The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1593: Charismatic elf

The elf is very small, almost as big as Cai Ruichen's slap. To him, he looks exquisite and beautiful.

If you show it to a little girl, it will definitely cause quite a stir.

"Base, what's the situation?" Cai Ruichen asked the base looking at the elf flying in front of him.

"Commander, assistant will be able to fully assist you, through which you can mobilize all the functions of the base, all the functions of the mini-console, and the assistant is also fully equipped. Compared with the previous one, it has fully realized the anthropomorphic function. And the commander has all Calls and personal network media can also be controlled by the assistant." The base said.

"It's okay, it seems that I won't even need to move my fingers in the future." Cai Ruichen nodded, saving trouble with his fingers in the future.

"I believe that the commander will be satisfied with the elf. This is specially prepared for the commander to make it easier for the commander to use the base after the high-level authority."

Cai Ruichen nodded again. From the base, he would naturally understand that now that his family has a big business, sometimes it takes time to find something. It is much simpler to have direct services.

As for bringing such a cute thing around, Cai Ruichen was immediately ready to surprise the outside world.

Just as he was about to step into the elevator, Cai Ruichen paused and asked the base: "Can you make another instance based on the elf that has all the functions except the base car leak."

"This is no problem. The assistant is a brand new product that can also be used for commercial purposes and can be delivered to the commander at any time." The base replied.

"I need to get married tomorrow." Cai Ruichen believes that no girl can refuse to have such a pleasing gadget by his side.

The elf was very quiet, and followed Cai Ruichen's shoulders closely.

When Cai Ruichen walked out of the elevator, she met Hua Meixue who was coming out of her room.

When the two met one by one, Hua Meixue's face was suddenly flushed, and she asked Cai Ruichen nervously, "Don't you agree not to go to sleep in this room today?"

The two will officially enter the marriage hall tomorrow, and the entire future technology concept park will be the place where the two will hold their wedding.

Tomorrow's wedding, from the day of the end of the military parade, has been intensive preparations, using nearly 20,000 specialized personnel to arrange the wedding scene.

Because of this, there is not one of the biggest weddings in human history.

More than 4,000 VIPs from all over the world will be invited to attend this wedding, including royal families around the world, the heads of most countries, many nobles and members of the royal family in Europe, the Middle East, India, a large number of Middle Eastern chiefs and various business fields around the world And the boss of the industry.

Everyone who attended this wedding was the highest class in the human world, and the rich, politically influential, and celebrities ranked among the best in the world were all invited.

A large number of celebrities will also come, and there will be a gathering of human elites.

Even those who just left the day before yesterday will bring the first lady of the United States and his daughter to the wedding tomorrow.

All consortia and political families in the United States will also follow.

And these people will also bring their families, so the number will be more. The security personnel who followed these people alone will exceed 10,000.

At the same time, the Red Police Corps will also start tomorrow to activate the highest level of security. All security systems in the sea, land, and air will be activated to ensure the safety of the entire wedding scene.

After all, this day, if there are any problems, it will definitely be an unprecedented disaster for all mankind.

Such a wedding naturally made Hua Meixue a little nervous. Fortunately, these days, she has also gotten a lot of exercise, and the big boss in her hometown also taught her for several days, which finally gave her the opportunity to cope with this kind of occasion. courage.

For this wedding, Hua Meixue can't say any dissatisfaction, but as the biggest thing in life, she won the task of decorating the new house personally. The room where Cai Ruichen slept for almost seven years will be her and Cai Ruichen. New house.

From this afternoon till now, she has been decorating her future cozy nest. Just after it was completed, she saw Cai Ruichen. When she thought of the cozy room that had been decorated, and thought of the candle night in the bridal chamber tomorrow, she suddenly felt a little at a loss. .

Just when she had just finished speaking, she saw the elf flying on Cai Ruichen's shoulder, her eyes were attracted, and even the shyness and nervousness were instantly left behind.

"What is this?" Hua Meixue pointed to the elf in surprise, and asked Cai Ruichen curiously.

"Hello future mistress, I am the master's personal assistant." The elf was very humane in the flying, bowed to Hua Meixue, and introduced himself.

Cai Ruichen also explained: "This is a bit similar to a personal terminal, and it is the latest technological achievement."

"It's so beautiful." Looking at the colorful elves in the flying, the affection in Hua Meixue's eyes is completely unconcealed.

Seeing that Hua Meixue really couldn't refuse the temptation of such cute things like elf, Cai Ruichen was also very satisfied. He asked for another one from the base, which he planned to give to Hua Meixue.

In the future, Hua Meixue's activities in the base will be more convenient, and at the same time, it will be safer to go out.

"It's a pity that this belongs to me." Cai Ruichen said to Hua Meixue's begging look with a regretful look.

Hua Meixue, who was about to ask for one, suddenly closed her mouth. She knew that she really shouldn't ask for anything. Cai Ruichen's kindness to her has surpassed everything.

But no matter what, looking at the elf around Cai, she still has deep affection in her eyes, and it seems that she can't pull it off.

Obviously, my heart has not really let go.

"Can you use it for a few days?" Hua Meixue stepped back and asked, her expression a little nervous, for fear that Cai Ruichen thought she was too addicted to this cute thing.

Cai Ruichen is very difficult to answer to such a question. If he hadn't planned to surprise her tomorrow, he would have given the elf to Hua Meixue to play.

At this moment, her heart moved, and she gestured to the elf with a wink that only humans understood.

The elf immediately said, "I'm very sorry for the future mistress, I belong to the master alone. Only the master has the right to use me, and you can't."

Cai Ruichen glanced at the elf unexpectedly, and he did not expect that the elf could cooperate with him so humanely. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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