The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1594: Base safety shop

With some regret, Hua Meixue retracted her gaze from the elf. At this time, Cai Ruichen deliberately opened up the topic and took the opportunity to say: "You have been here for a long time, but I haven't taken you for a walk. From tomorrow. , You are the other master here, I will take you to get familiar."

Hua Meixue nodded softly after hearing this.

This place still has a lot of strangeness to her, because it is too big.

The various layouts are almost like a maze. She has been here for a few years, but she still dare not walk around, she only moves around the room every day.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are no people living in other places, it is very empty, and she dare not walk around.

But she also knew that it was very big here, as if it was boundless.

At the same time, she also knows that this place is the underground of the future science and technology building, a very large underground building complex.

Just here, you can see all the scenery outside at any time, and it is easy to make people feel that they are not underground.

The balcony in each room is just like on the outside balcony. You can always look at the city of Marin outside. There is breeze and fresh and natural air circulation. It is constant temperature all year round and it is very comfortable.

Even in the morning and evening, there are beautiful scenery of rising and sunset, and even the feeling of sunshine is extremely real, completely making people feel like living underground.

"I'll take you to the safe house first. You must remember the location of the safe house." Cai Ruichen gently took Hua Meixue's little hand.

Hua Meixue nodded, and the two walked into the elevator together.

"My room has a hidden elevator. That elevator can go directly to the safe house, and the elevator we have been riding on can also go directly to the safe house. But it needs safety identification."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen took Hua Meixue's palm and placed it on the blank area above the elevator button that seemed indistinguishable from the normal elevator wall.

In Hua Meixue’s doubts, he heard an electronic synthesis sound from the elevator: "Members confirm, go to the safe house."

Immediately, Hua Meixue felt that the elevator began to move, and it was going down, unable to feel the speed of the descent, and the elevator also stopped quickly. The entire descending process seemed to last for three seconds.

The elevator door opened, and what appeared in front of Hua Meixue was a short passage. The passage was very narrow. Almost only two people were allowed to pass side by side. In front of the passage, there was a dead end, like a wall, without any doors at all. sign.

Cai Ruichen didn't say a word. He took Hua Meixue's small hand and walked straight out of the elevator. When he came to the end of the passage, Cai Ruichen said: "Put your hand on the wall and say Zhima to open the door."

Hua Meixue almost laughed when she heard Cai Ruichen utter the words "Open the door".

She didn't expect Cai Ruichen to have such a side.

Reaching out and placing her hand on what appeared to be a wall, Hua Meixue also said: "Open Sesame."

As soon as her voice fell, before the palm of her hand came back, she saw that the wall suddenly disappeared, and a huge space appeared before her eyes.

"This is..." Looking at the completely disappearing wall, Hua Meixue was really sure that this thing was really not a door, but how did it disappear?

"Let's go in!" Cai Ruichen didn't explain anything. Didn't she tell her that this thing is like this, and the wall is directly put away by the base? If he really explained it, he couldn't tell how to put it away.

The two walked side by side into the safe house, which was a huge space with all kinds of living facilities.

“There is a natural ecological environment system here, the electronic system is almost inexhaustible, oxygen is automatically circulated and supplied, in the safe house, there are plantations and small farms, which have enough reserves for 20 people to live a lifetime.” Cai Ruichen is very Simply put.

The entire safe house is the bottom floor of the base vehicle. Cai Ruichen only visited this place once after getting the base vehicle.

And this place is the last way out of life that the base prepared for Cai Ruichen. Once the base is completely destroyed, the entire safe house will be completely sealed off, permanently buried in the ground, and there is only one chance for the safe house to rise to the surface.

Of course, once this safe house is really used, it means that Cai Ruichen has completely lost everything, a global nuclear war breaks out, or the earth is about to be destroyed.

At this moment, Hua Meixue was also completely shocked by the huge structure below.

She also has a concept of safe houses. Many wealthy people or important government departments and embassies abroad have such places.

As the name suggests, the safe house is a place where the main purpose of protecting the safety of personnel is to have independent power supply and oxygen circulation.

A good safe house can let people live in it for a long, long time.

When the world spread doomsday talk, some companies tried to sell safe houses, and many people really bought them.

It's just that all the safe houses are not as high-level as Cai Ruichen's, and even the safe houses under the White House cannot be as good as one percent of the ones here.

For Hua Meixue, who was still relatively narrow-minded, it was simply incredible.

But today, she is doomed to sleep, Cai Ruichen will take her to see more shocks.

"This safe house, you must remember how to get down, no matter when the future is, whether it is you alone, or me, once the base sounds the reminder of self-destruction, you must come here as soon as possible, and I will immediately Come to join you." Cai Ruichen said to Hua Meixue very seriously:

"This safe house, even if it is a global nuclear war, or any devastating crisis in the world, it will be very safe."

Hua Meixue rarely sees Cai Ruichen being so serious and but she also has her own persistence, stroking Cai Ruichen’s slashed cheeks, and said very seriously: "If you are not here, I I don’t have the courage to survive alone."

"Trust me, no matter when, I will never leave you." Cai Ruichen stretched out his hand and gently hugged Hua Meixue's soft body in his arms.

The latter leaned softly on his solid chest, and said quietly: "I believe you anytime."

"How can I, Cai Ruichen, He De, can make you so desperate." Cai Ruichen sighed while feeling Hua Meixue's clear heartbeat.

He always felt that he owed Hua Meixue a lot, because Hua Meixue fully knew his relationship with Natasha and others, but still made the choice without regrets.

This kind of courage is extraordinary.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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