The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1595: Huge underground kingdom

In the industrial zone on the first floor of the Underground Kingdom, Cai Ruichen took Hua Meixue's little hand and walked out of the elevator.

The picture in front of me, with blue sky and blue sea, green mountains and flowing water surrounding it, looks very poetic.

It's just that most of these are fake. The surrounding sea is just a purely augmented reality projection. The sound of waves hitting the rocky beach is just an environmental sound effect.

The green hills are also augmented reality images, but the flowing water and waterfalls are real. The underground kingdom has been built to a radius of 150 kilometers, making it a huge underground city.

In the entire first floor space, except for some residential areas, all the rest are industrial clusters.

Directly above is the safe house on the bottom floor of the base. The base network is the science and technology building. The height of the first floor is nearly 30 meters. The thickness between the top and the safe house of the base is 50 meters. Between each floor of the underground kingdom The thickness of each is 30 meters. These 30 meters are not geological layers, they are all super alloys.

With this structure, the entire underground kingdom needs any support column to support the building structure above.

Moreover, the superalloy of the entire underground kingdom extends over three hundred kilometers, which is equivalent to half of it goes deep into the underground geological layer.

Cai Ruichen seldom visits here. The construction of the underground kingdom is highly classified. Besides the Red Police Corps, Hua Meixue is also the first outsider to know about this place.

The water from the underground river is extracted to the Lower Kingdom, forming a natural circulation of water and lakes. There are waterfalls connected between each layer. With the projection of augmented reality, the beauty of nature created by artificial design is very spectacular.

"Here?" Hua Meixue saw the huge space and sight in front of her, and she was stunned. Everything in front of her was really like a seashore, blended into nature, spectacular, and the simulated sun above , Giving a lazy sense of reality.

"The outside world has always been curious about my family history, and this is the basis for me to create those miracles." As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, there was a machine housekeeper driving an electric car over.

Holding Hua Meixue’s little hand on the electric car, Cai Ruichen continued to introduce: “This is my underground kingdom. The core of the entire industry is here. The first floor is the main industrial concentration area. All military and civilian The core components of mechanical appliances are all produced and formed here, and every industrial mitigation is completed by robots. It has truly reached the ultimate form of industrial development, a complete robot production mode."

Hua Meixue didn't understand it very well, but she liked the feeling at this moment very much. Cai Ruichen showed her all this, which was tantamount to opening the door that had been invisible to her.

It's just that the huge world in front of her makes her obviously unable to come over. The electric cars walking in the air traffic pipeline can only overlook a part of the industrial area.

The production lines are constantly busy all the time. Only occasionally can we see engineers wearing yellow overalls watching the process reports of automated production.

"How big is this place?" Hua Meixue asked with some curiosity, everything he saw in front of her was like boundless.

"A circular area with a diameter of 150 kilometers has an actual area of ​​1,7662.5 square kilometers." Cai Ruichen replied directly.

Hearing it was one hundred and fifty kilometers away, Hua Meixue's soft lips almost couldn't close, "It's so big, isn't it about to reach Baghdad?"

"There is also a secret entrance in Baghdad." Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

"Such a huge project is really amazing." Hua Meixue said with emotion after a long time of surprise.

"Everything you see in front of you is only the first floor of the Underground Kingdom. From here, the underground kingdom is 500 meters deep. It is divided into five floors with a total area of ​​90,000 square kilometers. What you see is only the first floor. , And below the fifth floor is the heart of the entire underground kingdom." Cai Ruichen introduced.

"Building such a big place, will people live in the future?" Hua Meixue reluctantly accepted this huge amount of data. She had never thought that at the foot of her life, there would be such a huge world.

This is already comparable to the size of some small provinces in Iraq. If you just drive a car, it takes several days to walk around.

"The first floor is an industrial zone, and the lower three floors are all concentrated living areas. The final plan is that nearly 200 million people can live in it." Cai Ruichen further introduced: "In order to meet the needs of the people in the future, the fifth floor It’s specifically plantations and pastures and fishing grounds."

"If it's not available here, isn't it a huge waste?" Hua Meixue couldn't understand. Although the Middle East Federation has a population of 200 million, its area is not small, and there will be no crowds at all.

It feels like a waste of building such a huge underground kingdom.

At the same time, Hua Meixue also has a strange feeling. The safe house Cai Ruichen just took herself to, and this underground kingdom, seems to be trying to find a way out for the future, will the end of the world really break out in the future, or the third world war? ?

That's why he built these facilities to save more people?

Hua Meixue is a little bit unable to understand, even if it is a rainy day, but it can't reach this level, or is there definitely an end of the world in the future?

Hua Meixue didn't understand this.

"Maybe, but who can tell the future?" Cai Ruichen didn't answer anything. The construction of this underground kingdom seemed to be a waste, but Cai Ruichen, who was deeply stimulated by the wasteland world, never I thought about stopping the construction of the underground Of course, it’s not that Cai Ruichen really didn't consider this issue, but people always have to prepare themselves a little more retreat. This is not wrong.

The overlord of the wasteland world, the commander of another base vehicle, could not stop the destruction of the wasteland world, and Cai Ruichen did not have much confidence in preventing the destruction that was very likely to occur in the future.

It is also based on this that Cai Ruichen has been strictly constructing the underground kingdom, and has always used the strictest conditions to set the safety level of construction.

The underground kingdom must have the ability to block the outside air, the ability to withstand an earthquake with a magnitude of 12 in the center, and the ability to completely resist nuclear strikes and prevent the penetration of nuclear radiation.

Only when all of these are available can the underground kingdom be regarded as truly valuable. If early warning can be obtained in the future, Cai Ruichen will also open the underground kingdom and save as many people as possible. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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