large docks and 36 port berths, and the underwater part had its own 12 submarine bases and a small iron curtain. The defensive device can deploy the iron curtain system covering the entire island for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the iron curtain energy is exhausted, and it takes at least ten days to replenish the energy. The fortress has two nuclear fusion nuclear reactors, which is self-sufficient. The electricity demand of the fortress.

Floating island fortress data: the fortress is eight kilometers long, four kilometers wide, the draft is 180 meters, the water surface height can be adjusted between 100 meters and 10 meters, the normal cruising speed is 8 knots, the maximum speed is 12 knots, and it comes with The electromagnetic railgun can strike ultra-long-distance water and land targets with a maximum strike distance of 800 kilometers. Large docks can provide maintenance services for ships. Port berths can dock any large ships and warships. The fortress is divided into five layers of space. Various facilities can be built in the space on the first floor, which can be allocated and arranged by the commander.

Floating island fortress development description: The floating island fortress can freely choose to build all normal units and super units. It can be regarded as a territory that can be moved at sea, and it is the super forefront of the Corps’ overseas offensive, capable of carrying tens of millions of tons of war Supplies.

Super weapon description: treat it as a movable island, an unsinkable island.


The description of the Floating Island Fortress is very clear, and Cai Ruichen immediately understood that this thing is really a super weapon whether it is placed in the world or in the wasteland.

The 30-minute iron curtain and the twenty-four large-scale electromagnetic railguns above are almost comparable to super weapons.

A military fortress that can float on the sea and move freely, with an area of ​​32 square kilometers, is simply an existence against the sky.

With the current financial, human and material resources of various countries, it is entirely possible to build a similar floating fortress, but it is not necessary to do so.

For the United States, there was nothing that could not be solved with an aircraft carrier battle group before. If one aircraft carrier battle group is not enough, then three.

For the United States, things like floating island fortresses are just the relationship between cost and price-performance ratio.

For all countries, there is indeed no need to build such a floating base at sea.

The United States has military bases all over the world, and aircraft can be transferred to the world, but there is no way for other countries. However, countries have no similar US interests in the world, and they are completely useless, not to mention that they can not be built casually. come out.

The Red Police Corps is completely different. In Cai Ruichen's view, the future Federation will not be able to have fixed military bases around the world like the United States, and there will be no time to intervene in global interests.

However, the Red Police Corps is very likely to fight overseas thousands of kilometers away, and it is very likely to intervene in the interests and affairs of Southeast Asia. Maybe it will send troops to Southeast Asian countries.

The Red Police Corps ran for thousands of miles. The long supply line was a huge problem, but with such a fortress, the situation was completely different.

A large number of troops can directly live on the floating island fortress, and various weapons and equipment can also be used and maintained on it. It is a perfect mobile base for the army, land and air.

Even a small city can be built on it, which can be regarded as a dual-use city floating on the sea.

Of course, it does not mean that civilians will be arranged to live up there. It is a bit unrealistic, but as a complete military base, a military base belonging to the armed forces of the sea, land and air, there is no problem at all.

And when it is at sea, it can also become a supply station for ocean-going navies, and any facilities that can be on land and ports can be on it.

On 32 square kilometers of land, it is no problem to build a large air force base and to station thousands of aircraft of various kinds, and it is even possible to take off and land an ultra-large transport aircraft such as An-225.

The Army and Marine Corps can even have their own training ranges, shooting ranges, and exercise ranges.

There are ore refineries, war factories and arsenals, and tank factories, which can bring the entire industry to the top.

Of course, living quarters can also be set up. There is no problem with stationing more than 100,000 troops on the land of more than 30 square kilometers ~

What's more, the floating island fortress is not on the surface, and the huge part under the water is also a huge space, all of which can be used.

This is a bit similar to the underground kingdom under the main base vehicle. Each floor can be used to arrange various facilities.

Therefore, the actual useable area of ​​the floating island fortress is not a simple 32 square kilometers, but a total area of ​​162 square kilometers combined with the upper and lower 50%. If it is fully constructed and utilized, it will transport millions Without any pressure, it can even live millions of people.

After all, in cities with millions of people in the world, many of them do not even have 150 square kilometers.

If it is not military-oriented, it is really a maritime super city.

Super weapon, deserves its name. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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