The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1610: Lieyan cooks


At 5 o'clock in the morning the next day, Cai Ruichen started to get up from the gentle village, carefully moved Hua Meixue's little hand from his chest, gently got out of bed, and started daily morning exercises. Read the full text of the latest chapters on

Putting on a sweatshirt and carrying heavy equipment, Cai Ruichen went out directly. After coming out of the headquarters of the Future Technology Group, he began to run around the Future Concept Park.

This is his daily routine. This load-bearing running allows him to unwind his tibia.

At this moment, the sky was still dim, and the sun showed no sign of rising.

He was the only one on the circular trail in the entire future concept park, but as he ran down two laps, someone appeared one after another.

The people who appear here at this time are all VIPs arranged in the future hotel. As for the reporters and non- VIPs, they are just looking for other hotels in Marin.

The closed future technology building will not continue to open to the outside world until ten o'clock this morning.

Cai Ruichen was still running fast all the way, just nodding to say hello to the distinguished guests who had met in the morning, and did not stop.

It is not that Cai Ruichen is more arrogant, but that there is really nothing to say at the moment. The foreign policy that has been formulated is about to be implemented, and the following people will naturally complete it.

With the rising sun, with a total length of 35 kilometers in five laps, Cai Ruichen also turned back to the base on time.

He has always been very regular, starting at five o'clock in the morning and returning to the base at six o'clock.

In the past, Hua Meixue always got up at half past five. After Cai Ruichen came back, after washing, he had a delicious breakfast. (

But today there must be no way. The two "played" until three or four o'clock last night, and Hua Meixue couldn't get up at all.

When he returned to the room and washed the 簌, Hua Meixue was still asleep like a sleeping beauty.

But when Cai Ruichen walked out of the room, he saw a busy figure preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Natasha, Tan Ya, and Ling Liang are all people who do not enter the kitchen. Cai Ruichen originally planned to let the base housekeeper cook some porridge for Hua Meixue.

When he approached the kitchen to see, Lie Yan was wearing an ordinary housewife's home clothes, wearing an apron and was busy with breakfast.

"Commander, wait twenty minutes, breakfast will be ready. Today's media materials are all ready for you, on the coffee table of the restaurant sofa." Lie Yan said without looking back, her eyes and hands, Concentrate on the first breakfast prepared by myself as the commander.

"How is your craft?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

Natasha must have told Lie Yan about these habits in the morning, but Cai Ruichen was curious that the female generals of the Red Police Corps could actually go to the kitchen.

"Natasha and the others are full of praise for my craft." Lie Yan said with some pride.

"They are all people who reach out to eat, so naturally they dare not offend you, the only person who can go to the kitchen." Cai Ruichen said jokingly.

"Then, Commander, you'll know later." Lie Yan didn't refute anything. Anyway, it tastes good, so you'll know later.

"I am going to invite an old friend to have breakfast. It can be regarded as seeing him off because he is about to leave. Is your craft good?" Cai Ruichen looked at Lie Yan while preparing to make porridge, but the other hand was kneading noodles, the frying pan beside him Inside, the small fire below is warming up, and Cai Ruichen is more or less relieved from her incomparable set of movements.

If it were Natasha and others, I am afraid that the kitchen is already a mess.

"Commander, please rest assured, Natasha has already told me that Madam's craftsmanship is amazing, but I am not bad." Lie Yan said confidently.

"it is good."

Cai Ruichen said a good word, and completely handed over the kitchen to Lie Yan, and the decision to show her hand was also gone.

Lie Yan dared to compare with Hua Meixue's craftsmanship, and he couldn't let the craftsmanship of his three-legged cat show off.

"Assistant, contact the big boss and invite him to come over for breakfast with the boss." As soon as Cai Ruichen came to the dining room sofa, he ordered the elf around him.

"Master, it has been passed, and their reply will come right away."

"Let the panda lead them and open the special elevator. I'll wait for them here." Cai Ruichen continued.


At the same time, the big boss and the big boss wife just received Cai Ruichen's invitation.

Cai Ruichen's invitation was very simple. In the exclusive suite of China, the data projection appeared, showing Cai Ruichen's appearance, and then invited them.

Neither of them refused. The two who planned to leave this morning also planned to make the final difference with the new couple yesterday.

The two took a look at the time and walked out of the suite hand in hand. They did not let anyone follow. Under the guidance of the Panda Intelligent System of the Future Science and Technology Building, they came to the exclusive elevator The elevator descended rapidly, more than ten seconds. After that, it has passed through hundreds of floors and reached the base car under the Science and Technology Building.

This is also the first time that the big boss and the big boss came to the base car, and after Hua Meixue and the senior officials of the Middle East Federation, outsiders entered the base car again.

When the two came to the restaurant under the guidance of the panda's virtual image, they saw Cai Ruichen putting down the news on the personal terminal in his hand.

"Today's news, you are the protagonist, what's so interesting." The big boss said with a slight smile.

"Two, sit down first, breakfast is still being prepared." Cai Ruichen invited them to sit down, and said: "It's really nothing good, just all kinds of news about me. In this world, there is no shortage of gossip. And lace reads;."

The big lady boss looked at Cai Ruichen's obvious appearance, and said: "Mr. Cai, you have achieved extraordinary achievements and are also the pride of the Chinese. Now you are more well-known than any popular star and singer."

The big boss on the side also said: "I originally thought it would take at least several years for you to reach the level that the world knows, but I still underestimated your ability. In just a few years, the whole world may have Few people don’t know you anymore."

"Muxiu Yulin, people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong." Cai Ruichen shook his head, fame, he really needs it, but if it's all gossip news, it's not what he likes.

He is not a star, nor a playboy, but represents the highest image of the Middle East Federation. At this point, it is an extremely serious matter.

"But in any case, many people are interested in you, which can also allow more people to understand you and the Middle East Federation." said the big boss. (To be continued.)

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