The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1631: Cai Ruichen is poisoned


"It seems that your subordinates are not so good!"

After winning two games in a row, Cai Ruichen has a new understanding of the high-end combat capabilities of the Red Police Corps at a new level of strength.

Ralph obviously has the strength to fight against 7th-level mutants, and the growth of the general is also very gratifying.

However, the sixth-level mutant is only equivalent to the beginning of a new stage in the evolution of the mutant.

A mutant who is truly a powerful individual should start at level 7.

Levels 4 to 6 are just an intermediate hurdle. Levels 1 to 3. Can be regarded as elementary. A mutant who enters the fourth level can be called an intermediate mutant, and only at level 7 or higher can be called an advanced mutant. .

The level of strength determines his horizons. This is Cai Ruichen's redefinition of the sub-levels of mutants at this moment.

In his opinion, the seventh-level mutants no longer have much threatening power. The ones who can really threaten him should be the seventh and eighth, and even the ninth-level mutants that may exist.

As for what level of mutants will grow to, Cai Ruichen can’t say that even the real experts in the field of biological genes, Wu Jie and Qin Chen, can only infer from Qianhe’s genes that there will be more advanced mutants. .

Only by continuing to improve, mutant talents can be called close to perfection, and in the Red Police Corps, all the superheroes and the genetic makeup of their bodies tend to be perfect.

Only Cai Ruichen can be called perfect, but this perfection is still an embryo, and still needs to be polished well to become a peerless orphan.

The 7th-level mutant in front of him didn't know what he was facing, and the two most powerful men were killed. This was definitely the greatest shame for him.

"You are not humans." This is the only reason that a 7th-level mutant can think of. Normal humans cannot be opponents of their own race at all, let alone this kind of behavior that does not rely on external forces at all.

Human beings are good at using weapons and equipment, which makes mutant people a headache, but when it comes to individual strength, this is definitely the greatest pride and support of mutant people.

Just two duels, so far this seventh-level mutant is only deeply unbelievable.

Listening to the confident words of the seventh-level mutant, Cai Ruichen really wanted to laugh. He took two steps forward, pointed his finger at the seventh-level mutant, and said: "Is it a human? You can try it yourself and see if you can."

Facing the challenge of Cai Ruichen, the seventh-level mutant is inevitable. He is a combat-type high-level mutant. Facing a human challenge, he has no reason to shrink and refuse.

"It seems you are their leader, very good."

The seventh-level mutant slowly walked towards Cai Ruichen, and finally stood two meters in front of Cai Ruichen: "The person who is about to kill you is called Shen."

"Perhaps the only thing you are commendable is the self-confidence that seems to be born, of course, in my eyes this is called arrogance."

Do mutants like this kind of opening statement? Cai Ruichen shook his head and said, "My name is Cai Ruichen, is the injury of the misfortune better?"

"Master Bouji is not good at fighting people, and today I will wash away the shame of Master Bouji." Shen said firmly.

Unlike any previous tone, when Shen said this sentence, he was full of confidence and extremely firm.

A seventh-level mutant is definitely a huge watershed in strength. Facing humans, every seventh-level mutant is really a superman.

However, among normal humans, Cai Ruichen is also a superhuman existence. Although it is only a process of growing slowly, seven years have passed, and it has grown almost.

Looking at the Shen in front of him, Cai Ruichen reminded Cai Ruichen of the king and the moment when the king collapsed from the ground and rushed towards him.

At that time, the 7th-level mutant made him feel abnormally weak, it was definitely a crushing existence.

"Without further ado……"

The four words in Cai Ruichen's mouth had just appeared, and Shen's fist had already been swung in front of his eyes, and the speed of punching was comparable to the moment when a bullet popped.

Cai Ruichen is best at catching bullets. The sensory nerves have not yet transmitted the opponent's movements to the brain nerves, and one hand has been blocked in front of the opponent's fist.

The whole process was like a well-designed drama, Shen's punch directly hit Cai Ruichen's palm, and Shen's face changed immediately.

Cai Ruichen's rapid reaction speed also completely stunned him. In the face of his full-strength punch, the opponent not only instantly defended him, but also did not even shake his body at all.

At this moment, Shen Zheng was about to retract his fist quickly, but Cai Ruichen's palm instantly clenched, and directly squeezed Shen's fist.

Everything was between the sparks and flints. After applying a fist, Cai Ruichen stretched out his hand to block and pinched the opponent's fist.

By the time Shin made a fist back, it was too late.

Cai Ruichen's powerful strength has a great advantage at this moment, and Shen can't get rid of Cai Ruichen's palm at all.

However, there is no panic on Shen's face, but the corners of his mouth curl.

This expression gave Cai Ruichen a bad premonition, but everything was too late.

In the gap between Shen's fists, three bone spurs suddenly stretched out, and Cai Ruichen's palm happened to catch the opponent's fist.

When Cai Ruichen felt the pain in his palm, it was too late. Three bone spurs that were thirty centimeters long had completely pierced his palm.

This scene caused everyone behind Cai Ruichen to change their expressions. Ralph, Wu Jie, and Qin Chen even rushed out, but they were stopped by Tan Ya immediately.

"Don't mess around, the commander is fine."

Tan Ya's words caused everyone to stop the commotion. At this moment, they all realized that Cai Ruichen's face was as usual, just a faint glance at his pierced palm.

Three bone spurs penetrated the palm of the hand, and the sharp spikes extended to the joints of the arm.

The pain in the palm of his hand was naturally very strong, but Cai Ruichen was able to control his pain well.

How long has it been without injury?

Cai Ruichen thought for a while. It seems that from the time he got the base car to the present, except for tens of thousands of deaths in virtual reality, there seems to be no real injury in reality.

When Shen Zheng was proud to expand the result of the battle, Cai Ruichen kicked the opponent directly away, and the distance between the two instantly opened, and at the same time the bone spurs that penetrated Cai Ruichen's palm, also escaped from him.

The three flat holes in the palm of the hand were punctured. Fortunately, it did not damage the bones. It only took a few days to fully recover.

Looking at Cai Ruichen's bleeding wound, Shen said cheerfully: "You have been poisoned. You will be a member of the nation of gods at the latest twenty-four hours." (To be continued.)

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