The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1638: Taliban's tactical loopholes

"What do you think of the opposing team's arrangement and arrangement?"

Cai Ruichen took a look, had already deployed the Taliban troops, and asked Zhao Long.

Zhao Long is a hero of the regular army of the Red Police Corps and a veteran hero in the Red Police Corps. Zhao Long is responsible for most of the ground operations against Israel and the US military in Iran, and has always been appreciated by Cai Ruichen.

A good general must have a strategic vision beyond battlefield tactics. Although each hero of the Red Police Corps has his own focus and no one is perfect, he is good at control and good at himself. Absolute grasp of ability.

"There is nothing to say. The traditional formation of attacking mutants has a blank space for firepower in the middle, the cross firepower net with the most effective stroke, heavy equipment, comprehensive firepower coverage, and it can hit most areas of the battlefield point-to-point. With firepower, and with excellent soldiers, it is difficult for Level 4 mutants to get close."

Having said that, Zhao Long’s voice turned and continued: “It’s just that this configuration is still too simple. If our troops complete the same task, then I will deploy at least twelve points of long-range sniping on the periphery. The artillery is designed to attack fourth-level mutants and even fifth-level mutants.

And the formation in front of me, in my opinion, when facing a powerful mutant, it is too dangerous, it may be broken a little, causing the entire line to collapse. "

Hearing Zhao Long's words, Cai Ruichen nodded. This was the same as he thought, except that where the sniper guns, the Taliban armed forces in front of them, can be arranged like this, they are already an elite of all warriors.

It is definitely a force that has grown up in constant battle with mutants, otherwise, when facing mutants for the first time, there would never be such a targeted deployment.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also watched a little more, that is, the opponent’s heavy firepower is too low. Although the four main battle tanks can explode with good lethality, when facing a large number of mutants, the four are definitely a bit powerless. .

Although the artillery units at the rear can also provide certain firepower support, it is also difficult to meet the heavy firepower demand on the battlefield.

The Red Police Corps has also perfected a set of targeted tactics in the battle against mutants. This set of tactics is as small as company-level troops attacking the villages where mutants gather, or as large as joint group forces attacking mutants in large cities. can be used.

In the experience of the Red Police Corps fighting mutants time and time again, the biggest problem dealing with mutants is how to deal with mutants above the fourth level.

The defensive power of the fourth-level mutant is similar to that of the third-level mutant, and the same as the fifth- and sixth-level mutants.

Therefore, it can kill the weapon of the fourth-level mutant, and once it hits the target, it can also kill the fifth and sixth-level mutants.

The large-scale operations of the Red Police Corps rely on the strength of the team. If you want to find mutants above level 4 in a complex battlefield, and then transmit them to specialized firepower points with almost zero delay, you need a set of efficient An intelligent system to connect every node on the battlefield.

Every soldier in the Red Police Corps, every chariot, every UAV or automatic combat robot is a node in the battlefield.

Through the data link system of the battlefield, the sniper units deployed on the battlefield can receive the position and information of all intermediate mutants on the battlefield in the first time, and even visually present graphics, battlefield positions, distance analysis, and ballistic calculation of sniper artillery. Abandoned wife's affair


In other words, once a Level 4 mutant appears on the battlefield and is already approaching an area threatening frontline troops, as long as it is a detection sensor on an individual soldier or a detection sensor device on any battlefield, it can This data will be sent out as soon as possible, received and communicated to the sniper unit.

The sniper unit of the Red Police Corps on the battlefield is a separate army, and every combatant in it is an elite of the sniper unit of the Red Police Corps.

In order to be able to kill the fourth-level mutants, ordinary heavy snipers have no effect at all, and the sniper gun weapon module in the base armored unit is their best choice.

The sniper gun module, derived from the technological artillery of the base defense unit, is a professional sniper weapon with a caliber ranging from 20 mm to 35 mm.

The biggest feature of this weapon is that it has the performance characteristics of all sniper rifles, and far exceeds all the performance of sniper rifles.

In terms of power, it was already comparable to Natasha's Black Star.

Of course, after all, sniper guns are not individual firearms. They must be placed on vehicles or fixed positions. The lightest weight of a sniper gun is 600 to 700 kilograms, which is not usable by individual soldiers.

It is very impractical for Zhao Long to use the vision of the Red Police Corps to evaluate the Taliban.

I am afraid that in the world of Wasteland, apart from that overlord, few countries can retain a complete industrial and military system.

In the discussion between Cai Ruichen and Zhao Long, the mutants in Mashhad have all come out.

Before Cai Ruichen and others made a fuss, the mutants in Mashhad had already begun to agitate.

Through the panoramic camera on the car, Cai Ruichen has seen several fourth-level mutants in succession.

At the same time, in the Taliban fighting force, Atdan also received news that made him very surprised.

The troop has just unfolded, and the mutant inside has already come out before the noise is released, and there are still a large number of fourth-level mutants among the mutants.

This gave Atdan a very bad premonition. He immediately thought of Cai Ruichen and others. There must be an incentive for this abnormal behavior.

But now Atdan didn’t have time to think too much. The troops launched a battle formation, and a large number of mutants had come out, and there was only one road to retreat. He wanted to transform into a retreat formation and attacked by the opponent’s fourth-level mutants. Down is not enough.

"Order the battle and start the battle according to the original plan." Atdan knew very well that retreating would definitely die worse. Once a mutant starts fighting, it is not a slow tortoise.


"These Taliban troops may suffer, Commander, do we want to help?" Tan Ya also leaned forward and asked Cai Ruichen.

"It's okay." Cai Ruichen thought for a moment, nodded, and said to the sniper hero Tang Zuwang and Natasha in the car: "Then come with my sniper rifle, and you two will follow me on the roof."

Both of them nodded and opened the equipment cabinet on the car. Tang Zuwang took out a sniper rifle almost the length of his own, and four magazines, and handed it to Cai Ruichen. (To be continued.)

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