The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1616: Start to tear with France

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The report of the French Daily News caused an uproar in the world public opinion, but there are really too few people who can really understand the Middle East Federation.

In the process of continuing the cleaning, Cai Ruichen responded immediately on his personal Weibo.

"National conditions and living habits determine whether you are flying in the sky or swimming in the sea. Which is better, the sea or the sky?

This is an unanswered question. Dapeng is suitable for the sky and whales are suitable for the sea.

It can be said with certainty that if you ask what democracy is, few people in the world have a correct understanding.

Some people may say that this is nonsense: Democracy is about the people calling the shots, and one person, one vote is elected. Who doesn't know? .

I have to say that political consciousness is a very challenging thing. People tend to have a superficial understanding of politics, attracted by some seemingly correct concepts, and firmly believe in it.

For example, the so-called Western democracy.

But what people don't know is that the true meaning behind this concept is like those magic that moves hands and feet, wears sharp weapons, and giants disappear out of thin air. If you don't tell you in advance that it is magic, would you believe that it is an illusion?

Magic is extremely confusing. It is a well-designed thing. It uses your inertial thinking to deliberately make actions that you want you to see to guide your judgment. If you follow its train of thought, there is nothing Doubt you will definitely get caught. And everyone knows that the key to magic is to hide the real action. If you find its hidden action, the magic is not worth mentioning.

Coincidentally, the so-called Western-style democracy is precisely the magic that does not tell you the truth. "

On Cai Ruichen's Weibo, he did not provide any explanation or refutation. Instead, he indirectly responded to the French report in a seemingly hippie tone.

And this article published by Cai Ruichen has spread globally at an extremely fast speed. When it comes to fans and following groups, the number of followers on Cai Ruichen’s personal Weibo and washbasin will almost exceed 800 million people. On the transmission of external news, it is definitely faster than any newspaper and news media.

Cai Ruichen's article spread quickly all over the world, much faster than the report of the French daily.

People have developed that Cai Ruichen’s article is aimed at the entire West, but Cai Ruichen did not explain it clearly, nor did he really explain it. As for the content of the article, you can understand it as you want.

Of course, there is a little meaning that has not changed. Cai Ruichen satirized Western democracy like magic, while the French daily satirized Cai Ruichen's democracy as false. This is definitely a world-class tearing war in Chi Guoguo.

However, smarter people also understand that this kind of topic will eventually evolve, and it can only be endless.

But on the Internet, there has never been a shortage of people who are not afraid of making things happen.

When Cai Ruichen issued this Weibo, Putong and Jing immediately stood up to support Cai Ruichen. On their personal Weibo, they also further exposed many hypocritical aspects of Western liberal values.

The Western world likes to let liberalism and liberalism spread globally, but in fact, this kind of liberalism is not suitable for every nation, nor is it suitable for all countries.

People are different from people. Some countries do not say that it is really inappropriate, but that the traditional concept of the country has not been transformed. Forcibly instilling new ideas will inevitably lead to conflicts of thinking and will inevitably evolve into endless chaos .

There are already too many examples of this kind in the Middle East, and Afghanistan is the simplest one.

After the Soviet Union has fought Afghanistan, the United States will fight again. The Soviet Union wants Afghanistan, and the United States wants to promote democracy in Afghanistan. As a result, Afghanistan has adopted democratic elections, but Afghanistan has also become the current ghost.

This has also become the entry point for Putin and Beijing to attack Western theories.

At this time, the Internet was also noisy. Almost everyone had their own opinions. A public opinion war broke out in an instant.

In this era when subjective thinking is relatively independent, even the truth is difficult to be accepted by everyone. There is too much controversy between good and bad.

It is inevitable that there will be too many different opinions, and the discussion between different opinions is separated by the Internet. It is inevitable that the language is a bit fierce, and eventually it is easy to cause conflicts.

As a result, Cai Ruichen has not launched a new round of war with the Western world. On the Internet, hundreds of millions of people have started arguing, and even directly triggered large-scale scolding. All of the Internet has all kinds of greetings and Countless pictures are flooded.

The entire network was suddenly smoggy, and platforms for scolding were everywhere.

It was originally an anti-corruption work within the Middle East Federation, but it has caused such a huge global netizens to scold it, which is absolutely beyond everyone's expectations.

Of course, it also shows that the contradictions between human beings on too many fundamental issues are extremely great, and only a little guidance and amplification are needed to detonate a nuclear bomb like a fuse.

As the first fuse of the whole incident, the French Daily News published a statement on its official Weibo, again using sharp language to target Cai Ruichen, saying that his status in the Middle East Federation is completely It is a coercive act of militarism, and it does not represent the public opinion of the people in the Arab world.

This question has once again ignited a global topic. The French thoughts are very simple. Cai Ruichen, a Chinese, can really get the support of all the Arabs. People who are more sane will not believe it.

At this point, there are indeed many people who are on the side of supporting the theory. This also has a very bad influence on Cai Ruichen's image.

From the perspective of Westerners, even from the perspective of Arabs, Cai Ruichen has such a high approval rate in the Middle East Federation, which is indeed incredible.

And this question brought all the topics back to the original place. Whether Cai Ruichen's dominance is really questionable.

However, just after the advent of the French theory, there was a large wave of opposition within the Middle East Federation. Although the networks of the Middle East Federation have not been fully integrated, the firewalls of the Internet platforms of all countries have been opened, and there are many Internet users. The Middle East Federation also launched a bombardment on the entire French daily.

On the official Weibo of the French Daily News, it was almost maxed out by netizens in the Middle East Federation. Various news requesting the French Daily to report apologize were constantly refreshed, showing an unstoppable appearance.

Whether Cai Ruichen is capable of being the leader of the Middle East world, no matter how you say it, it is not the turn of outsiders to say.

This is the most fundamental attitude of the Arab world on this matter. The Western world's attempts to intervene and control the Arab world is not something that happened in the past century. It can even be traced back to the Crusades.

(To be continued.) (Red Alert Starts from Wasteland.. 3535995)--(Red Alert Starts from Wasteland)

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