The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1590: The strategic position of the floating island fortress

Floating Island Fortress, a super sea giant that can definitely make every careerist's heart beat.

With a length of eight kilometers and a width of four kilometers, few sea islands in the world as military bases can reach such an area.

The United States has a large number of island territories in the Pacific Ocean and is an unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Pacific. The Red Police Corps cannot have military bases all over the world like the US military.

The appearance of the floating island fortress completely solved this trouble.

Not enough. It takes half a year to build the Floating Island Fortress. After the construction, the construction of various facilities on the Floating Island Fortress, even for the efficiency of the base, will take at least one year to form the initial combat needs.

When Cai Ruichen saw the floating island fortress, his first thought was how much he needed to build?

It’s certain to build a wasteland world. Whether there are mutant creatures underwater, Cai Ruichen can't say this, but the wasteland world will have to go out of the ocean sooner or later.

Even if there are mutant creatures underwater, but the huge body of the floating island fortress, there is no need to worry about it.

In this world, Cai Ruichen feels it is necessary to think carefully about building several such fortresses.

At present, if he counts the main base vehicle, he has six base vehicles, which means he can build six floating island fortresses at present.

The construction of super weapons does not occupy any construction list. It is another construction list, and each sub-base vehicle can build a different super unit.

Therefore, as long as he has funds, Cai Ruichen can carry out the construction of six floating island fortresses at the same time.

But this is only a possibility. A super weapon is easily 5 billion funds, and he doesn't have so much funds at the moment to build six floating island fortresses.

What's more, the six floating island fortresses are completely unnecessary. According to his idea, one floating island fortress in the wasteland, and at least two in this world.

The three floating island fortresses are enough to meet the needs of the next few years.

After all, a floating island fortress can station millions of troops, and no matter how many floating island fortresses are produced, it is completely useless.

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen glanced at the amount of funds on his head, 12 billion, enough to build two floating island fortresses at the same time.

Leaving 2 billion funds, plus the income of nearly 100 million funds every day, can also fully meet the needs of the construction of the army and the development needs of the Federation.

Originally, this tens of billions of funds were reserved by Cai Ruichen for emergencies to respond to the full-scale war in the United States at any time, but now, this fund does not need to be retained.

In the next two years, the current Red Police Corps will only have training missions, and they only need to be prepared to deal with small-scale military conflicts at any time.

"The base, build two floating island fortresses." Cai Ruichen said to the base after repeated weighing.

"Coordinates and space for construction?"

"They are all built in the temporal space. Construction of the first one will begin immediately, and construction of the second one will be carried out a month later. Coordinate location, choose a more suitable place in the Persian Gulf."

The Persian Gulf is currently the only option. The current Persian Gulf has become the ownership of the Middle East Federation. Although there are international routes in the entire sea area, the jurisdiction has been acquired by the Middle East Federation.

Merchant ships of various countries have the right to freedom of navigation here, but warships of other countries are not allowed to pass through the Strait of Hormuz without permission.

The water depth in the Persian Gulf is also completely sufficient, and the two floating island fortresses are just like ants.

The next stage of the naval task is to carry out mine clearance in the Strait of Hormuz, clear all the mines, and turn the Persian Gulf into a truly peaceful bay.

However, the construction of the floating island fortress must be kept secret from the outside, and the area will naturally be sealed off to avoid the approach of merchant ships and spies.

As for the floating island fortress, this news can also be announced to the outside world and told to the world in a generous and generous manner.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen can also imagine that if this news is announced, I am afraid he will have another label of local tyrant's willfulness.

After all, how you look at it, this kind of thing is really a waste, but once the construction is completed, I am afraid that there will be another period of instability in the world.

Cai Ruichen wouldn't care about this either, otherwise, if he heard the cricket call, he would not grow crops, and he would still develop an egg.

"Base, what do you think should be arranged on the floating island fortress?"

Seeing that the base has already begun preparations for the construction of the floating island fortress, Cai Ruichen asked casually.

Having just come into contact with the floating island fortress, Cai Ruichen does not have a general outline and concept in his mind at the moment, but military use is an inevitable result.

"Does the commander intend to build for military or civilian use?" the base asked.

"At present, military use is considered. If necessary in the future, it can also be used as a last resort and a safe base at sea." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"The base has only one suggestion, that is, the Korean base vehicle should not be deployed first. After the construction of the floating island fortress is completed, the Korean base vehicle can be deployed on the floating island fortress." The base language said surprisingly.

If it weren't for the base, Cai Ruichen hadn't really thought about this. He still wanted to find a suitable location to deploy the Korean base car later.

Cai Ruichen's heart was moved by the base's proposal, and he seemed to be aware of the base's idea, and asked: "Are you talking about preparing for future teleportation?"

"Yes, once the commander deploys the Korean base vehicle on the floating island fortress, the hyperspace teleportation array that the base vehicle comes with can be directly connected to another floating island fortress in the wasteland world." The base said.

"A good Is there any more?" The proposal of the base is very meaningful. Cai Ruichen decisively agreed to it. It was only half a year later that the Korean base car was launched, but compared with the meaning of the floating island fortress, Then the waste of half a year is totally worth it.

"The floating island fortress is a complete platform and should focus on the construction of its strategic position." The base suggested.

"Strategic position..." These four words immediately plunged Cai Ruichen into thinking. The significance of strategic position is very broad. There are strategic strikes and strategic survival, and of course strategic deterrence.

In combination with the base, Cai Ruichen thought for a while and immediately understood that, according to the base’s suggestion, the floating island fortress should be built into a comprehensive platform with strategic strike capability, strategic survivability, and strategic deterrence.

That being the case, it is inevitable to build a trinity nuclear strike force around the floating island fortress. At the same time, a complete ecosystem must be established on it to meet the daily needs of all people on the island. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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