The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1622: Hua Meixue went to Africa

"Notify Natasha, Tanya, Lieyan, Boris, Yang Wu, Ralph... come see me soon."

Cai Ruichen did not stay in the wasteland world, and immediately returned to the world with Yuriko, and when he returned to the world, Cai Ruichen summoned all the high-end combat power of the Red Police Corps.

Soon, all the people Cai Ruichen thought about appeared one by one in the lobby on the first floor of the base vehicle.

Everyone was a little strange about Cai Ruichen's call.

"I call you all over here. There are two things to announce. The first thing is that Hua Meixue is about to go to Africa for a field trip. I agree. Lianna and Clark will personally protect Hua Meixue's safety. For the specific safety work, you come to Zhang Xuchen. Responsible for the formulation, no matter what, we must ensure the safety of Hua Meixue. If necessary, the Supreme Command will provide cooperation. When necessary, General Lingliang can make decisions without passing through me." Cai Ruichen opened his mouth and gave several people. The order was given.

All the people whose names were pronounced stood up immediately.

Cai Ruichen looked around the three of them, and finally confessed: "You have to remember, no matter who it is or what force it belongs to, as long as it threatens the safety of Hua Meixue, you can take any measures to deal with it, including killing. At the same time, Mrs. , Also represents the image of the Federation, I believe you should also understand what to do."

"Please rest assured, the commander, we promise to complete the mission." The three simultaneously promised loudly.

"Lianna, go to your wife immediately and tell her something about safety. Clark, you and Zhang Xuchen will work out the schedule as soon as possible, hand in a copy to the Supreme Command, and keep in close contact with the Supreme Command, every fifteen seconds. We need to refresh the coordinate information." Cai Ruichen specifically ordered.

Neither of them had time to spend their honeymoon. Originally, Cai Ruichen had time to spend time with Hua Meixue, but Hua Meixue didn't want to do it. As soon as she saw a large number of victims' information in Africa, Hua Meixue couldn't stay for a minute.

I strongly urge that I go to Africa immediately and provide immediate help to those who are suffering there.

Had it not been for Cai Ruichen's safety as a reason, coupled with the fact that things couldn't come, I am afraid Hua Meixue could not wait for a day.

However, for this kind of thing, Hua Meixue was so concerned and anxious, and the incident of Qianhe appeared in the wasteland, Cai Ruichen also simply let Hua Meixue make preparations as soon as possible.

Saving people is like fighting fire. If you are in a hurry, you may be able to save more people. After all, in Africa, there are no fewer than tens of thousands of people who die from war, famine, and disease every day.

Of course, the safety issue of Hua Meixue is also very important. After all, Hua Meixue is no longer an ordinary little girl, and her words and deeds are particularly concerned.

Sake has a red face, gold moves the heart, and Hua Meixue has enough funds to make all desperadoes in the world take risks.

What's more, most of the places where help is needed are places where warlords are fighting. Those local warlords are not afraid of fear, and there is no practical interest. Countries are too lazy to manage.

It also naturally formed the local habit of lifelessness. Hua Meixue would only lead a small number of guards there, and safety was quite the key.

The name of the Federal Guard in the Middle East can scare most countries in the world, but it may not scare those who are not afraid of death in Africa.

After all, when people are poor to a certain point, life is the least valuable.

What's more, in Africa, life is cheaper than a catty of rice in the long war.

In this chaotic place, Cai Ruichen really didn’t want Hua Meixue to go, but he didn’t want to restrict Hua Meixue’s freedom too much. With the courage that Hua Meixue dared to live alone in Baghdad, he also looked at the true face of the world. It is also a very meaningful thing.

Cai Ruichen sent two big bodyguards by his side, all of which had been upgraded by a genetic mutation machine. With a guard team of about forty people, Qianhe's safety should be no problem.

However, due to the inability to carry large-scale weapons and equipment, the most is the warrior assault vehicle. In order to avoid being besieged by serious illness in Africa, Cai Ruichen also asked Lingliang's Supreme Command to formulate multiple promotion response plans.

Unite with the paratrooper commando team of the Future Security Company to ensure that they can reach the incident at the first time and launch a surprise rescue mission.

The other elf who followed Hua Meixue could still return the distress signal even under strong electromagnetic interference.

For this reason, Cai Ruichen even immediately produced two Kunpeng transport planes that had just appeared under high-level jurisdiction for use by the paratroopers of the future security company.

Kunpeng transport aircraft, as a high-level transport aircraft, is fully capable of rapid assault deployment.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also dispatched the Ghost Special Commando. The Ghost Special Commando will always be on the edge of the Hua Meixue as a perimeter security response when necessary.

Regarding the safety of Hua Meixue, Cai Ruichen tried his best to avoid any accidents.

At present, the approximate itinerary has been almost determined, and every detail of the itinerary has yet to be carefully planned.

And during this trip, the entire security team will not only protect the safety of Hua Meixue, but also be responsible for the safety of the medical team and the evaluation team.

These are all non-combatants, and there are ten to twenty in number, and there are a lot of equipment. The safety work is not easy.

However, wherever he went, the local government would send troops to accompany him to protect him, but Cai Ruichen did not believe in outsiders.

One characteristic of the African army is that it is extreme. The more chaotic the place, the more it breeds. Everything can be cleared by money. There is no such thing as national honor.

In the lobby of the base, watching Cai Ruichen quickly deploy the task, the people who received the task left immediately, and the rest of them were still waiting.

It's just that they didn't wait for Cai Ruichen's decisive order, but asked: "Qianhe has woken up, but immediately left the base, and refused my retention and left Iraq in the wasteland world."

After hearing the words, everyone did not say anything, and quietly waited for Cai Ruichen's following.

"I think this matter is probably not simple. Qianhe's behavior is too abnormal. She attacked the sentinel at the border, but only stunned. She headed east all the way and left our sphere of influence."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen paused and asked, "Do you think Qianhe would do this?"

This is the most incomprehensible part of Cai Ruichen. Qianhe's attitude towards himself has not been false. Is it because he has successfully upgraded and disdains himself as a team?

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