The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1639: Help the Taliban

Several people with their weapons and equipment got out of the car, and a group of Taliban soldiers on the side of the car surrounded them, and a person who should be the leading officer came over.

"You can't leave this position right now

. "

Cai Ruichen was wearing gloves, covering the wound on the palm of his hand, carrying a sniper rifle, and said, "We just want to help. Believe me, I'm afraid you will be on the battlefield later. If you don't worry, you can follow along."

After Cai Ruichen finished speaking, he walked directly to the three-story building on the side of the road. The officer in charge did not stop him when he heard the words. He just waved his hand and brought some of the soldiers and followed Cai Ruichen and the others.

Atdan's order was to shut them down, but if the other party was willing to help, it was within the controllable range and there was no way to refuse.

The most important thing is that this officer has been attracted by the equipment carried by Cai Ruichen and others.

In particular, the sniper rifle on Cai Ruichen's body looks like a solo sniper gun with a caliber of 25 mm. This type of sniper gun is also equipped with very little by the US Army.

It just doesn't seem to be so long. The length of the barrel alone is estimated to be almost 1.5 meters.

And seeing that the three people with weapons were all sniper rifles, the officer basically believed the other party.

Passing through the dusty house, a group of people came directly to the top of the building. The building along the road, this one is the tallest, but only has five floors.

When Cai Ruichen and the others came to the top of the building, they also clearly saw the entire battlefield, and the battle had already begun. On the battlefield not far away, there were loud gunshots and the roar of mutants one after another.

"Don't disturb us." Cai Ruichen instructed the Taliban troops who followed, and then immediately began to arrange sniper positions.

Among the six people who came up together, Al Yessel was the observer for Tang Zuwang, Tanya with the turban as the observer for Natasha, who also wore the turban, and Cai Ruichen with Boris as his observer.

Such a combination can be called the three super sniper teams of the Red Police Corps, and Tang Zuwang and Natasha naturally need not say much.

After recruiting Natasha, Cai Ruichen has been learning tactics and strategic sniping with Natasha, and has almost reached the point where the blue is better than the blue.

It’s just that he needs to be used at all times. Cai Ruichen’s first actual combat was on the side of the road back to Marin from Baghdad, and the second time was when he was in full control of Marin, with Natasha’s twins in the future hospital. Above the building, the armed groups in Marin Town were killed.

The other time was during the capture of Mozabi County, Cai Ruichen used a sniper rifle to kill mutants on the fence.

And this time it was the fourth actual combat, and it was also the first time to use a sniper rifle to kill mutants remotely.

"Starting to prepare for target sequencing."

Three snipers, Tang Zuwang, Cai Ruichen, and Natasha, occupied three corners on the roof, and their guns were all aimed at the mutants on the battlefield.

And the Taliban soldiers behind them all said nothing. The professionalism of the other party left them speechless. What's more, they really wanted to help their comrades in arms, otherwise, there was no chance of giving their backs to themselves.

Seeing the six people in front of him, the Taliban officer, it was already certain that the other party was definitely not a cannibal.

And the battlefield not far away made this Taliban officer look worried.

He has been here several times, and this is the first time he has seen so many mutants appear. Outside the city of Mashhad, they are all mutants, and most of them are second- or third-level mutants. You can even see the rebirth of the figure of the fourth-level mutant


The hands holding the binoculars trembled slightly, which was uncontrollable. After a few tremors, although an armored regiment was very lethal, it was quite dangerous to face so many mutants.

Under the intensive firepower, the mutants' speed was very fast. Pieces of ordinary mutants fell down, and they did not stop the mutants behind.

In addition, a large number of third-level mutants also threw ordinary mutants directly in front of the line of fire, which made the long-range firepower point a little intermittently blank.

As for the soldiers on the attacking position, although they are very cooperative in clearing the fallen ordinary mutants, there are too many third-level mutants on the other side, and the clearance speed is a bit unable to keep up.

The level of strength determines the mode and process.

If it was just a group of ordinary mutants, the firepower configuration of an armored regiment would be quite easy to fight.

But with the existence of third-level mutants, the situation is a little different.

The mutant's tactics are very simple, but based on the level of strength, it is not very easy to deal with.

On the third floor, the three observers have begun to sort their the target direction is ten o'clock, the distance is 2,400 meters, the fourth-level mutant. "The first target position Boris reported to Cai Ruichen was a fourth-level mutant close to the battlefield within a kilometer.

And he only needs to report the target location, wind speed, humidity, gravity, these factors, Boris does not need to consider Cai Ruichen.

When Boris said the position, Cai Ruichen's muzzle had been turned, the distance was also locked, and the fourth-level mutant mentioned by Boris was instantly found.

The quasi-center is locked, the finger pulls the trigger to the point of force, the breathing rhythm is controlled, and the shot is fired without hesitation.

With the sound of gunfire, Cai Ruichen's sniper rifle could not see the slightest flame on the muzzle, and the bullet was already out of the chamber.

Almost as soon as the trigger was pulled, the head of the fourth-level mutant on the scope had exploded.

At a distance of 2,400 meters, the bullet arrived almost instantaneously. The initial velocity of this bullet is simply unreasonable.

Even Cai Ruichen didn't calculate the amount of advance, and the Level 4 mutant who was still on the move had already been killed.

Regarding all the factors that affect the trajectory of bullets, such as wind speed and humidity, Cai Ruichen's aiming system on the sniper rifle can be adjusted in real time, automatically calculate the target, automatically calculate all factors affecting the trajectory, and adjust the preparation in real time.

Even an ordinary person without system training can use such a sniper rifle.

Of course, it is not so simple to use it well.

Natasha and Tang Zuwang also all shot one after another, and the fourth-level mutants on the battlefield were all killed in one shot.

This made the Taliban officer on the top of the building almost unable to hold the telescope in his hand, looking at Cai Ruichen and the others, it was as if they were looking at aliens.

(To be continued.)

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