The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1625: Road blocked


In the wasteland world, in eight years, everything has been a matter of fact.

Lost most of the human wasteland, giving people an endless sense of desolation.

There are endless weeds everywhere, covering cities, towns and villages, and almost all roads.

There are abandoned rusty car wrecks everywhere, and the ultra-low temperature of the cold winter has brought serious damage to this world that has lost most of the human beings.

The speed of the convoy was not very fast, and it entered Iranian territory that night.

There are not many mutants in Iran, and when they came along the way, only passing through a few villages and towns, except for a few ordinary mutants, the rest was extremely quiet.

The car team in the dark did not turn on the lights, Cai Ruichen also stopped training for a day, and was recovering from a day's extraordinary fatigue in the bathroom of the first car.

The inside and outside of the car are covered with black paint, and only the microwave radar system of the central processor in the dim cab is marking the front, back, left, and right roads for the driver.

After the convoy entered Iran, the speed was even slower. Almost all of Iran’s highways were blocked by scrapped cars, so they could only take relatively remote paths.

This kind of trail should have been walked by people before. If weeds have not been along both sides of the road and half of the road has been covered, it is actually quite clean.

On the side of the road, you can often see exhausted cars that should have been pushed down. The road is clear, but the trail is not easy to walk.

In the cold winter, the ultra-low temperature, under the heat expansion and contraction, and the roots of weeds began to grow on the road, the road is generally cracked, and the four armed mining vehicles are all large-tonnage vehicles, in order to avoid The road is sinking, so I walk carefully.

The millimeter wave warning radar and microwave radar on the car are both in operation, detecting everything around them, and at the same time detecting the road surface, and the system controls to find a safe route.

From here, Cai Ruichen also has a plan. Previously, the three Chinese people with special abilities were able to travel from China to Europe, which proves that there is a road to China here.

Russia's ability to track Iraq also shows that the road conditions should be better than expected.

In Iran, the convoy did not intend to rest. The mutants in Iran, under the command of the previous disaster, have almost all been buried under the powerful firepower of the base.

Therefore, there is almost no goal in Iran, only going all the way through Iran.

The whole night was spent in driving. The next morning, the convoy had passed through nearly half of Iran.

For nearly a day of continuous driving, the armed mining vehicle must also take a break.

The convoy slowly stopped at a gas station in a deserted small town. The gas station was almost completely covered by weeds. In the nearby towns, the structure of houses was very dilapidated, skewed and almost half-person tall. Grass covered the entire town.

The walls of many buildings are covered with tenacious vegetation.

Coming along this way, Cai Ruichen felt a sense of extinction of thousands of mountains and birds, and the disappearance of thousands of people.

After a short break of two hours, the condition of the armed mining vehicle was checked to ensure that the vehicle condition data was good, and the convoy set off again.

On the way, Cai Ruichen didn't say anything. All of the things in front of him were very shocking for Cai Ruichen, who was still in the bustling world yesterday.

After another twenty-four hours of travel, and nearly forty-eight hours after coming out, the convoy stopped again.

But it was not for rest, but more and more mutants began to appear.

After the Iranian region far away from Iraq and the Taliban region in eastern Afghanistan, the mutants can be seen at any time along the way.

The sound of the truck naturally attracted the mutants on the side. Most of them are ordinary mutants. Only occasionally can I see second-level mutants. Cai Ruichen is also responsible for disposing of these mutants close to the team. .

In the end, the convoy stopped at the edge of Iran’s second largest city, Mashhad. The convoy took a lap in this city, and the roads along the way were almost impassable.

"Mashhad is the largest city in eastern Iran. According to the information we have, when the Russian army went south from Turkmenistan, it caused very serious damage to the city. Most of the traffic was destroyed at that time. Yes, after the catastrophe broke out, naturally no one repaired it. If you want to completely bypass the city, there is only one bridge that you can pass through. However, the piers of this bridge are seriously damaged and coupled with the exhaust gas for many years, I am afraid that it cannot withstand armed mining. The weight of the car is more than 30 tons." After the convoy stopped, Natasha immediately got off the car and reported to Cai Ruichenhui.

"How many mutants are there in Mashhad?" Cai Ruichen didn't mean to take risks when he heard it.

"In peacetime the population of Mashhad was nearly 3 million. According to our understanding, when the catastrophe broke out, Mashhad served as the logistics and turnover center of the Central African Federation. I am afraid that the number of wounded will exceed three million.” Natasha said.

"The population of three million is the worst-hit area when the catastrophe broke out. Even if there are two million mutants, although the catastrophe did not completely affect the mutants in eastern Iran, it also commanded a part of it. There shouldn’t be too many people."

Since there is no map of the base, Cai Ruichen can only use estimates to calculate, and he still knows too little about the wasteland world.

"Send the drone to investigate. Let's take a short break and eat something."

Natasha nodded and immediately went to arrange drone reconnaissance. Cai Ruichen glanced at the rising sun, then glanced at Mashhad in front of him, a kind of urge to vent.

As the convoy stopped, everyone got off the car one after another.

"Prepare for breakfast, today we may have to force through Mashhad."

When everyone heard Cai Ruichen's words, they all nodded. Some people began to prepare breakfast, while others began to help others, preparing to wait for the equipment they needed.

The entire team is not very large, and compared to the estimated hundreds of thousands of mutants in Mashhad, the number is completely incomparable.

However, everyone's faces didn't have any heaviness. For them, it was impossible to kill all the mutants inside, but it was not too difficult to pass through this city.

All this depends on what arrangements Cai Ruichen has. It would be fine if he simply walked through the city.

Because ordinary mutants cannot threaten the safety of armed mining vehicles at all.

(To be continued.)

This book comes from

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