The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1613: Federal purge begins


On the second day of Cai Ruichen's wedding, when all the VIPs either returned one after another or made the decision to stay for a few days, the federal government agencies in the Middle East also began to fully operate. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest novel

However, for the entire Middle East Federation, a storm is brewing.

In the territory of the Middle East Federation, every city, every county, every town, wearing peacekeepers under the Federal Guard of the Middle East, appeared in all government offices.

Today is the first day of office hours for the establishment of the Federal Government of the Middle East, and it is also the day when Cai Ruichen, the supreme leader, burned the fire first.

The various local governments that have begun to operate are all surrounded by peacekeepers.

This makes countless officials and people feel an extraordinary breath.

The five thousand journalists from all over the world who were about to leave Marin City have all decisively stopped their journey. The sensitive reporters have already smelled an unusual aura. There must be something big to happen. When, how can I leave?

At this time, the situation has also occurred in all regions. The peacekeeping forces surrounding all government agencies have really blocked the government agencies completely.

In particular, police agencies everywhere, and even all police and police officers, are required to disarm all.

The disarmament orders are the highest orders from various member states, and they are also stamped with the seal of the Supreme Federal Council of the Middle East.

This news spread quickly across the country, and countless people gathered together curiously. (advertising)

I was thinking, what happened?

However, many sensitive people seem to have thought about it, thinking of Cai Ruichen's thunderous methods against the Iraqi government.

At this time, Cai Ruichen's voice sounded from the broadcasts of various cities and the broadcast vans carried by the peacekeeping forces, and all the TV stations in the Middle East Federation.

"Every citizen of the Middle East Federation, please don't be nervous, don't panic, let alone believe any rumors...

In my heart, the Middle East Federation is the best future for any citizen, with the best social security and welfare, and the best working and living environment. It is a large and warm collective.

As the supreme leader of the Middle East Federation, I will spare no effort to realize this great vision. This year, the Middle East Federation’s work has only one focus, which is to carry out infrastructure construction in an all-round way. I hope everyone can show their greatest enthusiasm and devote themselves to In the infrastructure around you.

The financial institution of the Federal Supreme Council of the Middle East has calculated the federal budget for this year during these three days, and has also obtained a list of this year’s fiscal income submitted by various member states. According to the plan, the federal government will allocate 100% this year. Trillions of federal dinars will be used for national infrastructure, and all the overspending in the plan will also be borne by me personally reads;.

However, before implementing such a huge infrastructure construction plan, I think it is necessary to do one thing first, that is, the decree is accessible, to ensure that every cent of this huge amount of funds can be used where it should be used.

Now, I am here to give any official of the Middle East Federation one last chance and give you a chance to surrender. I believe you should all understand my style and the current integrity of the government of the Principality of Iraq.

You only have half an hour. After half an hour, the peacekeeping corps will perform the duties that the military police should have. There should be no chance of luck, and it is best to give up all resistance..."

Cai Ruichen’s national radio and television speeches also stirred up waves with a single stone. After all, no one would have thought that Cai Ruichen, who was still married yesterday, would actually make such a big deal today when the Federal Government of the Middle East was officially office on the first day. Decided.

This made countless people understand that Cai Ruichen, this person, really couldn't tolerate half a grain of sand in his eyes.

The newlywed Yaner didn't even plan to take a break, it was such a big scene when he shot.

Thousands of reporters staying in Marin City immediately passed the news.

In half an hour, it spread to every corner of the world, and for Cai Ruichen's decision, the countless halves had a great sense of coolness.

In the Middle East Federation, all the heads of state of the principalities followed closely and issued a statement of absolute support for Cai Ruichen. At the same time, they also stated that they would absolutely show no mercy to all corrupt officials who did not surrender.

Perhaps it was Cai Ruichen's usual but unusually cold tone, or he felt that he must be finished, and there were indeed some officials who stepped out of government agencies and surrendered to the peacekeeping forces outside.

But this is only a small number of people, and a very small part of them.

However, the situation in Syria is completely beyond everyone's expectations. Many officials, even the governor, have all admitted to surrendering.

Half an hour passed All the peacekeeping troops also called out to inform them that the door to surrender had been completely closed.

And Cai Ruichen also appeared in national television speeches again when half an hour passed.

"I have received some news that some people chose to surrender. Believe me, these people will not be investigated, but when I see this list in my hand, my heart really hurts."

Facing the TV camera, Cai Ruichen gestured to the thick a4 paper in his hand, and continued: "The folded a4 paper in my hand records the list of all officials who have embezzled more than 50,000 dinars in each principality. The number of the one-page list is actually six digits. There are more than 300,000 corrupt officials. The smallest official position is the secretary of the village chief."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen was silent for a moment, seeming to want all the citizens of the Middle Eastern Federation who are watching live TV to have time to accept this huge crowd of corruption.

"There are 300,000 officials, each of whom has embezzled more than 50,000 dinars, and a large number of people who have embezzled under 50,000 have not been read on the list;.

But in this half an hour, only less than 10,000 people stood up and came forward. This makes me feel very regretful. Therefore, I made a decision to deal with these 10,000 officials, as long as they hand over all For the proceeds of corruption, I will stop investigating all their responsibilities, and give them the opportunity to commit crimes and merit merit, continue to work in their original positions, and still enjoy the various benefits provided by the government.

As for everyone on the list, it’s not that I didn’t give you any chance, but that you yourself missed the only opportunity. Three hundred thousand people. I don’t have so many courts or prisons, so I can do it for myself..."

(To be continued.)

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