The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1612: And my hometown in the future

Cai Ruichen's determination and plans cannot be shaken by external forces.

He will also adhere to his iron-blooded style. The Middle East Federation is not another country and does not have such a long time to organize internal affairs. What he needs is an efficient and clean government. Once a decree arrives, he can be the first time. Implementing government.

Rather than a mediocre, unaccountable government, he doesn't need such a country.

The iron-blooded style is also an inevitable choice, even if it is one size fits all, even if there will be huge trauma, but for the future, it is necessary to persist.

At this point, it is the principle of never modifying.

As for the replacement, Cai Ruichen has made preparations long ago. The tens of thousands of orphans in the Red Police Orphanage have grown up, all of whom have received the best education, and can fully recognize the initial government work.

At the same time, the relevant universities and colleges sponsored by him have also provided a large number of replacement places. Within the Red Police Corps, many non-combatants and soldiers retired from the Red Police Corps can be used as grassroots or middle and high-level government officials. .

Such a government can efficiently implement all the policies of the highest authority.

At the same time, all the worms in the country are cleaned up at one time so that the Middle East Federation can grow healthily.

Especially those who flirt with foreign countries are the objects of resolute handling.

This is the national conditions of the Middle East Federation, and China cannot match it. The big boss likes Cai Ruichen's approach, but he cannot imitate it.

In this regard, the circle where the big boss belongs will never be comparable.

"Breakfast is ready." Lie Yan, who came out with her apron, said to the three people.

Rice porridge fritters, and some side dishes, make up today’s breakfast, simple and affordable.

Cai Ruichen also stopped this topic and greeted the big boss and the big boss.

"General Lie Yan, sit down together." The big boss also politely greeted Lie Yan who was coming over with the plate.

"The big boss is polite. You have to eat first. There is something in it. Our leader likes to be simpler and also like the tastes of the hometown. I hope you don't dislike it too shabby, and hope that it can meet the tastes of both." Lie Yan put down the plate, and After preparing the three people's dishes and chopsticks, he continued: "I'm going to prepare another breakfast for Madam, please."

Cai Ruichen did not stay with Lieyan to eat together, but greeted the big boss and his wife: "Let's come first, and there will be people behind, so don't care about her."

"Mr. Cai, I didn't expect your life to be so simple. This is worth learning from everyone." The big boss said sincerely.

These breakfasts are normal to be placed in every family in their hometown. It is especially rare that Cai Ruichen is still keen on the breakfast tone of his hometown after he has been away for so long.

"In fact, I like to eat these things, but I am not picky about eating. When I was in the foreign corps, I ate a meal for three days and a meal for three days. This feeding seems to be iron-fighting, but I still miss it when I calm down. The taste of hometown. If you have time, Meixue’s best hometown cuisine is very good.” Cai Ruichen said in remembrance.

"The homesickness is the most precious. In fact, the breakfast for both of us is very simple. We like Beijing fried dough sticks the most." The boss continued Cai Ruichen's words.

"Actually, what I like is always the best." Cai Ruichen picked up a fritter and stuck the soy sauce in the soy sauce dish before sending it to his mouth.

"Since I was a child, I like to eat oil field dipped in soy sauce with rice porridge. I feel very happy if I have a little bit of braised tofu from my hometown. Now it is no exception. I have to eat it every day, and I don’t get greasy even as I eat it. , Every morning." Cai Ruichen said again.

"Youtiao dipped in soy sauce, this is the first time I have heard of it." The boss picked up a section of youtiao and tried to mix it with soy sauce. He immediately said, "The taste is indeed different, and it feels very different."

"I grew up in Xiamen Orphanage. Every one of us likes this way of eating. Many local people in Xiamen are also used to fried dough sticks with soy sauce and rice porridge." Cai Ruichen said.

"The land of China is vast and profound, with many customs, and a person's life is too short to appreciate all its beauty.

However, there are essences and impurities. Just seeing the impurities negates the essence. It is too one-sided and it is difficult to see the good side. The beauty of China can only be truly understood by savoring it with heart. "The big boss said with emotion.

Being in a high position, being able to express such emotions, in fact, is more helpless.

"There are hundreds of people of all shapes and colors, and when someone praises it, there is naturally someone to scold it. Never before has anyone been praised 100%, even a saint." Cai Ruichen said.

"In fact, I have been thinking about it, if you can host the future hometown, maybe you can change this situation."

Having said that, the big boss observed Cai Ruichen’s expression, and then he continued: “You may not know very well about your current status in the minds of the Chinese. I believe that if it is reported that you will return to your hometown to take over my position, the whole country There will be a voice of approval."

"Forget it from my hometown. I will do my own thing first, and in the future, no matter what the situation is, I will never forget the blood of the blood flowing through my body." Cai Ruichen shook his head, rejecting the big boss, but When it comes to the Chinese, his attitude is extremely firm.

And Cai Ruichen can also understand the worries of the big boss ~ because the big boss knows a lot, the real worry is that one day Cai Ruichen will meet his hometown in battle, which is almost tantamount to fratricide.

The big boss didn't want to see it, but he worried that Cai Ruichen could not control his expanding ambitions.

And once Cai Ruichen and his hometown of billions of Chinese oppose each other in the future, it will be the saddest thing for the Chinese nation.

At this moment, from Cai Ruichen's firm tone, the big boss also understands that Cai Ruichen fully understands his inner worries about the future.

Therefore, he was unwilling to hide, and said: "If there are only two powers in the world in the future, I hope it will be China and you, and your hometown will complete you."

"Your foresight makes me truly admire." Cai Ruichen did not explicitly agree to this sentence, but did not refuse, but Cai Ruichen's next words almost made the big boss laugh.

"Since you and I will become a family in the future, please send me fifty kilograms of Helium III first. I have an urgent need."

(To be continued.) 8

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