The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1611: Cai Ruichen needs a big cleaning

Cai Ruichen's global popularity, if there is a list now, it must be the highest.

There is almost no doubt about this. Yesterday’s live broadcast was over 6 billion when the world’s most people watched it.

This is a pretty scary number, and the global population adds up to more than 70, and many people stay up late to watch it.

This situation is almost impossible to replicate.

No celebrity, any famous person in the world, can have such a strong attraction.

But Cai Ruichen is different. He has too many auras, and he is too young.

Everyone wants to know why Cai Ruichen can achieve today's achievements, and this point, the whole world has not a unified statement, Cai Ruichen has never given any explanation to the outside world.

The meaning of the big boss is very simple. Cai Ruichen can use his reputation to attract more people to pay attention to the Middle East Federation and the situation of the Middle East Federation. This helps to improve the country's global status and image.

Of course, all of this is based on good aspects, otherwise it will bring bad effects.

As for this, the big boss fully believes that Cai Ruichen can master it proficiently.

"This kind of thing is indeed something outside of my body to me, but what you said is right. Since I plan to use the remaining attention to the remaining temperature, I am ready to make a big fight. Let the whole world resolve." Cai Ruichen also realized in an instant and has a plan. He originally planned to do it a few days after the wedding. Since it is a good opportunity to enhance the image of the country, he should do it thoroughly.

"What's your big move again?" The big boss now has an intuitive understanding of Cai Ruichen's great handwork. When he heard him say this, he couldn't help his heart jump and asked hurriedly.

Seeing the big boss so nervous, Cai Ruichen laughed and said, "Brother, I'm talking about the internal affairs of the Middle East Federation. I want to carry out the highest-pressure anti-corruption. I am afraid that this time there will be tens of thousands of people falling to the ground."

Cai Ruichen said so lightly, it also relaxed the heart of the big boss. The big boss really admired Cai Ruichen's anti-corruption methods in Iraq.

Under the high-pressure anti-corruption campaign, the operation of the country as a whole is unaffected. Those who are corrupt have no excuses for rebuttal.

All of them were shot, and only a few people were spared, but they were all dismissed forever and never hired.

However, it must be said that Cai Ruichen's method indeed brought a large number of diligent and honest government officials to the subsequent Yi-Syrian Federation.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also used practical means to tell everyone that if you want to be an official, you must first learn to work and endure hardships before you can enjoy all the benefits of being an official.

However, the big boss was also a little worried afterwards. Cai Ruichen had been operating in Iraq for a period of time before he could control the situation steadily.

In addition, at the beginning of the war in Iraq, a hundred wastes were waiting to be revived. It was a process of breaking and standing. Therefore, it was quite simple to start some things.

Cai Ruichen has never acted on Syrian officials, Lebanese officials, or Palestinian officials. The big boss understands that the situation is still unstable and it hasn't been long since the other party joined.

For this reason, if Cai Ruichen now carries out a high-pressure anti-corruption campaign against every principality of the Middle East Federation, it will probably cause a backlash or even split the federation.

This is a highly dangerous behavior, and he heartily reminded Cai Ruichen of his worries.

Cai Ruichen is naturally very clear about the meaning of the big boss, but he has no worries in this regard. The real situation of the Middle East Federation will never be understood by the outside world, and it is impossible to understand the existence of mind controller.

The Mind Controller has been influencing the various member states of the Middle East Federation for a period of time. During this time, the public sentiment index has been soaring. So far, it can be said to have almost completely stabilized.

"I understand what you mean. It is when I am married and I am unwilling to hold the butcher knife high, which affects my mood. Therefore, I intend to give all corrupt officials a chance, a chance for them to surrender. If I miss this opportunity, Waiting for them will be absolute death." Cai Ruichen nodded, this was his original plan.

Use the mind controller to make some corrupt officials voluntarily voluntarily surrender, and as long as these people can surrender and surrender all illegal gains, there is absolutely no danger of life, and even as long as there is no disaster, they can be released without guilt.

Of course, this is only a part of people, and some people will never have the opportunity to surrender and redeem their sins.

In the past two days, the base has compiled a list of a large number of officials, and in front of the base's powerful map function, there will be absolutely no real innocence.

Even if everyone on the base list was pulled out and shot one by one, they would definitely be guilty and not dying, but if everyone was locked in a cage, absolutely no one would be wronged.

Cai Ruichen believes that the problem in Syria is best resolved because the people on this list in Syria have been very diligent in the past few years, and will forgive them as long as they are not treason.

After all, under the influence of the mind controller, these people have truly repented.

Therefore, Syria’s problems are the least, and among other member states, the problems are large.

In order to solve this problem as soon as possible, so that the capital and operation of infrastructure construction in various regions can be smooth and free, Cai Ruichen also intends to let some people commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, and give those who are worthy of the opportunity a chance instead of killing them all at ~ But even if Cai Ruichen is kind, there are still more than 10,000 people on the list, all of whom must die, and they are definitely damned people.

And there are many people who, even if they are not dead, should be in prison and slowly end their sinful life.

Cai Ruichen will never show mercy to this kind of **** person, but for those who have been sentenced to one or two years at most, it is a net opener.

"The big construction is about to begin, do you have so many people to replace the vacant positions?" the big boss asked like a reminder.

"The more than 50,000 orphans I personally cultivated have reached the age to be able to contribute to society. It is time for them to come out and practice practically, and a large number of students from the Public Affairs University and the University of Political Science and Law can also be placed by the way. I have never lacked people who can do things.” Cai Ruichen said confidently.

This sweeping storm is bound to unfold, otherwise once the construction cost of more than ten trillion yuan goes down, he does not want to waste time in this area. (To be continued.)

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