The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1640: Super shocking killing show


Mutant people are always a nightmare for people in the wasteland world.

Even the veterans who came back from the battlefield again and again could hardly get rid of the fear of mutants.

Ordinary mutants look hideous, Level 2 mutants are not afraid of the bullets of pistols and ordinary rifles, and Level 3 mutants are able to dismantle armored vehicles and tanks with their bare hands. Relatively weaker than human bodies, they are like gods.

In eight years, human beings are adapting to this kind of life. Although the continuation of human beings in the future may be nothing but hope, only by living can they have hope. This is the fundamental belief that supports the tenacious survival of human beings in the wasteland world.

But after all, humans are limited, and most of them just struggle with death every day.

Just like a troop that needs to go out every day to collect supplies, every time it goes out, it's a journey to hell.

This is relatively fair to most humans in the world.

Every battle is like fighting a demon, and the horror of mutants has penetrated into every soldier's heart.

But like the scene before them, the scenes of third-level or even fourth-level mutants were easily killed, and they were all seeing it for the first time.

The farthest distance from the battlefield is already more than three kilometers. At this distance, the bullet is floating, and it is also an arc-shaped trajectory with a certain angle.

The sniper distance of two thousand two hundred meters is already a matter of God's will, because the bullet takes two or three seconds to fly, and the two or three seconds of time, due to the influence of various factors, the trajectory will deviate at any time.

What's more, the target is not forbidden to move fixed targets. In this case, and the sniper distance of the three snipers in front of them is basically more than 2500 meters, and they have achieved no bullets. A bullet failed.

In just a few minutes, all the Taliban soldiers on the roof couldn't help holding their breath. The three of Cai Ruichen had already killed almost all the fourth-level mutants on the road.

The whole process went smoothly, facing super long-range snipers, those fourth-level mutants were as vulnerable as tofu.

This made the Taliban members behind all feel that everything seemed to be dreaming.

"Thank you for going to the car to help us get a few boxes of bombs, and by the way help us press into the magazine." After replacing the last prepared magazine, Cai Ruichen said to the Taliban soldier behind him without looking back.

The Taliban officer who led the team at the back didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​rejection, and didn't even make any thoughts. He nodded immediately and ordered a soldier to go down and get the bullet. The whole process was very natural, as if it was an order from a superior.

When the officer reacted, he also knew his inner feelings, which was worship. If the three snipers in front of him were all his comrades in arms, then the battle against mutants would be much easier. .

At this moment, the officer also remembered that there was a confident smile on everyone's face that shouldn't exist in this world.

This is a group of masters, veritable masters.

This is the firmest idea of ​​the Taliban officer at this moment. If you are not a master, how can you dare to venture out at will? This is the realm of the real strong.

At the same time, the officer also thought of another term, that is, the awakened, which is a group of people called hope among human beings.

But unfortunately, among all the survivors in the world, there are more than 30 awakened ones.

As for the entire Middle East world, there is not a single one, and more concentrated in Asia and Europe.

Of course, this is only heard, because no one knows what the awakened people look like, but one thing is that the awakened people are not worried about being infected by the virus at all.

Is it just that these people are awakened?

He thought about it for a while and was not sure. It was said that the Awakened did not use any weapons, and they possessed super strength. The grown-up Awakened could even single out the 7th-level mutant, which is the core of individual strength in each country. It is also the best hope for the survival of the nation.

Therefore, unless there is a mission, the awakened person basically does not go out. Last time I heard that an awakened person from Russia lost contact during the mission.

At that time, the Russian base also sent a large number of troops out to search, and came to the Taliban base for several inquiries, but in the end it was not found. After a year-long search, the Russian base finally had to give up.

It can be inferred from this that the awakened are all national treasures, and their research value and future research on the value of mankind will be invaluable.

In fact, the Taliban have also collected information on awakened people from various countries. All military officers know that they should avoid conflicts and accidents when they go out.

It's just that the information is not complete. Only the awakened people in several nearby countries have learned something. However, based on the intelligence in this information, the Taliban officer can be sure that none of these people in front of him is.

The awakened person is not like, it may come from a certain big power, and this is absolutely certain.

This can be clearly seen from the four super trucks that the opponent rides, as well as the weaponry and sniper level in his hands.

Tens of thousands of people in the entire Taliban base also collected countless materials and industries nearby, and finally basically restored the production capacity of military and basic industries.

But if it is to research and develop powerful weapons and equipment, it is very difficult. The first is weapon experts and related talents. The Taliban were inherently inadequate, and now they are in short supply.

The forces that can have industries and talents to develop new types of equipment are basically world-class powers in peacetime and developed military-industrial countries.

It is a pity that the Taliban are none of these. They are just a guerrilla organization. It is very lucky to be able to barely survive until now.

Regardless of whether it is the truck on the road or the sniper rifle in the hands of these people, they have never seen it before, and the power is very terrifying, obviously, it is to kill those high-level mutants at a long distance.

In this era, a good sniper rifle, combined with an excellent sniper, is absolutely indispensable in the army.

In the entire Taliban, the best sniper rifles are also a few Barrett heavy snipers obtained from the US military camp. However, Barrett’s bullets were not produced by the Taliban. Later, they bought a batch from Russia at a high price. The heavy sniper rifle was barely able to deal with the more advanced mutants.

But I have to say that, compared to the three people in front of them, these three look completely custom-made sniper rifles. This is simply the difference between free players and local tyrant players. They are all in the sky and the underground.

(To be continued.)

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