The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1615: French senior black

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The report of the Federal Purge in the Middle East spread wildly around the world, and at this time, almost everyone thought Cai Ruichen was crazy.

The Middle East Federation has just been established. Under such circumstances, shouldn't the domestic situation be stabilized first?

Cai Ruichen's behavior at this moment is tantamount to digging his own grave.

However, the outcome of the matter greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. The Middle East Federation did not experience any commotion due to this large-scale clearance.

On the contrary, people from all walks of life and civilians in the Middle East Federation were all mediocre, and no one stood up and said anything. Ordinary people clapped their hands and cheered.

In the world, there are also a large number of civilians who all clapped their hands and applauded, and the trial scenes of each city were all exposed on the Internet.

You can see rows of hundreds of officials, handcuffed up and kneeling in front of countless onlookers. Those who are corrupt, no matter how much they are corrupt, will never die if there is no harm.

However, the existence of problems that are both corrupt and harmful, as well as various forms of treason, were all sentenced to death on the spot without exception.

For such officials with blood debts in their hands and actual acts of treason, no one can escape.

While the entire cleansing was underway, the news publisher of the Royal Court of the Middle East also stated that the assets of all corrupt officials have been recovered as much as possible. The assets of all officials overseas and deposits in foreign banks will also be recovered. Solve the problem with the host country and bank.

Among the 300,000 corrupt officials, the one who received the least bribes was 50,000 dinars. The total embezzled assets totaled more than 300 billion U.S. dollars.

These assets are still cash, plus all kinds of real estate and precious metals, its value cannot be fully calculated at present, but one thing is certain, the value of this real estate and precious metals absolutely exceeds cash.

But what really caused a sensation was that Cai Ruichen was able to grasp evidence of corruption by hundreds of thousands of officials. This is not a trivial matter, nor can it be done in a short period of time.

This requires a long period of investigation and evidence collection, and a comprehensive investigation for each official to determine the amount of embezzlement and the place where the money is hidden. The evidence collection is not a simple process, let alone secret evidence collection.

If there are only a dozen people, this is not a great skill, but hundreds of thousands of officials, covering almost the size of the entire Middle East Federation, are simply superb.

At this point, all heads of state are envious. If they all possess such skills, wouldn't it be that they have completely mastered the entire government and who would dare to offend themselves?

Of course, it is not possible for them to cut all corrupt officials in the entire country like Cai Ruichen, but as a means of coercion and control.

From this matter, all countries have also come to their senses. Cai Ruichen has definitely not planned for this kind of thing for a year or two. It must be after a long period of preparation before he has such a method.

Perhaps the entire Middle East Federation is Cai Ruichen's eyeliner. It is also uncertain, which makes all countries have to be careful.

After all, when Cai Ruichen was still in a corner, he could secretly reach out to Saudi Arabia's neighboring countries to investigate officials. Doesn't that mean that Cai Ruichen can also secretly investigate officials of other countries?

Once Cai Ruichen did this, the problem became big.

At the time when the Middle East Federation was purging like a raging fire, the French daily published an article, the content of the article was very interesting, and it was completely aimed at Cai Ruichen.

"There is a kind of public opinion called pseudo public opinion. In an environment where multiple opinions and freedom of choice are impossible, public opinion can only be regarded as pseudo public opinion. Even if it is true public opinion, you have no way of knowing whether it is true public opinion.

Pseudo public opinion is not necessarily fake public opinion. It is not necessarily data fraud. For example, add a zero to the 10% approval rate and change it to 100%.

It is not necessarily the product of political intimidation, although intimidation is often one of its elements.

For example, support militarism and support the Great Purge.

To determine the authenticity of public opinion, the standard is not whether the people are sincere at the moment they choose, but whether they are free to discuss when they form opinions, whether they can have multiple concepts, and whether they have sufficient information. Public opinion without a basis for free discussion is like a tree that only blows northwest wind all year round.

If beautiful woman a is dressed up in a spotlight and drifts by in front of the audience, and beautiful woman b can only wear a mask to stand in the dark corner behind the stage, then 100% of the audience has chosen a beautiful woman in good faith. a is the beauty pageant champion, what does that mean? It shows that the quality of the spotlight is good, and the mask is pretty tight

In the novel "Brilliant New World", the ruler of the Ford era invented a kind of sleep education, which is to continuously broadcast repeated messages to the people of their country when they are asleep. For example, Cai Ruichen is a good person, Cai Ruichen is a good person, and Cai Ruichen is a Good people...When the people in their dreams wake up, they will stretch out and rub their and mutter to themselves, Cai Ruichen is a good person..."

The content of the article occupies the headline of the French daily, and the words are very sharp, almost everywhere targeting Cai Ruichen.

However, in the article, many of the targets were not made clear, and Cai Ruichen was satirized with a cryptic description or a metaphor.

Of course, at this time, everyone can understand the dissatisfaction of the proud French, the de Gaulle aircraft carrier battle group is gone forever, and the factual power of France has greatly declined, all of which have shrouded France in a haze.

At the end of the war, France was also put together by the United States. When the United States and Cai Ruichen negotiated, France's use in the Middle East was almost completely lost.

How could this make the United States willing, but the situation in Europe forced France to fail to attack, but verbally, the proud France tried to use his saliva to get back some face.

The words are sharp and full of grievances, which can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

In the special article, both this great purge and Cai Ruichen's obvious militarist center of rights are mentioned.

But the most important thing is that he is still mocking Cai Ruichen for cheating in the election, fooling public opinion and guiding the wrong direction of freedom and public opinion.

This is almost a hypocritical label for the democracy promoted by Cai Ruichen.

This was shown to the 200 million citizens of the Middle East Federation, and with the help of the novel Brave New World, Cai Ruichen satirized the behavior of indoctrinating the federal citizens with Tang.

Of course, these are all made by the French themselves. How can they destroy Cai Ruichen's image?

But in this online world where the rain is the majority, once this theory spreads, it is even more terrifying than three people becoming a tiger.

(To be continued.) (Red Alert Starts from Wasteland.. 3535995)--(Red Alert Starts from Wasteland)

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