The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1633: The roots of the wasteland world


"Kill them."

Shen did not respond to Cai Ruichen's question, but shouted at the mutants behind him.

The group of fourth-level and fifth-level mutants standing behind them all rushed over without hesitation.

The original heads-up, immediately turned into a melee.

Cai Ruichen did not participate in the melee, these fourth- and fifth-level mutants could not be his opponents at all.

"This has no effect. You have two choices now, answer my question, or go to death right away." Cai Ruichen asked again, looking at Shen who had almost lost his resistance.

"I can't tell you anything." Shen's answer was still so firm, as if death was at home.

"Human methods have no effect on you, and I am not going to waste time on you." As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, she stretched out her hand and broke Shen's neck neatly.

The mutant can withstand all the criminal laws and various interrogation potions of human beings, and it has no effect on the mutant.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen did not intend to let the other party live.

After killing a seventh-level mutant, Cai Ruichen didn't feel happy.

Before setting off, he had a general understanding of his own strength, and it was completely expected to kill a seventh-level mutant.

It's just that he can't kill the seventh-level mutant in an instant, which shows that his strength is not as good as the eighth-level mutant.

The overlord is a metamorphic strength that can completely kill the eighth-level mutants in seconds. With this alone, Cai Ruichen knows that the gap between himself and the overlord is still huge.

Otherwise, such a seventh-level mutant would not be able to bring any wounds to himself.

The highest is a fifth-level mutant, and there is no suspense about the result of such a melee. After Qin Chen's transformation, one person killed the audience in seconds.

Everything has settled, a group of fourth-level mutants have been completely resolved, and the remaining fifth-level mutants have all been interrupted.

The fifth-level mutant has already been able to use the special information communication capabilities of the mutant, so if you apply for information, these fifth-level mutants should also understand.

It's just that none of these five-level mutants are willing to speak.

In the end, they are all solved directly.

"Commander, the mutants in the city, all surrounded here." The archer girl hero Fan Zhiyan glanced at the picture sent by the Hornet drone and reminded Cai Ruichen.

"Don't worry, let's go and take a look inside." Cai Ruichen didn't plan to leave like this, and said as he walked toward the city square in front of him.

At this time, Tan Ya chased up and said, "I will bandage you."

Cai Ruichen's injured palm has stopped bleeding, but his entire hand has been stained red with his own blood.

"No need, go in first." Cai Ruichen said without looking back.

The wound in the hand can slowly recover by itself, the blood will not continue to flow out, and there is no need for any bandaging.

Entering the mall, there is no electricity supply inside, but the huge glass roof at the top of the mall brings plenty of light into the mall.

After taking a look at the mall, Cai Ruichen walked directly towards the supermarket on the basement level.

In the underground supermarket, everything that originally belonged to the supermarket has been moved away, replaced by cribs.

This image made Cai Ruichen's expression extremely serious, and the original image of the headquarters in Bogey appeared in his mind again.

Obviously, this place was at least once a place for cultivating mutant babies.

Coming to the edge of a crib, Cai Ruichen lightly wiped the dust on his fingers.

"It seems that these cribs have not been used for a while, and there are no footprints in the dust on the ground. According to the thickness of the dust, this time is at least more than half a year." Tan Ya analyzed.

"There are 500 cribs here. It seems that the breeding efficiency of mutants is really not low." Qin Chen said.

"I guess more of them are children born from the combination of mutants and humans. After all, fifth-level mutants have the ability to reproduce offspring, and there are so many fifth-level mutants in Iran?" Wu Jie said.

"Anyway, when these little guys are all grown up, I am afraid it will be our biggest threat. The generation of mutants is stronger than the generation. I am afraid that even the tenth level mutants may appear by then." Qin Chen Said.

"Level ten is just an inference, which means that the mutants will completely repair all the defects and loopholes in their genes. However, even if it is a combination of two ninth-level mutants, it is difficult for the offspring to reach level ten. It is a community of pros and cons. Their genes have given them various abilities, but they have also lost the creativity of their brains." Wu Jie said.

"This may be another way. The neuronal organization of mutant people is different from There are naturally differences in thinking. Whether it is technology or other roads, the ultimate direction to the future is the same. Yes, that is to maintain the continuity of the race. If built on this point, mutants can still achieve their own perfection. This is a key direction of race evolution, and it is the most perfect for oneself." Qin Chen said.


Cai Ruichen didn't interrupt Wu Jie and Qin Chen's discussion. No one could say what the mutant would be like.

From a scientific point of view, although there are traces to follow, as a decision maker.

All Cai Ruichen's thinking methods are based on the overall perspective. In his opinion, mutant people call themselves the nation of gods, but Cai Ruichen thinks on the contrary that mutant people are actually just some people's experiments.

This is just a kind of intuition, a kind of intuition from a macro perspective. This kind of intuition makes Cai Ruichen's thinking very clear, without all kinds of subjective wills in it.

Because Cai Ruichen has learned some of the most unknown things in the world, the existence of base vehicles, the existence of overlords, the mysteriously spreading virus, and the wasteland where other vegetation does not grow, but is completely covered by a single vegetation.

These can explain too many problems.

The most important thing is that the base has repeatedly emphasized that the ultimate enemy, these all make Cai Ruichen have to think about the problem of why mutant people appear.

The Wasteland World was originally a very prosperous world, twenty years ahead of its own world in time, but obviously, these are two completely different worlds.

Once the virus that can destroy this world appears in its own world?

This is what Cai Ruichen has always worried about. Will this world be the same as the wasteland world in the future?

(To be continued.)

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