The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1641: Win the game

After Atdan took action from Cai Ruichen and others, he immediately noticed the changes on the battlefield.

Those four-level mutants who had kept him extremely vigilant were headshot as soon as they appeared, which greatly eased the pressure on the battlefield.

This made Atdan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but who was helping himself?

In fact, you don’t need to think too much about this question. It’s definitely not his own soldiers. Atdan knows how capable his own soldiers are.


The snipers in the regiment have no such ability at all to accurately sniper and kill the moving fourth-level mutants.

In this neighborhood, the only outsiders are the so-called travelers.

"No matter who it is, I have accepted this favor."

Atdan did not ask anyone to go to the rear to check, because it was completely unnecessary.

Originally, in this battle, he was ready to lose at least one third of his troops, but now, as long as the fixed-point clearance firepower in the rear can continue, Atdan is confident that this will be an extremely easy battle.

A few minutes later, the fourth-level mutants were completely invisible, and the tanks and armored vehicle rapid-fire guns at the core of the firepower were completely released.

"Heavy firepower focused on the third-level mutants, and the artillery troops intensively attacked the third-level mutants behind the mutants. Don't save me bullets." Atdan noticed the changes in the power situation on the battlefield, and decisively issued a new statement. The command.

For short-distance communication, the Taliban's communication equipment is naturally incomparable with bases. Even in a short distance, it is difficult to achieve complete wireless communication.

Therefore, most commands are transmitted through semaphores.

Outside the command vehicle, several semaphore soldiers began to pass orders to the surrounding troops.

The close coordination immediately changed the rhythm on the battlefield, and was always looking for opportunities to kill the key firepower of the fourth-level mutants, and began to add area-type damage to the mutants.

The artillery and rocket artillery in the rear also began to bombard the third-level mutant behind the mutant.

At the same time, on the four-story building in the rear, Cai Ruichen's three sniper targets began to become free shooting.

Cai Ruichen is responsible for the area close to the Taliban’s line of fire, focusing on attacking those third-level mutants who are about to approach the fire. As for the second-level mutants, the heavy machine guns on the Taliban off-road vehicles are equipped with armor-piercing bullets and second-level mutations. People can't resist.

As Cai Ruichen's three snipers fully deployed, behind them, six Taliban soldiers kept pressing bullets into the magazine.

It's not that simple to push a large bullet into the magazine, it needs a lot of force.

Therefore, only two people are responsible for pressing a bullet to a sniper to meet the high-frequency shooting needs of three snipers.

However, the effect of this high-frequency shooting is quite amazing.

At this moment, when the Taliban soldiers on the top of the building looked at these three people, their eyes were obviously admiring.

It turns out that killing high-level mutants is so simple, it turns out that there are really a few people who can change a war.

However, the battle did not end soon, and almost all the mutants in Mashhad were provoked.

A large number of mutants still put tremendous pressure on these Taliban troops.

The most important thing is the consumption of ammunition. This is a very critical issue. Once the ammunition is insufficient, the mutant can drive in for a long time. At that time, none of the Taliban soldiers on the front will be able to run away and remember what my name is.


But this is Cai Ruichen's inability to change. He has tried his best to help the Taliban soldiers in front of him. As for whether he can successfully win this war, it is not his control here.

The battle lasted for nearly 30 minutes, and the number of mutants still seemed to be so large, but those third-level mutants were running out.

On the top of the four-storey small building in the sniper position, there was a bullet shell that had fallen from the ground. Cai Ruichen, Natasha, and Tang Zuwang each killed at least three or four hundred key targets on average, and none of them was level 3. Below the mutant.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also felt fortunate for these Taliban troops that the most difficult special mutant creatures did not appear.

If there is something like the Big Roshan under Qianhe's command, or a slug-type special mutant creature that has fought before, then there is no need to fight in this battle, and Cai Ruichen will definitely leave such a ghost place as soon as possible.

If there is another lizard monster under the curse, Cai Ruichen can only fight, because the speed of the lizard monster can't escape unless it is by plane.

Fortunately, Bane is not here, or in other words, the lizard monsters under Bane has been killed in the last battle.

In a city like Mashhad that was basically abandoned, too much power was reserved.

Otherwise, in this war, I am afraid that even if all the forces of the Taliban base gather, there is a way and possibility to deal with it.

And those special mutant creatures are simply not something that personal power can contend. Cai Ruichen doesn’t know if the overlord can do anything, but he knows very well that unless he has a handy weapon, he is not a super-big opponent at all. .

The reason why Cai Ruichen did his utmost to build Qianhe's Big Meat Mountain is to control the barbarians with barbarians and restrain the special mutant creatures of other mutants.

The gradually evolved Big Roshan, combined with the increase in combat power brought about by technology, the destructive power can be described as terror.

Of course, Cai Ruichen still has a back player, that is, three Super MiGs, and all three Super MiGs are currently on standby in the Wasteland World.

As long as Cai Ruichen is willing, three Super MiGs can come to support the first time.

Although the strong electromagnetic pulses pervading the wasteland can paralyze a large number of avionics, the Super MiG is extremely resistant to electromagnetic interference, and there is no problem in autonomous driving operations.

There are three Super MiGs that can be supported at any time, which can be regarded as Cai Ruichen's hole cards and backing when he is out.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, Cai Ruichen does not make fun of his life, nor does he make unprepared risks.

When there were no third-level mutants or fourth-level mutants on the battlefield, Cai Ruichen also put away his sniper rifle, and at the same time received several loaded magazines, planning to evacuate the battlefield.

Natasha and Tang Zuwang also put away their sniper rifles, there is no third-level mutant, there is no three of them, the battle will not be much different.

"On behalf of our regiment and the entire armored regiment, thank you all for your help." The Taliban officer who led the team solemnly said to the three. (To be continued.)

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