The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1617: Net French spies

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I am afraid that the French did not expect that their own remarks against Cai Ruichen would trigger the same hatred of the entire Middle East world.

This makes the French very puzzled.

In the eyes of the French, the Western world’s invasion of various cultures in the Middle East and the bombing of public opinion have already begun to accept the concept of democracy in the Middle East.

The popular model of Turkey and the democratic model of Iran, as well as the subsequent Iraq, are the best proof.

From the perspective of the people of the Middle East, with skepticism and eyes to see Cai Ruichen, the supreme leader, the legitimacy of his leader is simply a good man who helps the people of the Middle East speak.

This kind of one-sided public opinion has caused a mess on the official Weibo of the French Daily News. Even a large number of citizens of the Middle East have left their identity certificates and names, requiring the French Daily to report their untrue reports and slander the highest of the Middle East Federation. The leader’s behavior apologizes to the entire Federation and assumes responsibility.

Similar to this kind of voice, it can almost be said to be one after another, and even caused many people in the world who support Cai Ruichen to follow the trend and pour cold water on the official Weibo of the French daily.

Of course, on Cai Ruichen's personal Weibo, many people are also questioning Cai Ruichen, that things have not come to a halt.

While everyone is waiting for Cai Ruichen to prepare for a response, there is still no news on Cai Ruichen's personal Weibo.

Just when everyone thought Cai Ruichen was going to remain silent, the Middle East Federal Supreme Council of Rights suddenly issued an extremely sharp statement.

"The Middle East Federation will immediately begin to eliminate all French spies lurking in its territory."

Just a short sentence caused an uproar in the whole world.

France was also taken aback.

This was a rhythm that was completely torn apart with France, and soon, the French intelligence center developed in horror, and all the intelligence personnel in the territory of the Middle East Confederation could not be contacted one by one.

This suddenly made France startled in a cold sweat, and the Middle East Federation was obviously going to make a real move.

France needs to fight back, but what to fight back.

The French Intelligence Center can determine that France definitely has hidden intelligence personnel from the Middle East Federation, but where are the people?

The French intelligence agencies do not know, but the French do know some intelligence personnel from various Middle East countries hidden in France.

The French hurriedly notified the intelligence personnel in the Middle East Federation and immediately evacuated, while preparing to arrest some intelligence personnel in the Middle East in France.

But the efficiency of the French is obviously not as fast as that of the Middle East Federation.

In fact, before the Middle East Federal Supreme Council of Rights began to announce this news, almost all French intelligence personnel in the Middle East Federation were under control.

At the same time, several assassins of French intelligence agencies were controlled, along with personnel and weapons.

Before the French intelligence agencies had arranged the arrest work, there was already news from the Middle East Federation.

The Federal Government of the Middle East has released a large number of arrests, as well as all the detailed information of the arrested persons.

Almost all French intelligence personnel in the Middle East were arrested, and detailed information was released one by one.

There are nearly 300 people in total, many of whom are French investors in the Middle East, and many of them are French officials. At this moment, these people have been arrested on charges of espionage.

Also released were evidence of these people stealing intelligence and engaging in any spying activities.

After seeing the French intelligence espionage information released by the Federation of the Middle East, almost all netizens around the world are calling out that this knowledge is an actual espionage blockbuster.

Because these published materials are extremely complete, and a large number of photos, almost every day of these spies' whereabouts are tracked and photographed, and they are all summarized into archives.

And each French spy’s respective archives are more than 100g, and there is no one day left in the detailed whereabouts of each day.

By this time, everyone understood that all of this was not accidental, and everything was obvious. The spies in France had been eyeing them for a long time.

Moreover, a large number of relevant details have been disclosed in the published information. Among the countries in the Middle East, France has bought a large number of local officials, all of which are in French francs, and the gains are not small.

Many Middle Eastern officials’ crimes of direct treason have been published by the way, and there are even radio stations and online media secretly controlled by the French, which have been bought off the assembly line with a large amount of cash to help French propaganda in the Middle East.

The emergence of these evidences immediately cast a veil of shame on the whole of France, especially in the broadcast and online media that France secretly controls in the Middle East, which has been secretly carrying out various cultural propaganda and guiding public opinion. Time period, to confuse the public opinion, in order to destroy the image of the government among the people.

There are even Middle Eastern oil fields controlled by French oil, which France used to accept bribes to auction them from officials of Middle Eastern countries at low prices.

For the explored oil fields, falsely report reserves to reduce the costs and expenses required for mining.

The most important thing is that, in these evidences, there is even evidence that France directly participated in political assassinations in the Middle East. During the Iraq War and the Syrian War, spies and killers of the French intelligence service repeatedly targeted some important personnel.

A large number of assassination plans have all been exposed, even Cai Ruichen is on the list of assassinations, and a large number of senior officials and senior generals in the Iraq-Syrian Federation are all on the list.

Moreover, the data also shows that the main task of the French spies is to do everything possible to steal the scientific and technological information and data of the Future Technology Group.

When all these evidences were revealed, and with all the spies arrested, and the entire French intelligence network in the Middle East was rooted, the French were really dumbfounded.

The French are also very clear that this is definitely the biggest scandal of this century, even more than the Snowden incident on the US CIA.

Cai Ruichen's action in the Middle East Federation was a lore, and he did not take care of any face of France. He directly announced the evidence in a head-to-head manner, and had no intention of solving it privately with France.

France suddenly lost its face, and many of the international citizens who had supported the French were all disappointed and turned to scold the French.

France at this time must not admit it, because France cannot bear such a responsibility.

(To be continued.) (Red Alert Starts from Wasteland.. 3535995)--(Red Alert Starts from Wasteland)

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