The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1624: Dream class team departure


In the early morning of the third day, in the international airport of Marin City, two teams of the guard came to the vicinity of Cai Ruichen's special plane on time to conduct routine security checks before departure. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest novel

The prepared Hua Meixue, under the **** of Cai Ruichen, also came to the airport.

In the huge cargo compartment of the special plane, a special car, eight warrior assault vehicles and a bullet-proof bus have all been packed into the belly of the plane.

Hua Meixue set off for Africa today. Cai Ruichen personally came to see him off, which also attracted many reporters.

It's just that they are strictly forbidden to approach within 500 meters of the plane.

"You must be careful when you go out. The situation in South Sudan is very bad. Whenever you have to listen to Lianna's safety advice, you must not leave the car alone in the event of an attack..." Cai Ruichen is like an old woman, when she is about to bid farewell to Hua Meixue , Kept asking.

"My good husband, you have said it twelve times, and I am not a kid." Hua Meixue lightly kissed Cai Ruichen's face and said with a happy smile.

"A good trip, I will always pay attention to your situation." Cai Ruichen did not continue to talk about it. After checking the time, he watched Hua Meixue walk into the special plane along the elevator.

"Commander, rest assured, I will definitely protect the safety of Madam." Clark solemnly assured Cai Ruichen when he was about to board the plane.

"You also need to be careful about your safety. I don't want to see anyone having trouble." Cai Ruichen patted Clark on the shoulder and exhorted.

Clark nodded, and everyone boarded the plane one by one. Under Cai Ruichen's hopeful eyes, the special plane slowly taxied onto the take-off runway, and accelerated to the air amid the roar of the engine.

Cai Ruichen on the ground seemed to see Hua Meixue waving at herself by the window of the special plane...

"Commander, we can also set off." The special plane has become a small spot in the air, and Natasha stepped forward and said in Cai Ruichen's ear.

Cai Ruichen nodded, turned and got in the special car.

"Are you all ready?" In the special car, Cai Ruichen's eyes wandered between the high-rise buildings in the prosperous Marin City, while the desolate and lonely wasteland world appeared in his mind, which was extremely contrasting.

"The two armed mining vehicles have been modified, and all the equipment has been commissioned. Another armed mining vehicle and oil tanker dedicated to storing food and fresh water are also ready." Na who was in the same car with Cai Ruichen Tasha said.

The two specially modified armed mining vehicles are all modified to be able to place everyone's equipment and rest.

The armed mining vehicle has a huge space for transformation, and it also has a design similar to a RV, plus it can also drive automatically, which is the most practical.

Of course, there is another reason to choose an armed mining vehicle, that is, the armed mining vehicle is too skinny and there is plenty of room for modification.

The other armed mining vehicle is specially used to store food. Food is the key when you are away.

The fuel is relatively easy to solve. The armed mining vehicle is equipped with two large auxiliary fuel tanks beside the fuel tank. Although the load of the vehicle is increased, the stroke is also improved a lot.

Moreover, it is not difficult to get fuel outside, and it is not difficult to get fuel in cities occupied by zombies.

But just in case, behind the three main vehicles, there will be a van-type oil tanker modified from an armed mining vehicle.

This tank truck, like the grain storage truck, can be found directly from the logistics unit of the Red Police Corps.

But this time, Cai Ruichen does not need any drivers. This trip is a dream team composed of high-end combat capabilities, and no ordinary soldiers are needed.

Refitting two vehicles, plus providing the other two later, a total of four armed mining vehicles will follow.

However, this kind of trip is still a bit hasty. Fortunately, the trip plan is not made hastily.

"Are the personnel assembled?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"All have been combined in the wasteland world, just waiting for you, Commander." Natasha said.

"Where is my equipment?" Cai Ruichen nodded and asked.

There are three purposes for going out this time, the main purpose is to find Chizuru, and the second is to look at the outside world and walk around.

Another purpose is that Cai Ruichen takes this opportunity to exercise herself.

When it comes to Cai Ruichen's equipment, Natasha has a weird look on her face, and asks Cai Ruichen: "Do you really plan to run all the way?"

Running to start, this is Cai Ruichen's most basic requirement of himself, and even in this plan, Cai Ruichen will wear the load-bearing equipment given to him by the base's advanced authority.

This kind of weight-bearing equipment is very compact, just two gravity devices worn on the arms and feet. This device can simulate at least twice the gravity on Cai Ruichen's body. Cai Ruichen can adjust the weight according to his needs.

In Cai Ruichen's words, if you want to be strong, you have to exceed the limit time and time again. For this reason, on the modified armed mining vehicle, there is even a bathroom specially prepared for him to use potions. .

If there is no treatment that can be carried out at any time by the potion, Cai Ruichen would have used himself a long time ago.

However, the difficulty of running with the team on this road is not small. In the plan, the team will not slow down because of him. Therefore, Cai Ruichen must always keep following the side of the team under the load.

This requires him to maintain full speed at all times. Full speed under load is much harder than running a lap, not to mention that the road outside is not smooth and full of danger.

Natasha is also a little worried about this. Does it make sense for Cai Ruichen to do this?

"I need to get stronger as soon as possible. If there is no pressure, there is no possibility of growth." Cai Ruichen knows his own situation better than anyone else, and without worries, he has no reason not to be cruel to himself.

In the wasteland world, in the No. 1 barracks outside the valley where the base vehicle is located, four armed mining vehicles quietly parked at the gate of the barracks.

All the high-end combat capabilities of the Red Police Corps are also here quietly waiting for Cai Ruichen.

After sending Hua Meixue, Cai Ruichen also came to the wasteland world for the first time. He brought a weight-bearing bracelet and leg ring, opened four times the gravity, and set off with the team with heavy steps.

The general who accompanied Cai Ruichen did not get in the car, but ran alongside Cai Ruichen. The general, the friend who accompanied Cai Ruichen for the longest time, had not changed his appearance after the genetic modification of the gene mutant. .

At this moment, it is happily following Cai Ruichen's side, chasing the four trucks in front. (To be continued.)

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