The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1637: The future that has to be careful


In peacetime, there is nothing wrong with going out and acting carefully, let alone a real cannibalistic society like wasteland.

All truths are controlled on the basis of strength, human beings use swords and me as fish, saying nothing is useless.

It is not difficult for the Red Police Corps to reach here. There are not many mutants in Iran, and they can also use peacekeeping transport aircraft to transport troops to nearby areas.

Once the other party has any ideas, Cai Ruichen will not be polite.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, it tends to be on the bright side. The vigilance of the other party is a normal response. There is no mandatory control intention, which is already considered super polite.

When the three Chinese Awakened passed through Iraq, Cai Ruichen also monitored the entire process. After rescuing the other party, he forced control of the other party and monitored the entire process until they left Iraq.

This kind of behavior is not to say that Cai Ruichen is making a fuss, but that the human mind is inherently unpredictable. The necessary caution and vigilance are indispensable for play.

And these weapons in front of them, it seems that they have rarely encountered such things, because ordinary people have no ability to carry out long-distance activities.

However, if Cai Ruichen knew that the other party actually suspected that he was a cannibal, so he would arrange personnel to be alert to his own truth, then Cai Ruichen really didn't know what to say.

In fact, Atdan didn't worry about anything at all. Atdan was too familiar with this land. There were a large number of mutants gathered around, only the road in the middle had been safely opened.

The other party came from the west, and could only continue east along this road, passing by the Taliban survivor base.

In a word, it is difficult to fly over this area even with wings.

The most important thing is that the Taliban mountain area in Afghanistan is definitely the world of the Taliban's security base. There was not much population in that place. When the catastrophe broke out, the mutants who had just appeared were all killed.

In terms of the environment of the catastrophe, the mountainous area controlled by the Taliban is indeed the least affected place by mutants.

The most important point is that for regions with strong beliefs, they will unite without hesitation in the face of common disasters.

This allowed the Taliban organization to quickly gather together after the catastrophe broke out, and to establish contact with the Taliban bases in various places.

Occupying the forests far away from mutants, this allowed the Taliban organization to quickly develop tremendously and have a good foundation.

This point is incomparable to many countries. Years of war have given this nation great resilience and ability to adapt to disasters, and it surpasses many other nations.

Of course, the xenophobic characteristics of this nation have not changed.

These are what Cai Ruichen can imagine, and some of them were learned through the three awakened people of China.

It's just that Cai Ruichen doesn't know much, and many things are inferred from common sense.

But one thing is certain, human beings do not live well in this world.

Even in the face of a unique geographical advantage or national resilience, they are vulnerable to disasters that far exceed their own strength.

The Taliban survivor base also has a large number of threats to itself. Being close to the city is a threat to mutants, but in the mountains, it is mutant creatures.

Here in the Middle East, there are not many mutant creatures. In addition to the power of mutants, mutant creatures often become the rations for mutants.

But in the mountains, where there are more mutant creatures than mutant people, the mutant people are the food for the mutant creatures.

And the overlord also said that the wasteland world is far more than the corner that Cai Ruichen saw, it's huge outside, and the world is not what Cai Ruichen saw in the Middle East.

This is why Cai Ruichen really wants to go out for a walk. Without a world view, it is impossible to really formulate future development plans.

Otherwise, the Red Police Corps will not always defend Iraq in the wasteland world and know nothing about it, which means that there are many things and plans that cannot be formulated and implemented.

Ordinary soldiers, Cai Ruichen does not want to see too many sacrifices, and wants to swim. In this world, only the strong are qualified.

As a military commander, Cai Ruichen doesn't really like personal heroism, but the wasteland needs more heroes and more powerful men to lead ordinary people out of the predicament.

The era of the wasteland needs a hero too much, and an absolute powerhouse, surpassing all power systems in the wasteland world.

Whenever there is such an idea, Cai Ruichen's mind will appear as the overlord.

In his opinion, the overlord is definitely a legend, there is no doubt about this.

Cai Ruichen believes that his imaginable overlord can definitely be Obviously, the overlord looks like a game world, but he has a lot of ideas.

Even the overlord needs to plan. What's more, Cai Ruichen is 100% sure that the overlord must be the commander of the local base vehicle in Wasteland. In his eyes, a strong and almost invincible existence, facing the eighth-level mutants casually The guy who can kill in seconds, and has another base vehicle, behaves so carefully and wants to unite with him.

Obviously, the enemy he knew and faced was far more dangerous than he thought.

The current overlord's helplessness and no change in the wasteland pattern are enough to explain too many problems.

As the commander of another base, these are issues that Cai Ruichen has to consider. The responsibilities he shoulders are too heavy. The supreme worship of the Red Police Corps puts him under pressure.

"Commander, they started to move."

Just when Cai Ruichen was stunned, Zhao Long whispered in his ear.

Through the cameras on the truck, Cai Ruichen also saw the Taliban armored regiment unfolding outside the city of Mashhad.

Obviously this is not the first time the armored regiment under Atdan has come to this place. When the troops approached Mashhad, all the combat vehicles were in an orderly formation.

With four main battle tanks and a dozen armored vehicles as the main attack core, all armed off-road vehicles cooperate closely, and a standard fire strike network is arranged outside the city of Mashhad.

To deal with mutants, only two points need to be considered, one is that firepower must not be wasted, and the second is that it cannot be surrounded by mutants.

Based on these two points, the firepower configuration is quite critical, and the protection of the left and right wings is also essential.

(To be continued.)

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