The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1630: General's transformation ability


The Phantom of the Universe, Ralph's trick, even Cai Ruichen hadn't seen it. (WWW.VoDtw.coM)

At the same time, this is also the first time Ralph has used it, because this trick is difficult to fully deploy in actual combat, mainly because it takes time to accumulate energy.

In order to be able to open the rhythm, Ralph needed a clean victory, and also determined that the other party would continue to head-to-head with him, and Ralph came up with his own unique skills.

The body posture that rushed past, when approaching the opponent, Ralph's body suddenly rotated three hundred and sixty degrees in place. At the moment of rotation, the left hand holding the right fist was also released in an instant, the downward fist Start with homeopathy.

At the moment when the fist was swung out, the tiger bristled into the wind, accompanied by a clear sound of breaking wind, as if the speed had broken through the sound barrier.

The moment the huge fist finished the turn, it blasted accurately at the intersection of the two arms that had crossed fiercely, and the sound of collision was immediately generated.

Meng's body directly floated in the air and flew back quickly. Meng's tall body flew directly over where all the mutants stood, and directly hit the wall of the city square behind, before rebounding to the ground. The tiles on the outer wall of the city square are all cracked.

Such a fierce attack caused all the mutants to take a breath, and even Cai Ruichen was shocked and surprised.

Cai Ruichen really felt ashamed of the power released by Ralph's punch.

When the bullet fell to the ground, the arms and head were already **** and bloody. On the arms, you could see the broken muscles and the completely cracked bones inside. The head blocked by the two arms was not spared. The forehead has been split and sunk, a fatal lore.

On the other hand, Ralph just shook his somewhat weakened arm in the same place, and then walked back to the group in full.

Killing a sixth-level mutant in a second didn't seem to make Ralph feel any pride, it was more like killing a very ordinary enemy.

"Yes, take a break." Cai Ruichen didn't say anything. He patted Ralph on the shoulder, then faced the seventh-level mutant and said, "Next, who will come?"

The opponent was obviously stunned. One of the two sixth-level mutants representing the second echelon was killed so quickly, which puts a lot of pressure on all the senior mutants on the scene.

The most important thing is that Ralph's clone in the opposing group is obviously not too high.

This caused all mutants to be drumming in their hearts, but since the duel had already begun, they couldn't stop.

As Cai Ruichen's voice fell, the general who had been standing next to him bit Cai Ruichen's trousers, wagging his tail constantly, looking eager to try.

When Cai Ruichen saw this, it was rare for the general to be so active in the fight. He also nodded, stroked the general's head, and said, "Be careful, don't get hurt."

The general nodded, his tall body stepped across the vegetation on one place and walked towards the other side.

In the mutant position, seeing that the next opponent was actually a dog, they all froze.

Although this dog looks bigger than a tiger, it doesn't look very strong either. At least none of the mutants felt any threat from the general.

In order to be able to save a round, the seventh-level mutant nodded to the remaining sixth-level mutant.

The latter nodded slightly, and immediately came to the general.

Facing a dog, the sixth-level mutant on the opposite side did not appear to introduce himself, but took an offensive and defensive posture.

The opponent is a very big army dog, this sixth-level mutant is very careful to protect his head.

This sixth-level mutant has completely learned his lesson and dare not underestimate the opponent, so he is very cautious.

Facing the sixth-level mutant, the general's eyes were full of killing intent, and in the low roar, like a cheetah, he began to surround the sixth-level mutant to look for opportunities to attack.

At the same time lowering his body and bending his limbs, not only can he hide most of his body in the weeds, but also can bring maximum explosive power to the body at the moment of attack.

After several laps, the general did not find a chance to start, but neither side of the duel was in a hurry.

The mutant side wisely chose to brake quietly and adopt defensive counterattack tactics, which made it difficult for the generals to find suitable opportunities.

The two sides watching are also very patient. This is a contest of life and death. Everyone is waiting for the most critical moment on the court.

The general seemed to lose more and more patience, and suddenly rushed towards the sixth-level mutant. At the same time, the sixth-level mutant also reacted instantly, turning back and turning back, one arm still protecting himself. On the neck, the other arm made a knife with his hand and slashed to the general's back.

Dogs and wolves are the same, the waist and belly are the weakest places ~ ~ Once attacked, it is almost impossible to escape.

However, in the next scene, all the mutants' complexions changed. At the moment when the general's body rushed towards the sixth-level mutant, it quickly expanded and enlarged like a balloon.

The general's body was originally very big, and it increased by at least three times. If it was just a tiger before, it is now like an elephant.

The huge body directly knocked away the arms of the sixth-level mutant, and the two huge full grasps directly clasped the mutant's hands.

This sixth-level mutant has no time to react at all, or even if he has the time to react, he has nothing to do at this moment.

When the general overwhelmed this guy to the ground with absolute strength, the two claws directly penetrated the opponent's chest and arms, and the general had already secured the victory.

The general bit off the opponent's head very easily, but the victorious general, not very happy, pulled his head and walked back.

Seeing the general transforming, he easily killed the sixth-level mutant. Cai Ruichen just patted the general's head lightly, which was regarded as affirmation of it.

The transformation of the general is only available after the genetic mutant is transformed. The general who does not change is actually no different from the original. There is no chance of winning against a sixth-level mutant in this manner. Two said.

Given the opportunity for the general, it can definitely bite the neck of the eighth-level mutant, there is no doubt about this.

And the transformation of the general, the sixth-level mutant, is really not enough. After all, the general also has extremely high intelligence and combat instinct. It is really not easy to attack its weaknesses. thing. (To be continued.)

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