The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1623: Form a dream-level team of the Red Police Corps

Obviously, the answer cannot be so simple, and there are not too many real possibilities, but unfortunately, Cai Ruichen consciously still knows too little about the situation of mutants.

There must be a reason for Qianhe's departure, but Cai Ruichen really couldn't understand the specific reason.

"Maybe Qianzuru is worried that the commander will be hurt, maybe he is determined to go somewhere, or maybe he needs to find something..." Natasha thought for a while and said.

Without any relative intelligence, no matter how smart a person is, there is no way to start.

"One thing is certain, that is, Qianzuru's departure is very purposeful." Natasha added at last.

This may be the only clue, and Cai Ruichen thought so too. When Qianhe left, it was a straight line without a complete turn or any stay. This was quite certain.

"Then do you think Qianhe will go east like this?" Cai Ruichen thought about it and asked.

In fact, no one knows the answer to this question. After all, Qianhe is not a robot, nor is it a fixed program. Although the ability to go eastward exists, it is possible to change direction anywhere.

The world is so big, it is simply impossible to determine where a person who doesn't understand is going to go.

"Commander, do you want to find Qianhe?" Natasha seemed to understand something and asked Cai Ruichen.

"Yes, I believe Qianhe should not be difficult to find. She is a person who will be very eye-catching everywhere. She will definitely not be peaceful along the way." This is actually Cai Ruichen's comfort to herself, who knows that outside is a What kind of world.

After all, it is not a normal human world. There are more mutants outside the world. Those 7th-level mutants can't sense the existence of Qianhe, let alone those 5th and 6th-level mutants.

Even if Cai Ruichen kills all the way, looking for high-level mutants to inquire about the situation, I am afraid there will be no result.

As for the survivors, I am afraid it is also difficult. How many survivors are there in the Wasteland World?

This is a difficult question to answer, but one thing is almost certain. There are certainly not many. Especially the survivors who are active outside will be quite few.

Just try it anyway, maybe there will be gains?

Cai Ruichen went on to say: "And I really intend to take a walk outside, look at the outside world, and use actual combat to test myself, because regular exercise has no effect for me."

In fact, even if there was no such thing as Qianhe leaving, Cai Ruichen planned to take a good walk and take a look at the world of wasteland.

He is not a person who likes to stay at home, just because of his position, he can't leave.

Now the Red Police Corps has nothing major, and things in this world can also be entrusted to Ling Liang for execution.

This gives Cai Ruichen ample time, not to mention a training like a closed door, Cai Ruichen already feels that it is difficult to improve.

After the high-level authority, Cai Ruichen also formulated a new training plan based on his own situation, which is to take a walk in the wasteland, take a good look at the wasteland world, and gain a little understanding.

Cai Ruichen's original plan was to go west and travel closer to Europe. Now this plan naturally needs to be revised.

Qianhe goes east, Cai Ruichen will also plan to go east.

"What does the commander need us to prepare?" Lie Yan next to her asked.

Lie Yan was the only one who knew about Cai Ruichen's plan to go out for a walk. After testing Xingyao and Xinghui that day, it was the latest training plan jointly developed by Lieyan and Cai Ruichen.

At the same time, the base also provided Cai Ruichen with a new set of training equipment, as well as a special take-out commander's potion.

I just didn't expect that things have changed like this, and some details of the plan will need to be revised, but probably the plan will not change.

"I need you to hand over all the manual work to others within three days, and then prepare some necessary things, and prepare for them in three days." Cai Ruichen said.

For this trip, Cai Ruichen will bring all the highest combat personnel of the Red Police Corps with him for the necessary safety, and this will be a fantastic team.

Natasha's long-range sniper, Lieyan's strong attack, Tanya's dual gun power, and a melee master can not be said to be rampant in the wasteland, but basically there is no problem with safety.

It’s not that Cai Ruichen is too careful, but that in the wasteland, not in this world, the Red Police Corps cannot reach the world quickly. Outside, not only can it face high-level mutants at any time, but it may also encounter strong organization. Survivor These are all potential threats, so you must have a team around you that can guarantee your safety.

It is not that Cai Ruichen has never dispatched spies or soldiers from the Red Police Corps to leave the wasteland of Iraq to investigate the situation in other places, but few can come back.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen did not continue to send personnel out. After all, ordinary soldiers can go out and it is difficult for them to move far away. In fact, they can't get anything of value.

And if the heavy infantry wants to go far, there are more things to prepare, and there is no such need at present.

It is best to be able to go to battle lightly, without relying on logistics, to be able to travel to the world team.

So afterwards, Cai Ruichen gave up the work of external exploration, waiting for the time when he had time in the future, and then went out to see in person.

And when this plan was about to be implemented, Cai Ruichen was also quite envious of the strength of the overlord, traveling all over the world, it seemed that there was no pressure at all.

However, it is difficult to grow up without experience. Cai Ruichen also does not want to be a warm-grown flower indoors, and has never experienced the wind and rain outside, or even the storm.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's decision, everyone prepared for it at once. This time when Cai Ruichen was out of town, Cai Ruichen was so solemn, and everyone was extremely cautious.

Everyone is well aware of the dangers of going out. Naturally, they also need to be extremely careful, and all necessary preparations need to be perfected.

Two hours later, two armed mining vehicles were pulled in in the maintenance factory of Wasteland World to start a comprehensive modification.

Qiu Mingxu personally modified the two armed mining vehicles according to the needs of going out.

Other personnel are also beginning to transfer work, and of course prepare their own equipment.

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