The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1618: Defeated France

In the battle between France and Cai Ruichen, it can be said that they were almost completely defeated.

However, Cai Ruichen did not intend to stop. While guiding international public opinion thoroughly, he also officially released a large amount of relevant spy information to the entire Arab world.

This information is an extra harvest from the capture of French spies this time, although the Middle East Federation is the most core country in the Arab world.

However, the Arab world outside the Middle East Federation is also huge, and North Africa is also all Arab world countries.

In the subsequent information released, it fully pointed to France's secret espionage in the Arab world.

Particularly in North Africa, many countries are also arguing.

The confederation of the Middle East has been announced one by one by the French spy, and these countries naturally have to act.

All these have caused the intelligence network operated by France in the Arab world to almost collapse.

In the face of global questions, the French government can still only put everything away from itself as much as possible.

But in the face of the mountain of evidence, France has no idea at all. In the end, the French Presidential Palace can only announce that the French government is not very clear about this matter. It will immediately start an investigation. If the matter is true, it will give the world an explanation.

This is the most helpless method for France. It can only be to lose the car and protect its commander. Otherwise, France's international reputation and status may fall into an unprecedented crisis.

However, after France made this statement, the Middle East Federation also made another statement:

"In view of the various black-box operations of France in the Middle East oil field exploitation, in order to avoid the loss of federal property and combat unfair commercial competition, all French oil fields in the Middle East Federation will be fully recovered and reclaimed as state-owned."

As soon as this news came out, it was almost equivalent to completely driving out France's oil interests in the Middle East.

Even France's three natural gas fields in Qatar in the Persian Gulf are among the recovered projects.

And after the recovery, the Middle East Federation will also impose penalties on several French oil companies and natural gas companies, directly confiscating the properties of these companies in the Middle East as fines, and expelling the employees of these French oil companies and natural gas companies within a limited time.

As soon as these news came out, it made France even worse, and many European countries that had planned to speak for the United States all closed their mouths.

Cai Ruichen was obviously using the topic to wave his head. At this time, when any country comes up, doesn't it mean that he has washed his neck and stretched it out for Cai Ruichen to kill!

In particular, the United Kingdom has even begun to converge. The intelligence network in the Middle East is much denser than in France.

And in terms of means and interests in the Middle East, it is much more than France.

Judging from the long-term tracking of French spies by the Middle East Federation, Cai Ruichen must also have a certain understanding of the intelligence networks of various countries.

The British Intelligence Office even felt that all the intelligence personnel in the MI5 Office in the Middle East Federation might have been under the surveillance of the Middle East Federation for a long time, but they did not intend to do it.

Under such circumstances, any action by the United Kingdom may become an excuse for Cai Ruichen to strike against the United Kingdom.

The current result in France is the result of Britain, and the price paid by Britain will be much higher than that of France.

Therefore, the British quieted down, and at the same time notified all spies in the Middle East Federation that they should not take any action at this time, and even prepared some key personnel to evacuate the Middle East Federation.

At the same time, all evidences that are not conducive to the UK will be destroyed as much as possible, in short, there should be no trouble.

Of course, it is naturally impossible for France to accept this unilateral act of the Middle East Federation and take a tough stance to express the legitimacy of French oil companies and natural gas companies in the Middle East. The Middle East Federation is an excuse and is about to remove French companies from the Middle East. Drive out.

For France’s accusations, the Middle East Federation’s response was also very straightforward. The evidence is solid, so that France should act like a gentleman and not make unreasonable trouble.

In this world, some things are not insisted on to say, but they are true.

The response of the Middle East Federation made the French unable to say anything for a while. Is it possible to use war methods to intimidate and stop making trouble? Now Europe is looking at Ukraine and the United States cannot help France.

Could it be that France, which has lost its aircraft carrier battle group, swim to the Middle East to fight against the powerful Middle Eastern Federation?

After considering all kinds of problems, the French population became silent and did not entangle this matter anymore.

But then, the French Ministry of Commerce announced a news that the antitrust law sentenced Future Technology Group to pay 80 billion US dollars in fines, otherwise it would completely block all the Future Technology Group's business and property in this news When it came out, the whole world thought that the French were crazy, but Cai Ruichen was not crazy.

The French market is not the main market of the Future Technology Group. Since the French want to draw a lot of money from the bottom, Cai Ruichen is also welcome.

A very simple order was directly issued to the Future Technology Group.

Soon Lin Chongxian, executive officer of Future Technology Group, held a press conference for this.

At the press conference of the Future Technology Group, facing a large number of domestic and foreign reporters, Lin Chongxian solemnly announced that he would stop all cooperation with French companies and at the same time stop all investment projects in France, and asked France to have 30 companies. Pay off the loan owed to Future Technology Bank immediately.

At the same time, Future Technology Group is firmly unable to accept this judgment from the French Ministry of Commerce, and will not pay even a penny of compensation.

In addition, Future Technology Group will also stop technical support for all French users. All French Future Technology Group technology products will not receive system upgrades, and will no longer enjoy the professional guarantee services provided by Future Technology Group.

The news announced by Future Technology Group is tantamount to completely abandoning the French market.

However, everyone knows very well that the financial operations of Future Technology Group in any country are not controlled by governments of various countries, and all operations are completed by Future Technology Bank.

A large number of investment projects in France will also face suspension due to the future divestment of technology groups. Dozens of French manufacturing companies will also face serious financial crises under debt collection.

When the French reacted, it was completely realized that the Future Technology Group patted **** and left. However, the French government could not deal with this mess. All domestic enterprises were about to rebel, and a large number of people would lose their jobs.

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