The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1632: Take the initiative


A wound, even a small scratch, as long as it sees blood, it is deadly in the wasteland world.

In the wasteland world, there are endless viruses in the air, and the only way of transmission is wounds, which directly infect the blood.

As long as it is blood, it is not immune.

As Shen said, it is impossible for human beings to resist the virus in the air, but a bit of skin damage cannot reverse the outcome of the virus entering the body.

Cai Ruichen didn't understand, but he was extremely confident about his body. Once an ordinary Red Police Corps soldier was injured in the wasteland, Cai Ruichen could only endure his grief and send him to euthanasia.

But viruses in the air are completely ineffective for people who have strong resistance.

Let alone superheroes, most of the heroes of the Red Police Corps are immune to this virus.

Wu Jie and others have done experiments on this point, and they are not worried that they will be infected with viruses in the air.

"I am afraid that your idea will fall to nothing. Unfortunately, I am really not interested in the group of mutants." The nation of gods is a term for mutants to their own race. In fact, once mutants evolve to perfection Degree, that is indeed a god.

In fact, the biggest difference between humans and mutants is vitality, and the vitality of mutants will not be exhausted.

As Cai Ruichen has always believed, life is the root of everything.

And mutant humans don't need to do anything to humans. After a hundred years, it is estimated that none of the mutants will die, but humans are probably already extinct.

In the nation of gods, mutant people call their race gods, which is ridiculous in Cai Ruichen's eyes.

Because from the beginning, from the first contact with the mutant, and the first time to know the body of the mutant, the base was able to recover it into funds.

Cai Ruichen made a very firm judgment that the virus in this world is definitely the result of man-made, and the so-called mutants are nothing more than the products created by others.

"It's up to you."

Shen heard Cai Ruichen’s indifferent tone, and immediately continued proudly: "I have been in contact with many humans, and even some strong humans. I know that there are also a few mutations in humans, and their growth The potential is huge, and it is also a virus in the air, I believe you are too."

Shen's words made Cai Ruichen nodded very simply, but he did not speak, quietly waiting for Shen to say something next.

Now is the time for Shen Deyi, and people are the easiest to forget when they are proud. This is also the best opportunity to get to know each other.

"But in my body, I have always prepared a virus specially prepared for you human beings. Now this virus has entered your body, I believe you will be able to feel it soon."

Shen Zhen was very proud. What was proud was that instead of killing an opponent, he turned a leader and a master among humans into his own companion.

And Shen's words caused Wu Jie and Qin Chen behind Cai Ruichen to change their faces. If it was just an ordinary virus, then they really didn't need to worry about Cai Ruichen.

But now, it seems that I have to pay attention, Cai Ruichen is very important, even the slightest risk is not allowed.

However, when I heard Cai Ruichen here, I was a little disappointed. Looking at Shen's expression, he shook his head and said, "You must not see it anymore."

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, the whole person rushed forward like a cannonball, and at the moment Shen was stunned, his fist had fallen on Shen's shoulder.

A crisp bone crack sounded clearly in Cai Ruichen's ears. He seemed to be calm, but his heart was already quite angry. The first injury was caused by a seventh-level mutant.

This made Cai Ruichen quite uncomfortable, and he smashed one of the opponent's arms with a punch. This was just the beginning.

However, Shen was not in a muddle. Although Cai Ruichen's speed and attack strength made him a little too late to react, but at the moment of the attack, the bone spur of the other arm also stabbed towards Cai Ruichen's facade.

Shin, who was under the attack, did not retreat at all, but was in a desperate posture of Saburo.

With his head tilted, Cai Ruichen's instinctive movements made Cai Ruichen easily avoid Shen's bone spurs. This kind of deep bone marrow reaction, without the burden of gravity, really did so.

And any evasion reaction is trained with countless bullets in the gravity room of the base.

Being able to avoid dense bullets, this allows every part of Cai Ruichen's body to avoid attacks from all directions at the fastest moment in the correct way.

Of course, this kind of training can only be completed by Cai Ruichen, otherwise, ordinary people may lose their lives with a single bullet.

And the effect of this kind of training results is extremely powerful instant resilience.

At this time, Cai Ruichen's physical coordination and reaction capabilities have reached a perfect level, but the attack power and speed are a bit otherwise Cai Ruichen is absolutely confident to have a real battle with the overlord.

As for the current state, it is completely enough to deal with a 7th-level mutant. At the moment when Cai Ruichen avoided the opponent's attack, his wounded right hand had already landed on the opponent's attacking right arm.

The whole process was completed in an instant, from Cai Ruichen's attack to the opponent, and then to the opponent's counterattack being countered. If it is a movie film, I am afraid that it will not even have three frames.

In this match, both of Shen's arms were interrupted by Cai Ruichen, and it was a comminuted fracture, not a simple fracture.

Because a fracture is not a wound to a mutant person at all, the bones on the mutant person's body are all as hard as steel, a real copper skin and iron bone.

Ordinary injuries have no effect at all for mutants.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen's moves were sharply targeted. The first place to interrupt was the bone connecting the opponent's shoulder and arm, and the second hit was the middle of the upper joint of the opponent's other arm.

Powerful power erupts at the attack point, even with alloy bones, Cai Ruichen has the ability to bend the opponent's bones.

What's more, no matter how hard bones are. Hard bones are also bones, not the toughness of alloys. Under tremendous strength, they are directly crushed.

When Shen fully reacted, both arms were completely unusable, and the high-level mutant body constitution of the painful nerves was gradually restored, making Shen felt a huge pain, and cold sweat overflowed on his forehead.

At this moment, he looked at Cai Ruichen's gaze, somewhat with a trace of fear.

Cai Ruichen did not pursue the victory, but asked: "Now can you answer the question I asked from the beginning?"

(To be continued.)

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